738 research outputs found

    Atomic Hole Doping of Graphene

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    Graphene is an excellent candidate for the next generation of electronic materials due to the strict two-dimensionality of its electronic structure as well as the extremely high carrier mobility. A prerequisite for the development of graphene based electronics is the reliable control of the type and density of the charge carriers by external (gate) and internal (doping) means. While gating has been successfully demonstrated for graphene flakes and epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide, the development of reliable chemical doping methods turns out to be a real challenge. In particular hole doping is an unsolved issue. So far it has only been achieved with reactive molecular adsorbates, which are largely incompatible with any device technology. Here we show by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy that atomic doping of an epitaxial graphene layer on a silicon carbide substrate with bismuth, antimony or gold presents effective means of p-type doping. Not only is the atomic doping the method of choice for the internal control of the carrier density. In combination with the intrinsic n-type character of epitaxial graphene on SiC, the charge carriers can be tuned from electrons to holes, without affecting the conical band structure

    Measurement of the Positive Muon Lifetime and Determination of the Fermi Constant to Part-per-Million Precision

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    We report a measurement of the positive muon lifetime to a precision of 1.0 parts per million (ppm); it is the most precise particle lifetime ever measured. The experiment used a time-structured, low-energy muon beam and a segmented plastic scintillator array to record more than 2 x 10^{12} decays. Two different stopping target configurations were employed in independent data-taking periods. The combined results give tau_{mu^+}(MuLan) = 2196980.3(2.2) ps, more than 15 times as precise as any previous experiment. The muon lifetime gives the most precise value for the Fermi constant: G_F(MuLan) = 1.1663788 (7) x 10^-5 GeV^-2 (0.6 ppm). It is also used to extract the mu^-p singlet capture rate, which determines the proton's weak induced pseudoscalar coupling g_P.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Improved Measurement of the Positive Muon Lifetime and Determination of the Fermi Constant

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    The mean life of the positive muon has been measured to a precision of 11 ppm using a low-energy, pulsed muon beam stopped in a ferromagnetic target, which was surrounded by a scintillator detector array. The result, tau_mu = 2.197013(24) us, is in excellent agreement with the previous world average. The new world average tau_mu = 2.197019(21) us determines the Fermi constant G_F = 1.166371(6) x 10^-5 GeV^-2 (5 ppm). Additionally, the precision measurement of the positive muon lifetime is needed to determine the nucleon pseudoscalar coupling g_P.Comment: As published version (PRL, July 2007

    The Majorana experiment: an ultra-low background search for neutrinoless double-beta decay

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    The observation of neutrinoless double-beta decay would resolve the Majorana nature of the neutrino and could provide information on the absolute scale of the neutrino mass. The initial phase of the Majorana experiment, known as the Demonstrator, will house 40 kg of Ge in an ultra-low background shielded environment at the 4850' level of the Sanford Underground Laboratory in Lead, SD. The objective of the Demonstrator is to determine whether a future 1-tonne experiment can achieve a background goal of one count per tonne-year in a narrow region of interest around the 76Ge neutrinoless double-beta decay peak.Comment: Presentation for the Rutherford Centennial Conference on Nuclear Physic

    The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR: A Search for Neutrinoless Double-beta Decay of Germanium-76

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    The {\sc Majorana} collaboration is searching for neutrinoless double beta decay using 76^{76}Ge, which has been shown to have a number of advantages in terms of sensitivities and backgrounds. The observation of neutrinoless double-beta decay would show that lepton number is violated and that neutrinos are Majorana particles and would simultaneously provide information on neutrino mass. Attaining sensitivities for neutrino masses in the inverted hierarchy region, 155015 - 50 meV, will require large, tonne-scale detectors with extremely low backgrounds, at the level of \sim1 count/t-y or lower in the region of the signal. The {\sc Majorana} collaboration, with funding support from DOE Office of Nuclear Physics and NSF Particle Astrophysics, is constructing the {\sc Demonstrator}, an array consisting of 40 kg of p-type point-contact high-purity germanium (HPGe) detectors, of which \sim30 kg will be enriched to 87% in 76^{76}Ge. The {\sc Demonstrator} is being constructed in a clean room laboratory facility at the 4850' level (4300 m.w.e.) of the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Lead, SD. It utilizes a compact graded shield approach with the inner portion consisting of ultra-clean Cu that is being electroformed and machined underground. The primary aim of the {\sc Demonstrator} is to show the feasibility of a future tonne-scale measurement in terms of backgrounds and scalability.Comment: Proceedings for the MEDEX 2013 Conferenc

