17 research outputs found

    Alterations and Contaminations in Ceramics Deposited in Underwater Environments: An Experimental Approach

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    Ancient ceramics recovered after a long burial period have probably undergone several alterations and contaminations, introducing a chemical variability, affecting the ceramic鈥檚 natural variability. That is, the chemical and the mineralogical compositions of the ceramic pastes after their deposition will not be the same as they originally were. Therefore, it is known that the alteration and contamination processes, and the discrimination of some elements, should be considered when studying the ceramics to avoid incorrect interpretations about their provenance, technology and the use of the artefact, as well as its proper preservation. In the present work, the authors performed an experimental approach in order to study the alterations and contaminations that occurred in 60 ceramic cylinders buried in two different underwater environments. Once the pieces were taken out from the water environments, they were characterized by a multi-analytical approach. For this purpose, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy鈥揺nergy dispersive spectrometry (SEM鈥揈DS) and Raman spectroscopy were used. Newly formed minerals of different forms have been identified, with different crystallization grades. Some examples are the needles, flakes, sponges and long and short prisms composed of several elements such as Ca, F, S and O.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, the State Bureau of Investigation, and the European Regional Development Fund (MINECO/AEI/ERDF, UE), grant number CERANOR-2 (HAR2017-84219-P)

    La pisa de Barcelona: una aproximaci贸 arqueom猫trica al seu estudi

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    Study, revalorization and virtual musealization of a ceramic kiln based on information gathered from old excavations

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    [ES] Las posibilidades actuales de visualizaci贸n y difusi贸n a trav茅s de las tecnolog铆as digitales tienen un efecto favorable en la conservaci贸n y la puesta en valor de los restos arqueol贸gicos depositados en los museos. Por lo tanto, deben ser consideradas como herramientas esenciales en la gesti贸n de las colecciones y una manera de comunicarse con todo tipo de usuarios, desde los que cuentan con un elevado perfil tecnol贸gico hasta los visitantes ocasionales. El art铆culo presenta un caso de estudio en el cual se ha revisado la informaci贸n recogida durante una serie de excavaciones arqueol贸gicas relativas a los restos de un horno, las cuales se realizaron en la localidad de Ordu帽a (Espa帽a) en los a帽os 2000 y 2001. Esta informaci贸n, conjuntamente con una nueva inspecci贸n de las piezas almacenadas en el Museo Arqueol贸gico de Bizkaia, ha permitido la generaci贸n de nuevos productos -como el modelo virtual tridimensional- que ofrecen posibilidades mejoradas de estudio, comprensi贸n y difusi贸n de las piezas, su origen y la importancia que el oficio de la cer谩mica y su comercio tuvieron en el pasado.[EN] The current possibilities of virtualization and dissemination by means of digital technologies have a favourable effect on the conservation and valorization of archaeological findings held in museums. Therefore, they should be considered as essential tools in the management of the collections and a way to communicate with all kind of users, from the ones with a highly technical profile to the occasional visitors. This article presents a case in point, in which the reviewing of the information generated during a series of archaeological excavations into the remains of a kiln, conducted in the town of Ordu帽a (Spain) in 2000 and 2001, together with a new inspection of the pieces stored in the Bizkaia Museum of Archaeology, allowed for the generation of new products such as three-dimensional virtual models that improve the possibilities of studying, understanding and disseminating the pieces, their provenance and the importance that the craft and the trade of the pottery had in the past

    Study, revalorization and virtual musealization of a ceramic kiln based on information gathered from old excavations

