290 research outputs found

    Étude des isotones N = 81 : 139Ce, 141Nd, 143Sm, au moyen des réactions (d, t ) et (3He, α)

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    Les niveaux excités des isotones N = 81 : 139Ce, 141Nd, 143Sm, ont été étudiés au Tandem MP d'Orsay jusqu'à plus de 3 MeV d'énergie d'excitation, essentiellement au moyen d'un spectromètre magnétique split pole, en utilisant les réactions (d, t) à 26,21 MeV (resolution :14 keV) et (3He, α) à 25 MeV (résolution : 23 keV). Les distributions angulaires correspondant à un grand nombre de niveaux finaux (~ 90 pour les 3 isotones) ont été analysées en approximation de Born avec ondes distordues (DWBA). Beaucoup des niveaux analysés (plus de 30) n'avaient pas été observés ou séparés dans les expériences (p, d) ou (d, t) antérieures. La force à une particule est généralement répartie sur plusieurs niveaux, la fragmentation étant particulièrement importante pour les sous-couches 2d 5/2 et 1g 7/2. Des calculs tenant compte du couplage des états à un trou avec les états collectifs du cœur, effectués par Heyde et Brussaard, reproduisent convenablement la partie de basse énergie d'excitation des spectres expérimentaux, mais ne reproduisent pas la fragmentation observée à énergie d'excitation plus élevée

    Busulphan is active against neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma xenografts in athymic mice at clinically achievable plasma drug concentrations

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    High-dose busulphan-containing chemotherapy regimens have shown high response rates in children with relapsed or refractory neuroblastoma, Ewing's sarcoma and medulloblastoma. However, the anti-tumour activity of busulfan as a single agent remains to be defined, and this was evaluated in athymic mice bearing advanced stage subcutaneous paediatric solid tumour xenografts. Because busulphan is highly insoluble in water, the use of several vehicles for enteral and parenteral administration was first investigated in terms of pharmacokinetics and toxicity. The highest bioavailability was obtained with busulphan in DMSO administered i.p. When busulphan was suspended in carboxymethylcellulose and given orally or i.p., the bioavailability was poor. Then, in the therapeutic experiments, busulphan in DMSO was administered i.p. on days 0 and 4. At the maximum tolerated total dose (50 mg kg−1), busulphan induced a significant tumour growth delay, ranging from 12 to 34 days in the three neuroblastomas evaluated and in one out of three medulloblastomas. At a dose level above the maximum tolerated dose, busulphan induced complete and partial tumour regressions. Busulphan was inactive in a peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumour (PNET) xenograft. When busulphan pharmacokinetics in mice and humans were considered, the estimated systemic exposure at the therapeutically active dose in mice (113 μg h ml−1) was close to the mean total systemic exposure in children receiving high-dose busulphan (102.4 μg h ml−1). In conclusion, busulphan displayed a significant anti-tumour activity in neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma xenografts at plasma drug concentrations which can be achieved clinically in children receiving high-dose busulphan-containing regimens. 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Progressive non-infectious anterior vertebral fusion, split cord malformation and situs inversus visceralis

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    BACKGROUND: Progressive non-infectious anterior vertebral fusion is a unique spinal disorder with distinctive radiological features. Early radiographic findings consist of narrowing of the anterior aspect of the intervertebral disk with adjacent end plate erosions. There is a specific pattern of progression. The management needs a multi-disciplinary approach with major input from the orthopaedic surgeon. CASE REPORT: We report a 12-year-old-female with progressive anterior vertebral fusion. This occurred at three vertebral levels. In the cervical spine there was progressive fusion of the lateral masses of the Axis with C3. Secondly, at the cervico-thoracic level, a severe, progressive, anterior thoracic vertebral fusion (C7-T5) and (T6-T7) resulted in the development of a thick anterior bony ridge and massive sclerosis and thirdly; progressive anterior fusion at L5-S1. Whereas at the level of the upper lumbar spines (L1) a split cord malformation was encountered. Situs inversus visceralis was an additional malformation. The role of the CT scan in detecting the details of the vertebral malformations was important. To our knowledge, neither this malformation complex and nor the role of the CT scan in evaluating these patients, have previously been described. CONCLUSION: The constellations of the skeletal abnormalities in our patient do not resemble any previously reported conditions with progressive anterior vertebral fusion. We also emphasise the important role of computerized tomography in the investigation of these patients in order to improve our understanding of the underlying pathology, and to comprehend the various stages of the progressive fusion process. 3D-CT scan was performed to improve assessment of the spinal changes and to further evaluate the catastrophic complications if fracture of the ankylosed vertebrae does occur. We believe that prompt management cannot be accomplished, unless the nature of these bony malformations is clarified

    An investigation of the mechanisms for strength gain or loss of geopolymer mortar after exposure to elevated temperature

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    When fly ash-based geopolymer mortars were exposed to a temperature of 800 °C, it was found that the strength after the exposure sometimes decreased, but at other times increased. This paper shows that ductility of the mortars has a major correlation to this strength gain/loss behaviour. Specimens prepared with two different fly ashes, with strengths ranging from 5 to 60 MPa, were investigated. Results indicate that the strength losses decrease with increasing ductility, with even strength gains at high levels of ductility. This correlation is attributed to the fact that mortars with high ductility have high capacity to accommodate thermal incompatibilities. It is believed that the two opposing processes occur in mortars: (1) further geopolymerisation and/or sintering at elevated temperatures leading to strength gain; (2) the damage to the mortar because of thermal incompatibility arising from non-uniform temperature distribution. The strength gain or loss occurs depending on the dominant process

    Temozolomide in paediatric high-grade glioma: a key for combination therapy?

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    This report describes a single-centre study with temozolomide (TMZ) (200 mg m(-2) day(-1) x 5 per cycle of 28 days) in children with ( recurrent) high-grade glioma. Magnetic resonance imaging was performed every two cycles. In all, 20 patients were treated between 1998 and 2001 after the UKCCSG/SFOP TMZ phase II trial. All patients had measurable disease. Totally, 15 patients had a relapse after surgery+/-radiotherapy+/-chemotherapy. Overall, five patients received TMZ after surgery or biopsy, awaiting radiotherapy. There were one clinically malignant grade II glioma, II grade III and eight grade IV gliomas. Seven tumours had oligodendroglial features. Mean age at start of TMZ was 12.0 years (range 3-20.5 years). In total, eight patients had >8 cycles (range 3-30). One VGPR (currently in CR after surgery), three PRs (with a PFS of 4, 4 and 11 months, respectively) and one MR (PFS 14 months) were observed. Three out of five responses occurred after >4 courses. The overall response rate was 20%. Median progression-free survival (PFS) was 2.0 months (range 3 weeks-34(+) months). PFS rate was 20% after 6 months. Median overall survival ( OS) was 10 months. Nine patients showed a clinical improvement. Three patients vomitted shortly after TMZ administration, eight patients ( 13 cycles) experienced grade III/IV thrombocytopenia, occurring predominantly during the fourth week of the first two cycles. Five patients experienced neutropenia, and three patients febrile neutropenia. TMZ is a well-tolerated ambulatory treatment for children with malignant glial tumours. This drug warrants further study in these highly chemoresistant tumours and should be studied either as upfront therapy or in combination therap
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