1,743 research outputs found

    The X-ray light curve of Gamma-ray bursts: clues to the central engine

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    We present the analysis of a large sample of gamma-ray burst (GRB) X-ray light curves in the rest frame to characterise their intrinsic properties in the context of different theoretical scenarios. We determine the morphology, time scales, and energetics of 64 long GRBs observed by \emph{Swift}/XRT \emph{without} flaring activity. We furthermore provide a one-to-one comparison to the properties of GRBs \emph{with} X-ray flares. We find that the steep decay morphology and its connection with X-ray flares favour a scenario in which a central engine origin. We show that this scenario can also account for the shallow decay phase, provided that the GRB progenitor star has a self-similar structure with a constant envelope-to-core mass ratio 0.020.03\sim 0.02-0.03. However, difficulties arise for very long duration (tp104t_p\gtrsim10^4 s) shallow phases. Alternatively, a spinning-down magnetar whose emitted power refreshes the forward shock can quantitatively account for the shallow decay properties. In particular we demonstrate that this model can account for the plateau luminosity vs. end time anticorrelation.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    On the average Gamma-Ray Burst X-ray flaring activity

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    Gamma-ray burst X-ray flares are believed to mark the late time activity of the central engine. We compute the temporal evolution of the average flare luminosity in the common rest frame energy band of 44 GRBs taken from the large \emph{Swift} 5-years data base. Our work highlights the importance of a proper consideration of the threshold of detection of flares against the contemporaneous continuous X-ray emission. In the time interval 30st2.7±0.130 \rm{s}\propto t^{-2.7\pm 0.1}; this implies that the flare isotropic energy scaling is Eiso,flaret1.7E_{\rm{iso,flare}}\propto t^{-1.7}. The decay of the continuum underlying the flare emission closely tracks the average flare luminosity evolution, with a typical flare to steep-decay luminosity ratio which is Lflare/Lsteep=4.7L_{\rm{flare}}/L_{\rm{steep}}=4.7: this suggests that flares and continuum emission are deeply related to one another. We infer on the progenitor properties considering different models. According to the hyper-accreting black hole scenario, the average flare luminosity scaling can be obtained in the case of rapid accretion (tacctt_{\rm{acc}}\ll t) or when the last \sim 0.5 M_{\sun} of the original 14 M_{\sun} progenitor star are accreted. Alternatively, the steep t2.7\propto t^{-2.7} behaviour could be triggered by a rapid outward expansion of an accretion shock in the material feeding a convective disk. If instead we assume the engine to be a rapidly spinning magnetar, then its rotational energy can be extracted to power a jet whose luminosity is likely to be between the monopole (Le2tL\propto e^{-2t}) and dipole (Lt2L\propto t^{-2}) cases. In both scenarios we suggest the variability, which is the main signature of the flaring activity, to be established as a consequence of different kinds of instabilities.Comment: MNRAS accepte

    Gamma-Ray Burst long lasting X-ray flaring activity

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    In this paper we shed light on late time (i.e. with peak time t_{pk} \gtrsim 1000 s) flaring activity. We address the morphology and energetic of flares in the window \sim 10^3-10^6 s to put constraints on the temporal evolution of the flare properties and to identify possible differences in the mechanism producing the early and late time flaring emission, if any. This requires the complete understanding of the observational biases affecting the detection of X-ray flares superimposed on a fading continuum at t > 1000 s. We consider all the Swift GRBs that exhibit late time flares. Our sample consists of 36 flares, 14 with redshift measurements. We inherit the strategy of data analysis from Chincarini et al. (2010) in order to make a direct comparison with the early time flare properties. The morphology of the flare light curve is the same for both early time and late time flares, while they differ energetically. The width of late time flares increases with time similarly to the early time flares. Simulations confirmed that the increase of the width with time is not due to the decaying statistics, at least up to 10^4 s. The energy output of late time flares is one order of magnitude lower than the early time flare one, being \sim 1% E_{prompt}. The evolution of the peak luminosity as well as the distribution of the peak flux-to-continuum ratio for late time flares indicate that the flaring emission is decoupled from the underlying continuum, differently from early time flares/steep decay. A sizable fraction of late time flares are compatible with afterglow variability. The internal shock origin seems the most promising explanation for flares. However, some differences that emerge between late and early time flares suggest that there could be no unique explanation about the nature of late time flares.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Lag-luminosity relation in gamma-ray burst X-ray flares: a direct link to the prompt emission