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    [ES] Las posibilidades actuales de visualizaci贸n y difusi贸n a trav茅s de las tecnolog铆as digitales tienen un efecto favorable en la conservaci贸n y la puesta en valor de los restos arqueol贸gicos depositados en los museos. Por lo tanto, deben ser consideradas como herramientas esenciales en la gesti贸n de las colecciones y una manera de comunicarse con todo tipo de usuarios, desde los que cuentan con un elevado perfil tecnol贸gico hasta los visitantes ocasionales. El art铆culo presenta un caso de estudio en el cual se ha revisado la informaci贸n recogida durante una serie de excavaciones arqueol贸gicas relativas a los restos de un horno, las cuales se realizaron en la localidad de Ordu帽a (Espa帽a) en los a帽os 2000 y 2001. Esta informaci贸n, conjuntamente con una nueva inspecci贸n de las piezas almacenadas en el Museo Arqueol贸gico de Bizkaia, ha permitido la generaci贸n de nuevos productos -como el modelo virtual tridimensional- que ofrecen posibilidades mejoradas de estudio, comprensi贸n y difusi贸n de las piezas, su origen y la importancia que el oficio de la cer谩mica y su comercio tuvieron en el pasado.[EN] The current possibilities of virtualization and dissemination by means of digital technologies have a favourable effect on the conservation and valorization of archaeological findings held in museums. Therefore, they should be considered as essential tools in the management of the collections and a way to communicate with all kind of users, from the ones with a highly technical profile to the occasional visitors. This article presents a case in point, in which the reviewing of the information generated during a series of archaeological excavations into the remains of a kiln, conducted in the town of Ordu帽a (Spain) in 2000 and 2001, together with a new inspection of the pieces stored in the Bizkaia Museum of Archaeology, allowed for the generation of new products such as three-dimensional virtual models that improve the possibilities of studying, understanding and disseminating the pieces, their provenance and the importance that the craft and the trade of the pottery had in the past

    Lustre and glazed ceramic collection from Mas Llorens, 16-17th centuries (Salt, Girona). Provenance and technology

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    Lustre pottery unearthed at Mas Llorens constitutes one of most interesting collections of late 16th and early 17th centuries lustre pottery from Catalonia. The collection is formed by an unparalleled set of more than 200 complete dishes and bowls, which were buried in the same place and at the same time, thus becoming of paramount archaeological interest. Consequently, this set of lustre pottery has become of pivotal importance for the study of this type of ceramic not only because of the number and integrity of the pieces that were found, but also by its homogeneity. This multidisciplinary study has revealed the importance of this pottery in terms of economy, trade, and social status in Modern times Catalonia. The main purpose of this paper is to determine provenance and technology of production of lustre and other glazed wares from Mas Llorens. We present the results of the archaeometrical characterization of 21 ceramic sherds, recovered from the excavations of Mas Llorens. The sampling includes 11 lustre ceramics, 4 blue-on-white tin-lead-glazed ceramics, and 6 plain lead glazed objects. Chemical and mineralogical composition of the ceramic pastes were analyzed by XRF, NAA, and XRD, and statically compared to 16th-17th tin-lead glazed pottery produced by the main Catalan workshops (e.g. Barcelona, Reus, Vilafranca del Penedes). The chemical data show a high homogeneity in the composition of lustreware pastes, as seen in other proto-industrial fine ceramic productions, evidencing a Barcelonan provenance. Chemical composition and microstructures of the glazes and lustre decorations were observed and analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Electron Probe Microanalyzer (EPMA) and Elastic ion backscattering spectroscopy (EIBS). Successful lustre exhibits a red-copper color and metallic shine; it contains more copper than silver (average concentration, 9.5 wt% and 3.4 wt% respectively) with a ratio of wt% Cu/(Cu+Ag) = 62%, in the form of copper and silver nanoparticles which are concentrated in a thin layer (<300 nm) very close to the surface. On the contrary, in the unsuccessful brown lustre lacking metallic shine, although the copper to silver ratio is similar - wt% Cu/(Cu+Ag) = 63% -, the copper nanoparticles are distributed in a thick layer (1 micron thickness) but in lower concentration (average concentration in the layer 3.4 wt%), while the silver nanoparticles appear concentrated on a thinner surface layer. The lack of metallic shine in those samples is explained by the low concentration of silver and copper nanoparticles in the layer. This may be related to a deficient reducing firing capable of reducing copper to the metallic state and stopping its diffusion into the glaze.JMM and TPC are indebted to the project MAT2013-41127-R funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci贸n (Spain). TP is indebted to the project 2014 SGR 00581. JGI is indebted to IKERBASQUE Basque Foundation for Science. The laboratory work at MURR was supported in part by National Science Foundation grants (0102325, 0504015, 0802757)Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    VO.XXXVI.1012 (Nomenclatura del Museo Arqueol贸gico de Bizkaia)

