9,727 research outputs found

    Detecting periodicity in experimental data using linear modeling techniques

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    Fourier spectral estimates and, to a lesser extent, the autocorrelation function are the primary tools to detect periodicities in experimental data in the physical and biological sciences. We propose a new method which is more reliable than traditional techniques, and is able to make clear identification of periodic behavior when traditional techniques do not. This technique is based on an information theoretic reduction of linear (autoregressive) models so that only the essential features of an autoregressive model are retained. These models we call reduced autoregressive models (RARM). The essential features of reduced autoregressive models include any periodicity present in the data. We provide theoretical and numerical evidence from both experimental and artificial data, to demonstrate that this technique will reliably detect periodicities if and only if they are present in the data. There are strong information theoretic arguments to support the statement that RARM detects periodicities if they are present. Surrogate data techniques are used to ensure the converse. Furthermore, our calculations demonstrate that RARM is more robust, more accurate, and more sensitive, than traditional spectral techniques.Comment: 10 pages (revtex) and 6 figures. To appear in Phys Rev E. Modified styl

    The Insular Taste Cortex Contributes to Odor Quality Coding

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    Despite distinct peripheral and central pathways, stimulation of both the olfactory and the gustatory systems may give rise to the sensation of sweetness. Whether there is a common central mechanism producing sweet quality sensations or two discrete mechanisms associated independently with gustatory and olfactory stimuli is currently unknown. Here we used fMRI to determine whether odor sweetness is represented in the piriform olfactory cortex, which is thought to code odor quality, or in the insular taste cortex, which is thought to code taste quality. Fifteen participants sampled two concentrations of a pure sweet taste (sucrose), two sweet food odors (chocolate and strawberry), and two sweet floral odors (lilac and rose). Replicating prior work we found that olfactory stimulation activated the piriform, orbitofrontal and insular cortices. Of these regions, only the insula also responded to sweet taste. More importantly, the magnitude of the response to the food odors, but not to the non-food odors, in this region of insula was positively correlated with odor sweetness rating. These findings demonstrate that insular taste cortex contributes to odor quality coding by representing the taste-like aspects of food odors. Since the effect was specific to the food odors, and only food odors are experienced with taste, we suggest this common central mechanism develops as a function of experiencing flavors

    Consortia in Postsecondary Education

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    This article presents the concept of consortia as formal collaborative arrange- ments between institutions, which are designed to enhance academic programs or other services provided. Forty years of experience in the United States are reviewed through the literature, and a synopsis of consortia in Canada is presented. From this review, some "pros and cons" of consortia are raised. Advantages include: reducing duplication, improving quality, increasing program diversity, increasing accessibility, financial advancement, improving communication and more effective planning and control. Cautions raised include: lack of trust, unequal commitment by members, undue emphasis on reducing costs, lack of clear expectations, mismatching membership and mission and irrelevant structure and theory. The authors conclude that the promise of consortia is such that more detailed study of Canadian consortia is warranted

    Modulation of Thermoelectric Power of Individual Carbon Nanotubes

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    Thermoelectric power (TEP) of individual single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) has been measured at mesoscopic scales using a microfabricated heater and thermometers. Gate electric field dependent TEP-modulation has been observed. The measured TEP of SWNTs is well correlated to the electrical conductance across the SWNT according to the Mott formula. At low temperatures, strong modulations of TEP were observed in the single electron conduction limit. In addition, semiconducting SWNTs exhibit large values of TEP due to the Schottky barriers at SWNT-metal junctions.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Dynamical modeling of collective behavior from pigeon flight data: flock cohesion and dispersion