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    The temporal and spectral analysis of 9 bright X-ray flares out of a sample of 113 flares observed by Swift reveals that the flare phenomenology is strictly analogous to the prompt gamma-ray emission: high energy flare profiles rise faster, decay faster and peak before the low energy emission. However, flares and prompt pulses differ in one crucial aspect: flares evolve with time. As time proceeds flares become wider, with larger peak lag, lower luminosities and softer emission. The flare spectral peak energy E_{p,i} evolves to lower values following an exponential decay which tracks the decay of the flare flux. The two flares with best statistics show higher than expected isotropic energy E_{iso} and peak luminosity L_{p,iso} when compared to the E_{p,i}-E_{iso} and E_{p,i}-L_{iso} prompt correlations. E_{p,i} is found to correlate with L_{iso} within single flares, giving rise to a time resolved E_{p,i}(t)-L_{iso}(t). Like prompt pulses, flares define a lag-luminosity relation: L_{p,iso}^{0.3-10 keV} t_{lag}^{-0.95+/-0.23}. The lag-luminosity is proven to be a fundamental law extending 5 decades in time and 5 in energy. Moreover, this is direct evidence that GRB X-ray flares and prompt gamma-ray pulses are produced by the same mechanism. Finally we establish a flare-afterglow morphology connection: flares are preferentially detected superimposed to one-break or canonical X-ray afterglows.Comment: MNRAS accepte

    Survival of the Fittest: Numerical Modeling of Supernova 2014C

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    Initially classified as a supernova (SN) type Ib, \sim 100 days after the explosion SN\,2014C made a transition to a SN type II, presenting a gradual increase in the Hα{\alpha} emission. This has been interpreted as evidence of interaction between the supernova shock wave and a massive shell previously ejected from the progenitor star. In this paper, we present numerical simulations of the propagation of the SN shock through the progenitor star and its wind, as well as the interaction of the SN ejecta with the massive shell. To determine with high precision the structure and location of the shell, we couple a genetic algorithm to a hydrodynamic and a bremsstrahlung radiation transfer code. We iteratively modify the density stratification and location of the shell by minimizing the variance between X-ray observations and synthetic predictions computed from the numerical model. By assuming spherical symmetry, we found that the shell has a mass of 2.6 M_\odot, extends from 1.6 ×1016\times 10^{16} cm to 1.87×10171.87 \times 10^{17} cm, implying that it was ejected 60/(vw/100  km  s1)\sim 60/(v_w/100 {\rm \; km \; s^{-1}}) yrs before the SN explosion, and has a density stratification decaying as r3\sim r^{-3}. We found that the product of metallicity by the ionization fraction (due to photo-ionization by the post-shock X-ray emission) %and/or the SN UV radiation is \sim 0.5. Finally, we predict that, if the density stratification follows the same power-law behaviour, the SN will break out from the shell by mid 2022, i.e. 8.5 years after explosion

    Spitzer Space Telescope Infrared Observations of the Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817

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    We present Spitzer Space Telescope 3.6 and 4.5 micron observations of the binary neutron star merger GW170817 at 43, 74, and 264 days post-merger. Using the final observation as a template, we uncover a source at the position of GW170817 at 4.5 micron with a brightness of 22.9+/-0.3 AB mag at 43 days and 23.8+/-0.3 AB mag at 74 days (the uncertainty is dominated by systematics from the image subtraction); no obvious source is detected at 3.6 micron to a 3-sigma limit of >23.3 AB mag in both epochs. The measured brightness is dimmer by a factor of about 2-3 times compared to our previously published kilonova model, which is based on UV, optical, and near-IR data at <30 days. However, the observed fading rate and color (m_{3.6}-m_{4.5}> 0 AB mag) are consistent with our model. We suggest that the discrepancy is likely due to a transition to the nebular phase, or a reduced thermalization efficiency at such late time. Using the Spitzer data as a guide, we briefly discuss the prospects of observing future binary neutron star mergers with Spitzer (in LIGO/Virgo Observing Run 3) and the James Webb Space Telescope (in LIGO/Virgo Observing Run 4 and beyond).Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, submitted to ApJ