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    Cer谩mica hallada en el yacimiento de Tras Santiago, ubicado en Ordu帽a (Pa铆s Vasco). En este yacimiento se realiz贸 una intervenci贸n arqueolog贸gica en 2001 y posteriormente se llevaron a cabo varios trabajos arqueom茅tricos permitiendo caracterizar la producci贸n cer谩mica local. Actualmente, los materiales obtenidos se encuentran en Bizkaiko Arkeologia Museoa. -- Cronolog铆a: 1788-1850 -- Tipolog铆a: Vidriado Estannifero -- Forma: Plato (Servicio de mesa) -- Grupo qu铆mico: ORD_A -- Datos qu铆micos: http://hdl.handle.net/10810/42596 -- Referencias: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2018.10.01


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    Cer谩mica hallada en el Alc谩zar de N谩jera, ubicado en N谩jera (La Rioja). Este yacimiento se excav贸 en 2002 y posteriormente se realizaron varios trabajos arqueom茅tricos. Actualmente, los materiales obtenidos se encuentran en Museo Najerillense. -- Cronolog铆a: 1500-1600 -- Tipolog铆a: Vidriado Estannifero -- Forma: Escudilla (Servicio de mesa) -- Grupo qu铆mico: NAJ_B -- Datos qu铆micos: http://hdl.handle.net/10810/4259

    VO.XXXVI.1012 (Nomenclatura del Museo Arqueol贸gico de Bizkaia)

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    Cer谩mica hallada en el yacimiento de Tras Santiago, ubicado en Ordu帽a (Pa铆s Vasco). En este yacimiento se realiz贸 una intervenci贸n arqueolog贸gica en 2001 y posteriormente se llevaron a cabo varios trabajos arqueom茅tricos permitiendo caracterizar la producci贸n cer谩mica local. Actualmente, los materiales obtenidos se encuentran en Bizkaiko Arkeologia Museoa. -- Cronolog铆a: 1788-1850 -- Tipolog铆a: Vidriado Estannifero -- Forma: Plato (Servicio de mesa) -- Grupo qu铆mico: ORD_A -- Datos qu铆micos: http://hdl.handle.net/10810/42596 -- Referencias: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2018.10.01

    VO.XXXVI.1013 (Nomenclatura del Museo Arqueol贸gico de Bizkaia)

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    Cer谩mica hallada en el yacimiento de Tras Santiago, ubicado en Ordu帽a (Pa铆s Vasco). En este yacimiento se realiz贸 una intervenci贸n arqueolog贸gica en 2001 y posteriormente se llevaron a cabo varios trabajos arqueom茅tricos permitiendo caracterizar la producci贸n cer谩mica local. Actualmente, los materiales obtenidos se encuentran en Bizkaiko Arkeologia Museoa. -- Cronolog铆a: 1788-1850 -- Tipolog铆a: Vidriado Estannifero -- Forma: Plato (Servicio de mesa) -- Grupo qu铆mico: ORD_A -- Datos qu铆micos: http://hdl.handle.net/10810/42596 -- Referencias: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2018.10.01

    179,2 (Nomenclatura utilizada por ArqueoRioja)

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    Cer谩mica hallada en el yacimiento de Hospital Viejo, ubicado en Logro帽o (La Rioja). Este yacimiento se excav贸 en 2009 y posteriormente se realizaron varios trabajos arqueom茅tricos. -- Cronolog铆a: 1433-1466 -- Tipolog铆a: Vidriado plumb铆fero -- Forma: Teja (Producci贸n cer谩mica) -- Grupo qu铆mico: LOG_B -- Datos qu铆micos: http://hdl.handle.net/10810/4259