2,272 research outputs found

    Fade Depth Prediction Using Human Presence for Real Life WSN Deployment

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    Current problem in real life WSN deployment is determining fade depth in indoor propagation scenario for link power budget analysis using (fade margin parameter). Due to the fact that human presence impacts the performance of wireless networks, this paper proposes a statistical approach for shadow fading prediction using various real life parameters. Considered parameters within this paper include statistically mapped human presence and the number of people through time compared to the received signal strength. This paper proposes an empirical model fade depth prediction model derived from a comprehensive set of measured data in indoor propagation scenario. It is shown that the measured fade depth has high correlations with the number of people in non-line-of-sight condition, giving a solid foundation for the fade depth prediction model. In line-of-sight conditions this correlations is significantly lower. By using the proposed model in real life deployment scenarios of WSNs, the data loss and power consumption can be reduced by the means of intelligently planning and designing Wireless Sensor Network

    Uni-directional transport properties of a serpent billiard

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    We present a dynamical analysis of a classical billiard chain -- a channel with parallel semi-circular walls, which can serve as a model for a bended optical fiber. An interesting feature of this model is the fact that the phase space separates into two disjoint invariant components corresponding to the left and right uni-directional motions. Dynamics is decomposed into the jump map -- a Poincare map between the two ends of a basic cell, and the time function -- traveling time across a basic cell of a point on a surface of section. The jump map has a mixed phase space where the relative sizes of the regular and chaotic components depend on the width of the channel. For a suitable value of this parameter we can have almost fully chaotic phase space. We have studied numerically the Lyapunov exponents, time auto-correlation functions and diffusion of particles along the chain. As a result of a singularity of the time function we obtain marginally-normal diffusion after we subtract the average drift. The last result is also supported by some analytical arguments.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure (19 .(e)ps files

    Dynamical approach to chains of scatterers

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    Linear chains of quantum scatterers are studied in the process of lengthening, which is treated and analysed as a discrete dynamical system defined over the manifold of scattering matrices. Elementary properties of such dynamics relate the transport through the chain to the spectral properties of individual scatterers. For a single-scattering channel case some new light is shed on known transport properties of disordered and noisy chains, whereas translationally invariant case can be studied analytically in terms of a simple deterministic dynamical map. The many-channel case was studied numerically by examining the statistical properties of scatterers that correspond to a certain type of transport of the chain i.e. ballistic or (partially) localised.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Holography and Variable Cosmological Constant

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    An effective local quantum field theory with UV and IR cutoffs correlated in accordance with holographic entropy bounds is capable of rendering the cosmological constant (CC) stable against quantum corrections. By setting an IR cutoff to length scales relevant to cosmology, one easily obtains the currently observed rho_Lambda ~ 10^{-47} GeV^4, thus alleviating the CC problem. It is argued that scaling behavior of the CC in these scenarios implies an interaction of the CC with matter sector or a time-dependent gravitational constant, to accommodate the observational data.Comment: 7 pages, final version accepted by PR

    Effects of fission-fragment damage on vortex dimensionality in silver-sheathed Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox tapes

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    We report on the vortex dimensionality of uranium-doped Ag/Bi2223 tapes, before and after irradiation to a thermal-neutron fluence. The effective activation energies, as a function of current density and applied field, were calculated from dynamic magnetization relaxation measurements. A dimensional crossover from a three-dimensional (3D) elastic creep regime to a 2D plastic creep was observed in the nonirradiated tape at an applied magnetic field µ0Hcr[approximate]0.37 T, with an associated change in the flux hop velocity and temperature dependence. After the introduction of the fission-fragment damage by irradiation, a shift in the crossover to µ0Hcr[approximate]0.65 T was observed. These results indicate an enhancement of the c-axis vortex coherence by the introduced splayed columnar defects, explaining the greater pinning efficiency of the uranium-fission method in Bi2223 rather than the less anisotropic Y123. Conflicting results obtained for the irradiated tape in the absence of any temperature scaling of the activation energies demonstrate the importance of the inclusion of scaling in the magnetization relaxation analysis

    Transport critical current density in Fe-sheathed nano-SiC doped MgB2 wires

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    The nano-SiC doped MgB2/Fe wires were fabricated using a powder-in-tube method and an in-situ reaction process. The depression of Tc with increasing SiC doping level remained rather small due to the counterbalanced effect of Si and C co-doping. The high level SiC co-doping allowed creation of the intra-grain defects and nano-inclusions, which act as effective pinning centers, resulting in a substantial enhancement in the Jc(H) performance. The transport Jc for all the wires is comparable to the magnetic Jc at higher fields despite the low density of the samples and percolative nature of current. The transport Ic for the 10wt% SiC doped MgB2/Fe reached 660A at 5K and 4.5T (Jc = 133,000A/cm2) and 540A at 20K and 2T (Jc = 108,000A/cm2). The transport Jc for the 10wt% SiC doped MgB2 wire is more than an order of magnitude higher than for the state-the-art Fe-sheathed MgB2 wire reported to date at 5K and 10T and 20K and 5T respectively. There is a plenty of room for further improvement in Jc as the density of the current samples is only 50%.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures, presented at ASC 2002, Housto

    Expanded boundary integral method and chaotic time-reversal doublets in quantum billiards

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    We present the expanded boundary integral method for solving the planar Helmholtz problem, which combines the ideas of the boundary integral method and the scaling method and is applicable to arbitrary shapes. We apply the method to a chaotic billiard with unidirectional transport, where we demonstrate existence of doublets of chaotic eigenstates, which are quasi-degenerate due to time-reversal symmetry, and a very particular level spacing distribution that attains a chaotic Shnirelman peak at short energy ranges and exhibits GUE-like statistics for large energy ranges. We show that, as a consequence of such particular level statistics or algebraic tunneling between disjoint chaotic components connected by time-reversal operation, the system exhibits quantum current reversals.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, with 3 additional GIF animations available at http://chaos.fiz.uni-lj.si/~veble/boundary


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    The objective of this study was to determine bread slice medium part properties in relation to quality parameters with a focus on gluten strength. Since sensory evaluation of bread is time consuming, expensive and subjective in nature, computerized image analysis was applied as objective method of bread crumb quality evaluation. Gluten Index method was applied as fast and reliable tool for defining gluten strength of wheat. Significant (P90) Ana, Demetra, Klara, Srpanjka and Divana have shown trend to give unequal and bigger crumb grains while cultivars Golubica, Barbara, Žitarka, Kata and Sana with optimal gluten strength (GI= 60-90) have shown finer and uniform crumb grain.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi povezanost parametara izgleda sredine kruha i kakvoće pšenice, s naglaskom na jačinu glutena. Budući da je senzorska procjena kruha vremenski zahtjevna, skupa i relativno subjektivna, u procjeni izgleda sredine kruha korištena je računalna analiza slike kao objektivna metoda. Jačina glutena pšenice određena je brzom i pouzdanom gluten indeks metodom. Statistički značajna (p90), Anu, Demetru, Klaru, Srpanjku i Divanu, karakterizira neujednačena poroznost sredine kruha s velikim šupljinama, za razliku od kultivara Golubice, Barbare, Žitarke, Kate i Sane s optimalnom vrijednošću gluten indeksa (GI= 60-90), čija je poroznost, s obzirom na manje šupljine, bila ujednačenija