769 research outputs found

    AINFO - versão 5.0: manual on-line.

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    O AINFO é um sistema para automação de bibliotecas e recuperação de informação, desenvolvimento em padrão Windows, com arquitetura cliente/servidor baseada no sistema gerenciador de banco de dados relacional Firebird. Pemite o gerenciamento de informação técnico-científica, integrando bases de dados documentais, cadastrais e processos bibliográficos através do armazenamento, atualização, indexação e recuperação de informação de forma simples e rápida, utilizando não apenas recursos de um istema gerenciador de banco de dados, como controle de concorrência e manutenção de integridade das bases de dados, mas também oferecendo facilidades de recuperação de informação textual não disponíveis nesses sistemas.bitstream/CNPTIA/10207/1/doc40.pdfAcesso em: 29 maio 2008

    AINFO versão 5.0: manual on-line.

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    Introdução; Conhecendo o AINFO; Gerenciador de Dados e outros procedimentos especiais; Administrando o AINFO; Atualizando as bases de dados; Sobre as bases de dados; Imprimindo relatórios; Sobre o SIR - Recuperação de Informação; Descrição dos campos; Descrição dos relatórios; Anexos.bitstream/CNPTIA/11296/1/doc62.pdf2. ed. rev. atual.Acesso em: 28 maio 2008

    Relatório de gestão 2001-2004.

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    Embrapa Informática Agropecuária. Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento. Ações gerenciais estratégicas. Transferência de tecnologia e comunicação empresarial. Gestão Institucional. Prêmios recebidos. Infra-estrutura física. Gestão de Recursos Financeiros. Gestão de Recursos Humanos.bitstream/CNPTIA/10727/1/doc51.pdfAcesso em: 29 maio 2008

    Universal Behavior of Lyapunov Exponents in Unstable Systems

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    We calculate the Lyapunov exponents in a classical molecular dynamics framework. The system is composed of few hundreds particles interacting either through Yukawa (Nuclear) or Slater-Kirkwood (Atomic) forces. The forces are chosen to give an Equation of State that resembles the nuclear and the atomic 4He^4He Equation Of State respectively near the critical point for liquid-gas phase transition. We find the largest fluctuations for an initial "critical temperature". The largest Lyapunov exponents λ\lambda are always positive and can be very well fitted near this "critical temperature" with a functional form λTTcω\lambda\propto |T-T_c|^{-\omega}, where the exponent ω=0.15\omega=0.15 is independent of the system and mass number. At smaller temperatures we find that λT 0.4498\lambda\propto T~ ^{0.4498}, a universal behavior characteristic of an order to chaos transition.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX, 3 figures not included available upon reques

    Moral Responsibility, Technology, and Experiences of the Tragic: From Kierkegaard to Offshore Engineering

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    The standard response to engineering disasters like the Deepwater Horizon case is to ascribe full moral responsibility to individuals and to collectives treated as individuals. However, this approach is inappropriate since concrete action and experience in engineering contexts seldom meets the criteria of our traditional moral theories. Technological action is often distributed rather than individual or collective, we lack full control of the technology and its consequences, and we lack knowledge and are uncertain about these consequences. In this paper, I analyse these problems by employing Kierkegaardian notions of tragedy and moral responsibility in order to account for experiences of the tragic in technological action. I argue that ascription of responsibility in engineering contexts should be sensitive to personal experiences of lack of control, uncertainty, role conflicts, social dependence, and tragic choice. I conclude that this does not justify evading individual and corporate responsibility, but inspires practices of responsibility ascription that are less ‘harsh’ on those directly involved in technological action, that listen to their personal experiences, and that encourage them to gain more knowledge about what they are doing

    Irreversibility and Polymer Adsorption

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    Physisorption or chemisorption from dilute polymer solutions often entails irreversible polymer-surface bonding. We present a theory of the non-equilibrium layers which result. While the density profile and loop distribution are the same as for equilibrium layers, the final layer comprises a tightly bound inner part plus an outer part whose chains make only fN surface contacts where N is chain length. The contact fractions f follow a broad distribution, P(f) ~ f^{-4/5}, in rather close agreement with strong physisorption experiments [H. M. Schneider et al, Langmuir v.12, p.994 (1996)].Comment: 4 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Impact of propofol on mid-latency auditory-evoked potentials in children†

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    Background Propofol is increasingly used in paediatric anaesthesia, but can be challenging to titrate accurately in this group. Mid-latency auditory-evoked potentials (MLAEPs) can be used to help titrate propofol. However, the effects of propofol on MLAEP in children are unclear. Therefore, we investigated the relationship between propofol and MLAEP in children undergoing anaesthesia. Methods Fourteen healthy children aged 4-16 yr received anaesthesia for elective surgery. Before surgery, propofol was administered in three concentrations (3, 6, 9 µg ml−1) through a target-controlled infusion pump using Kataria and colleagues' model. MLAEPs were recorded 5 min after having reached each target propofol concentration at each respective concentration. Additionally, venous propofol blood concentrations were assayed at each measuring time point. Results Propofol increased all four MLAEP peak latencies (peaks Na, Pa, Nb, P1) in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, the differences in amplitudes were significantly smaller with increasing propofol target concentrations. The measured propofol plasma concentrations correlated positively with the latencies of the peaks Na, Pa, and Nb. Conclusions Propofol affects MLAEP latencies and amplitudes in children in a dose-dependent manner. MLAEP measurement might therefore be a useful tool for monitoring depth of propofol anaesthesia in childre

    AINFO: sistema de informação para gerenciamento de bases de dados documentais e processos bibliográficos.

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    AINFO é um Sistema de Informação para Gerenciamento de Bases de Dados Documentais e Processos Bibliográficos, utilizado em toda a Embrapa e que tem sido fortemente disseminado no Sistema Nacional de Pesquisa Agropecuária desde a sua primeira versão, proporcionando um canal permanente para troca de informações entre os usuários envolvidos com o universo agropecuário. Este artigo apresenta a metodologia de implantação do AINFO, sua estrutura focalizando os seus módulos básicos e os relacionamentos entre as bases de dados e destaca, ainda, alguns dos recursos para gerenciamento e recuperação de informação disponíveis. Atualmente, o sistema encontra-se disponível para diversas plataformas computacionais, a saber: PC/MS-DOS, SUN/Solaris, IBM/AIX e HP/HP-UX.Agrosoft 97

    A Quasi-Classical Model of Intermediate Velocity Particle Production in Asymmetric Heavy Ion Reactions

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    The particle emission at intermediate velocities in mass asymmetric reactions is studied within the framework of classical molecular dynamics. Two reactions in the Fermi energy domain were modelized, 58^{58}Ni+C and 58^{58}Ni+Au at 34.5 MeV/nucleon. The availability of microscopic correlations at all times allowed a detailed study of the fragment formation process. Special attention was paid to the physical origin of fragments and emission timescales, which allowed us to disentangle the different processes involved in the mid-rapidity particle production. Consequently, a clear distinction between a prompt pre- equilibrium emission and a delayed aligned asymmetric breakup of the heavier partner of the reaction was achieved.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Final version: figures were redesigned, and a new section discussing the role of Coulomb in IMF production was include