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    Several models of flocking have been promoted based on simulations with qualitatively naturalistic behavior. In this paper we provide the first direct application of computational modeling methods to infer flocking behavior from experimental field data. We show that this approach is able to infer general rules for interaction, or lack of interaction, among members of a flock or, more generally, any community. Using experimental field measurements of homing pigeons in flight we demonstrate the existence of a basic distance dependent attraction/repulsion relationship and show that this rule is sufficient to explain collective behavior observed in nature. Positional data of individuals over time are used as input data to a computational algorithm capable of building complex nonlinear functions that can represent the system behavior. Topological nearest neighbor interactions are considered to characterize the components within this model. The efficacy of this method is demonstrated with simulated noisy data generated from the classical (two dimensional) Vicsek model. When applied to experimental data from homing pigeon flights we show that the more complex three dimensional models are capable of predicting and simulating trajectories, as well as exhibiting realistic collective dynamics. The simulations of the reconstructed models are used to extract properties of the collective behavior in pigeons, and how it is affected by changing the initial conditions of the system. Our results demonstrate that this approach may be applied to construct models capable of simulating trajectories and collective dynamics using experimental field measurements of herd movement. From these models, the behavior of the individual agents (animals) may be inferred

    Cosmological Luminosity Evolution of QSO/AGN Population

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    We apply the observed optical/X-ray spectral states of the Galactic black hole candidates (GBHCs) to the cosmological QSO luminosity evolution under the assumptions that QSOs and GBHCs are powered by similar accretion processes and that their emission mechanisms are also similar. The QSO luminosity function (LF) evolution in various energy bands is strongly affected by the spectral evolution which is tightly correlated with the luminosity evolution. We generate a random sample of QSOs born nearly synchronously by allowing the QSOs to have redshifts in a narrow range around an initial high redshift, black hole masses according to a power-law, and mass accretion rates near Eddington rates. The QSOs evolve as a single long-lived population on the cosmological time scale. The pure luminosity evolution results in distinct luminosity evolution features due to the strong spectral evolution. Most notably, different energy bands (optical/UV, soft X-ray, and hard X-ray) show different evolutionary trends and the hard X-ray LF in particular shows an apparent reversal of the luminosity evolution (from decreasing to increasing luminosity) at low redshifts, which is not seen in the conventional pure luminosity evolution scenario without spectral evolution. The resulting mass function of black holes (BHs), which is qualitatively consistent with the observed QSO LF evolution, shows that QSO remnants are likely to be found as BHs with masses in the range 10**8-5x10**10 solar masses. The long-lived single population of QSOs are expected to leave their remnants as supermassive BHs residing in rare, giant elliptical galaxies.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, ApJ

    QSO's from Galaxy Collisions with Naked Black Holes

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    In the now well established conventional view (see Rees [1] and references therein), quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) and related active galactic nuclei (AGN) phenomena are explained as the result of accretion of plasma onto giant black holes which are postulated to form via gravitational collapse of the high density regions in the centers of massive host galaxies. This model is supported by a wide variety of indirect evidence and seems quite likely to apply at least to some observed AGN phenomena. However, one surprising set of new Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations [2-4] directly challenges the conventional model, and the well known evolution of the QSO population raises some additional, though not widely recognized, difficulties. We propose here an alternative possibility: the Universe contains a substantial independent population of super-massive black holes, and QSO's are a phenomenon that occurs due to their collisions with galaxies or gas clouds in the intergalactic medium (IGM). This hypothesis would naturally explain why the QSO population declines very rapidly towards low redshift, as well as the new HST data.Comment: plain TeX file, no figures, submitted to Natur

    Quantum Structure of Space Near a Black Hole Horizon

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    We describe a midi-superspace quantization scheme for generic single horizon black holes in which only the spatial diffeomorphisms are fixed. The remaining Hamiltonian constraint yields an infinite set of decoupled eigenvalue equations: one at each spatial point. The corresponding operator at each point is the product of the outgoing and ingoing null convergences, and describes the scale invariant quantum mechanics of a particle moving in an attractive 1/X21/X^2 potential. The variable XX that is analoguous to particle position is the square root of the conformal mode of the metric. We quantize the theory via Bohr quantization, which by construction turns the Hamiltonian constraint eigenvalue equation into a finite difference equation. The resulting spectrum gives rise to a discrete spatial topology exterior to the horizon. The spectrum approaches the continuum in the asymptotic region.Comment: References added and typos corrected. 21 pages, 1 figur