    A comparison of forward and backward pp pair knockout in 3He(e,e'pp)n

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    Measuring nucleon-nucleon Short Range Correlations (SRC) has been a goal of the nuclear physics community for many years. They are an important part of the nuclear wavefunction, accounting for almost all of the high-momentum strength. They are closely related to the EMC effect. While their overall probability has been measured, measuring their momentum distributions is more difficult. In order to determine the best configuration for studying SRC momentum distributions, we measured the 3^3He(e,epp)n(e,e'pp)n reaction, looking at events with high momentum protons (pp>0.35p_p > 0.35 GeV/c) and a low momentum neutron (pn<0.2p_n< 0.2 GeV/c). We examined two angular configurations: either both protons emitted forward or one proton emitted forward and one backward (with respect to the momentum transfer, q\vec q). The measured relative momentum distribution of the events with one forward and one backward proton was much closer to the calculated initial-state pppp relative momentum distribution, indicating that this is the preferred configuration for measuring SRC.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Phys Rev C. Version 2 incorporates minor corrections in response to referee comment

    Comment on the narrow structure reported by Amaryan et al

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    The CLAS Collaboration provides a comment on the physics interpretation of the results presented in a paper published by M. Amaryan et al. regarding the possible observation of a narrow structure in the mass spectrum of a photoproduction experiment.Comment: to be published in Physical Review

    The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR: A Search for Neutrinoless Double-beta Decay of Germanium-76

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    The observation of neutrinoless double-beta decay would determine whether the neutrino is a Majorana particle and provide information on the absolute scale of neutrino mass. The MAJORANA Collaboration is constructing the DEMONSTRATOR, an array of germanium detectors, to search for neutrinoless double-beta decay of 76-Ge. The DEMONSTRATOR will contain 40 kg of germanium; up to 30 kg will be enriched to 86% in 76-Ge. The DEMONSTRATOR will be deployed deep underground in an ultra-low-background shielded environment. Operation of the DEMONSTRATOR aims to determine whether a future tonne-scale germanium experiment can achieve a background goal of one count per tonne-year in a 4-keV region of interest around the 76-Ge neutrinoless double-beta decay Q-value of 2039 keV.Comment: Submitted to AIP Conference Proceedings, 19th Particles & Nuclei International Conference (PANIC 2011), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA, July 24-29, 2011; 3 pages, 1 figur

    Contamination Control and Assay Results for the Majorana Demonstrator Ultra Clean Components

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    The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR is a neutrinoless double beta decay experiment utilizing enriched Ge-76 detectors in 2 separate modules inside of a common solid shield at the Sanford Underground Research Facility. The DEMONSTRATOR has utilized world leading assay sensitivities to develop clean materials and processes for producing ultra-pure copper and plastic components. This experiment is now operating, and initial data provide new insights into the success of cleaning and processing. Post production copper assays after the completion of Module 1 showed an increase in U and Th contamination in finished parts compared to starting bulk material. A revised cleaning method and additional round of surface contamination studies prior to Module 2 construction have provided evidence that more rigorous process control can reduce surface contamination. This article describes the assay results and discuss further studies to take advantage of assay capabilities for the purpose of maintaining ultra clean fabrication and process design.Comment: Proceedings of Low Radioactivity Techniques (LRT May 2017, Seoul