403 research outputs found

    X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of nickel and nickel-base alloy surface alterations in simulated hot corrosion conditions with emphasis on eventual application to turbine blade corrosion

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    Research on the high temperature oxidation and Na2SO4 induced hot corrosion of some nickel base superalloys was accomplished by using ESCA to determine the surface composition of the oxidized or corroded samples. Oxidation was carried out at 900 or 1000 C in slowly flowing O2 for samples of B-1900, NASA-TRW VIA, 713C, and IN-738. Oxidation times ranged from 0.5 to 100 hr. Hot corrosion of B-1900 was induced applying a coating of Na2SO4 to peroxidized samples, the heating to 900 C in slowly flowing O2. For oxidized samples, the predominant type of scale formed by each superalloy was determined, and a marked surface enrichment of Ti was found in each case. For corroded samples, the transfer of significant amounts of material from the oxide layer to the surface of the salt layer was observed to occur long before the onset of accelerating weight-gain. Changes in surface composition were observed to coincide with the beginning of accelerating corrosion, the most striking of which was a tenfold decrease in the sulfur to sodium ration and an increase in the Cr(VI) ratio

    A Domain Decomposition Preconditioner for Hermite Collocation Problems

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    We propose a preconditioning method for linear systems of equations arising from piecewise Hermite bicubic collocation applied to two dimensional elliptic PDEs with mixed boundary conditions. We construct an efficient, parallel preconditioner for the GMRES method. The main contribution of the paper is a novel interface preconditioner derived in the framework of substructuring and employing a local Hermite collocation discretization for the interface subproblems based on a hybrid fine-coarse mesh. Interface equations based on this mesh depend only weakly on unknowns associated with subdomains. The effectiveness of the proposed method is highlighted by numerical experiments that cover a variety of problems


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    The research is carried out to improve passenger’s comfort to increase the vehicles stability in dynamic conditions. The literature available in the automotive engineering considers different topics for studying suspensions. An example represents mechanisms structure and analysis (synthesis, kinematics, and dynamics) under various operating conditions. These aspects have been approached before analytically, numerical. The current paper studies the influence of the lateral force on the contact patch of the wheel and the corresponding variations of vehicle stability parameters, such as camber angle and wheel rear track. The study is performed for a newer innovative rear suspensions mechanism which does not have a wheel track and camber angle variation, relative to the chassis, when the suspension components was considered rigid. A numerical solution is obtained through a virtual model on several commercial codes: MSC Adams, Patran, Nastran. Concerning the analysed parametes, their variation increases as the applied force is increased. Moreover, the largest variation corresponds to the case were elastic bushings and deformable links are considered

    From AADL Model to LNT Specification

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    The verification of distributed real-time systems designed by architectural languages such as AADL (Architecture Analysis and Design Language) is a research challenge. These systems are often used in safety- critical domains where one mistake can result in physical damages and even life loss. In such domains, formal methods are a suitable solution for rigorous analysis. This paper studies the formal verification of distributed real-time systems modelled with AADL. We transform AADL model to another specification formalism enabling the verification. We choose LNT language which is an input to CADP toolbox for formal analysis. Then, we illustrate our approach with the ”Flight Control System” case study


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    The topic addressed is a computer-aided design (CAD) method combined with computer-aided engineering (CAE) used in the analysis of choosing the optimal constructive variant of the distribution device used in pneumatic machines for weeding plant sowing. The CAD configurations, realized by the 3D parametric modeling using the SolidWorks program, were subjected to structural analysis (von Mises equivalent stress distribution, relative displacement field distribution and safety factor). Based on the resulting data, the mass/resistance coefficient for the 3 analyzed configurations were determined. The comparison of these indicators led to the choice of the optimal constructive variant, namely the most efficient one


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    The paper presents firstly an introduction discussing: the problem’s statement emphasizing the actual problem of research of passenger car suspension to improve driving comfort and dynamic of the vehicle movement; aspects regarding the studies of car suspension mechanisms; the paper’s aims and objectives showing that a new configuration of suspension mechanism having in structure mobile frame and an actuator offering some important operational advantages is proposed. After this, the innovative concept is presented. The motions of mechanism elements and actuator and kinematic displacements are largely presented. The simulation using modern software (MSC Patran 2007, MD R2 Nastran and MSC ADAMS/View) accentuates the actuality of the results, which are presented and discussed for an application. Final conclusions are given

    Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy: An experimentally accessible paradigm for quantum computing

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    We present experimental results which demonstrate that nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is capable of efficiently emulating many of the capabilities of quantum computers, including unitary evolution and coherent superpositions, but without attendant wave-function collapse. Specifically, we have: (1) Implemented the quantum XOR gate in two different ways, one using Pound-Overhauser double resonance, and the other using a spin-coherence double resonance pulse sequence; (2) Demonstrated that the square root of the Pound-Overhauser XOR corresponds to a conditional rotation, thus obtaining a universal set of gates; (3) Devised a spin-coherence implementation of the Toffoli gate, and confirmed that it transforms the equilibrium state of a four-spin system as expected; (4) Used standard gradient-pulse techniques in NMR to equalize all but one of the populations in a two-spin system, so obtaining the pseudo-pure state that corresponds to |00>; (5) Validated that one can identify which basic pseudo-pure state is present by transforming it into one-spin superpositions, whose associated spectra jointly characterize the state; (6) Applied the spin-coherence XOR gate to a one-spin superposition to create an entangled state, and confirmed its existence by detecting the associated double-quantum coherence via gradient-echo methods.Comment: LaTeX + epsfig + amsmath packages, 27 pages, 12 figures, to appear in Physica D; revision updates list of authors and reference

    Black Sea coastal forecasting system

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    The Black Sea coastal nowcasting and forecasting system was built within the framework of EU FP6 ECOOP (European COastalshelf sea OPerational observing and forecasting system) project for five regions: the south-western basin along the coasts of Bulgaria and Turkey, the north-western shelf along the Romanian and Ukrainian coasts, coastal zone around of the Crimea peninsula, the north-eastern Russian coastal zone and the coastal zone of Georgia. The system operates in the real-time mode during the ECOOP project and afterwards. The forecasts include temperature, salinity and current velocity fields. Ecosystem model operates in the off-line mode near the Crimea coast

    Algebraic Principles for Rely-Guarantee Style Concurrency Verification Tools

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    We provide simple equational principles for deriving rely-guarantee-style inference rules and refinement laws based on idempotent semirings. We link the algebraic layer with concrete models of programs based on languages and execution traces. We have implemented the approach in Isabelle/HOL as a lightweight concurrency verification tool that supports reasoning about the control and data flow of concurrent programs with shared variables at different levels of abstraction. This is illustrated on two simple verification examples
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