5,377 research outputs found

    Stars beyond Galaxies: The Origin of Extended Luminous Halos around Galaxies

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    (Abridged) We use numerical simulations to investigate the origin and structure of the luminous halos that surround isolated galaxies. These stellar structures extend out to several hundred kpc away from a galaxy, and consist of stars shed by merging subunits during the many accretion events that characterize the hierarchical assembly of galaxies. Such origin suggests that outer luminous halos are ubiquitous and that they should appear as an excess of light over extrapolations of the galaxy's inner profile beyond its traditional luminous radius. The mass profile of the accreted stellar component is well approximated by a model where the logarithmic slope steepens monotonically with radius; from -3 at the luminous edge of the galaxy to -4 or steeper near the virial radius of the system. Such spatial distribution is consistent with that of Galactic and M31 globular clusters, suggesting that many of the globulars were brought in by accretion events, in a manner akin to the classic Searle-Zinn scenario. The outer stellar spheroid is supported by a velocity dispersion tensor with a substantial and radially increasing radial anisotropy. These properties distinguish the stellar halo from the dark matter component, which is more isotropic in velocity space, as well as from some tracers of the outer spheroid such as satellite galaxies. Most stars in the outer halo formed in progenitors that have since merged with the central galaxy; very few stars in the halo are contributed by satellites that survive as self-bound entities at the present. These features are in reasonable agreement with recent observations of the outer halo of the MW, of M31, and of other isolated spirals, and suggest that all of these systems underwent an early period of active merging, as envisioned in hierarchical models of galaxy formation.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS, 13 pages, 12 figure

    A Sagittarius-Induced Origin for the Monoceros Ring

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    The Monoceros ring is a collection of stars in nearly-circular orbits at roughly 18 kpc from the Galactic center. It may have originated (i) as the response of the disc to perturbations excited by satellite companions or (ii) from the tidal debris of a disrupted dwarf galaxy. The metallicity of Monoceros stars differs from that of disc stars at comparable Galactocentric distances, an observation that disfavours the first scenario. On the other hand, circular orbits are difficult to accommodate in the tidal-disruption scenario, since it requires a satellite which at the time of disruption was itself in a nearly circular orbit. Such satellite could not have formed at the location of the ring and, given its low mass, dynamical friction is unlikely to have played a major role in its orbital evolution. We search cosmological simulations for low-mass satellites in nearly-circular orbits and find that they result, almost invariably, from orbital changes induced by collisions with more massive satellites: the radius of the circular orbit thus traces the galactocentric distance of the collision. Interestingly, the Sagittarius dwarf, one of the most luminous satellites of the Milky Way, is in a polar orbit that crosses the Galactic plane at roughly the same Galactocentric distance as Monoceros. We use idealized simulations to demonstrate that an encounter with Sagittarius might well have led to the circularization and subsequent tidal demise of the progenitor of the Monoceros ring.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to match version published in MNRAS Letters (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1745-3933.2011.01035.x/abstract

    Remote Preparation of Single-Photon "Hybrid" Entangled and Vector-Polarization States

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    Quantum teleportation faces increasingly demanding requirements for transmitting large or even entangled systems. However, knowledge of the state to be transmitted eases its reconstruction, resulting in a protocol known as remote state preparation. A number of experimental demonstrations to date have been restricted to single-qubit systems. We report the remote preparation of two-qubit "hybrid" entangled states, including a family of vector-polarization beams. Our single-photon states are encoded in the photon spin and orbital angular momentum. We reconstruct the states by spin-orbit state tomography and transverse polarization tomography. The high fidelities achieved for the vector-polarization states opens the door to optimal coupling of down-converted photons to other physical systems, such as an atom, as required for scalable quantum networks, or plasmons in photonic nanostructures.Comment: Letter: 4 pages, 1 figure. Supplementary material: 1 pag

    Counterrotating Stars in Simulated Galaxy Disks

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    Counterrotating stars in disk galaxies are a puzzling dynamical feature whose origin has been ascribed to either satellite accretion events or to disk instabilities triggered by deviations from axisymmetry. We use a cosmological simulation of the formation of a disk galaxy to show that counterrotating stellar disk components may arise naturally in hierarchically-clustering scenarios even in the absence of merging. The simulated disk galaxy consists of two coplanar, overlapping stellar components with opposite spins: an inner counterrotating bar-like structure made up mostly of old stars surrounded by an extended, rotationally-supported disk of younger stars. The opposite-spin components originate from material accreted from two distinct filamentary structures which at turn around, when their net spin is acquired, intersect delineating a "V"-like structure. Each filament torques the other in opposite directions; the filament that first drains into the galaxy forms the inner counterrotating bar, while material accreted from the other filament forms the outer disk. Mergers do not play a substantial role and most stars in the galaxy are formed in situ; only 9% of all stars are contributed by accretion events. The formation scenario we describe here implies a significant age difference between the co- and counterrotating components, which may be used to discriminate between competing scenarios for the origin of counterrotating stars in disk galaxies.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Generation of Hyperentangled Photons Pairs

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    We experimentally demonstrate the first quantum system entangled in every degree of freedom (hyperentangled). Using pairs of photons produced in spontaneous parametric downconversion, we verify entanglement by observing a Bell-type inequality violation in each degree of freedom: polarization, spatial mode and time-energy. We also produce and characterize maximally hyperentangled states and novel states simultaneously exhibiting both quantum and classical correlations. Finally, we report the tomography of a 2x2x3x3 system (36-dimensional Hilbert space), which we believe is the first reported photonic entangled system of this size to be so characterized.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, published versio