309 research outputs found

    CYLD is a deubiquitinating enzyme that negatively regulates NF-kappaB activation by TNFR family members

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    Familial cylindromatosis is an autosomal dominant predisposition to tumours of skin appendages called cylindromas. Familial cylindromatosis is caused by mutations in a gene encoding the CYLD protein of previously unknown function1. Here we show that CYLD is a deubiquitinating enzyme that negatively regulates activation of the transcription factor NF-κB by specific tumour-necrosis factor receptors (TNFRs). Loss of the deubiquitinating activity of CYLD correlates with tumorigenesis. CYLD inhibits activation of NF-κB by the TNFR family members CD40, XEDAR and EDAR in a manner that depends on the deubiquitinating activity of CYLD. Downregulation of CYLD by RNA-mediated interference augments both basal and CD40-mediated activation of NF-κB. The inhibition of NF-κB activation by CYLD is mediated, at least in part, by the deubiquitination and inactivation of TNFR-associated factor 2 (TRAF2) and, to a lesser extent, TRAF6. These results indicate that CYLD is a negative regulator of the cytokine-mediated activation of NF-κB that is required for appropriate cellular homeostasis of skin appendages

    TRAF3 can interact with GMEB1 and modulate its anti-apoptotic function

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    peer reviewedBackground: Members of Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) Receptor-Associated Factors (TRAFs) family interact with the cytoplasmic tails of TNF receptor family members to mediate signal transduction processes. TRAF3 has a major immunomodulatory function and TRAF3 deficiency has been linked to malignancies, such as multiple myeloma and lymphoid defects. In order to characterize the molecular mechanisms of TRAF3 signaling, the yeast two-hybrid system was used to identify proteins that interact with TRAF3. Results: The yeast two-hybrid screen of a human B cell cDNA library with TRAF3 as bait, identified Glucocorticoid Modulatory Element-Binding Protein 1 (GMEB1) as a TRAF3-interacting protein. Previous studies indicated that GMEB1 functions as a potent inhibitor of caspase activation and apoptosis. The interaction of TRAF3 and GMEB1 proteins was confirmed in mammalian cells lines, using immunoprecipitation assays. The RING and TRAF-C domains of TRAF3 were not essential for this interaction. The overexpression of TRAF3 protein enhanced the anti-apoptotic function of GMEB1 in HeLa cells. On the other hand, downregulation of TRAF3 by RNA interference decreased significantly the ability of GMEB1 to inhibit apoptosis. In addition, LMP1(1-231), a truncated form of the EBV oncoprotein LMP1, that can interact and oligomerize with TRAF3, was also able to cooperate with GMEB1, in order to inhibit apoptosis. Conclusions: Our protein-interaction experiments demonstrated that TRAF3 can interact with GMEB1, which is an inhibitor of apoptosis. In addition, cell viability assays showed that overexpression of TRAF3 enhanced the anti-apoptotic activity of GMEB1, supporting a regulatory role of TRAF3 in GMEB1-mediated inhibition of apoptosis. Better understanding of the molecular mechanism of TRAF3 function will improve diagnostics and targeted therapeutic approaches for TRAF3-associated disorders. © 2020 The Author(s)

    Synthesis and biological evaluation of PEGylated CuO nanoparticles

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    There is a growing field of research into the physicochemical properties of metal oxide nanoparticles (NPs) and their potential use against tumor formation, development and progression. Coated NPs with biocompatible surfactants can be incorporated into the natural metabolic pathway of the body and specifically favor delivery to the targeted cancerous cells versus normal cells. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is an FDA approved, biocompatible synthetic polymer and PEGylated NPs are regarded as “stealth” nanoparticles, which are not recognized by the immune system. Herein, PEGylated cupric oxide nanoparticles (CuO NPs) with either PEG 1000 or PEG 8000 were hydrothermally prepared upon properly adjusting the reaction conditions. Depending on the reaction time CuO NPs in the range of core sizes 11–20 nm were formed, while hydrodynamic sizes substantially varied (330–1120 nm) with improved colloidal stability in PBS. The anticancer activity of the NPs was evaluated on human cervical carcinoma HeLa cells by using human immortalized embryonic kidney 293 FT cells as a control. Viability assays (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide, MTT) revealed that CuO NPs could selectively reduce viability of tumor cells (IC50 values 11.91–25.78 μg/mL). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, cell membrane damage and apoptotic DNA laddering were also evident by nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) reduction, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release assays and DNA electrophoresis, respectively. CuO NPs strongly inhibited lipoxygenase (LOX) enzymatic activity with IC50 values 4–5.9 μg/mL, highlighting in that manner their anti-inflammatory activity

    The Tumor Suppressor CYLD Inhibits Mammary Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition by the Coordinated Inhibition of YAP/TAZ and TGFβ Signaling

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    Downregulation of the cylindromatosis (CYLD) tumor suppressor has been associated with breast cancer development and progression. Here, we report a critical role for CYLD in maintaining the phenotype of mammary epithelial cells in vitro and in vivo. CYLD downregulation or inactivation induced an epithelial to mesenchymal transition of mammary epithelial cells that was dependent on the concomitant activation of the transcription factors Yes-associated protein (YAP)/transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ) and transforming growth factor beta (TGF�)signaling. CYLD inactivation enhanced the nuclear localization of YAP/TAZ and the phosphorylation of Small Mothers Against Decapentaplegic (SMAD)2/3 proteins in confluent cell culture conditions. Consistent with these findings were the hyperplastic alterations of CYLD-deficient mouse mammary epithelia, which were associated with enhanced nuclear expression of the YAP/TAZ transcription factors. Furthermore, in human breast cancer samples, downregulation of CYLD expression correlates with enhanced YAP/TAZ-regulated target gene expression. Our results identify CYLD as a critical regulator of a signaling node that prevents the coordinated activation of YAP/TAZ and the TGF� pathway in mammary epithelial cells, in order to maintain their phenotypic identity and homeostasis. Consequently, they provide a novel conceptual framework that supports and explains a causal implication of deficient CYLD expression in aggressive human breast cancers

    Live-Cell Microscopy Reveals Small Molecule Inhibitor Effects on MAPK Pathway Dynamics

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    Oncogenic mutations in the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway are prevalent in human tumors, making this pathway a target of drug development efforts. Recently, ATP-competitive Raf inhibitors were shown to cause MAPK pathway activation via Raf kinase priming in wild-type BRaf cells and tumors, highlighting the need for a thorough understanding of signaling in the context of small molecule kinase inhibitors. Here, we present critical improvements in cell-line engineering and image analysis coupled with automated image acquisition that allow for the simultaneous identification of cellular localization of multiple MAPK pathway components (KRas, CRaf, Mek1 and Erk2). We use these assays in a systematic study of the effect of small molecule inhibitors across the MAPK cascade either as single agents or in combination. Both Raf inhibitor priming as well as the release from negative feedback induced by Mek and Erk inhibitors cause translocation of CRaf to the plasma membrane via mechanisms that are additive in pathway activation. Analysis of Erk activation and sub-cellular localization upon inhibitor treatments reveals differential inhibition and activation with the Raf inhibitors AZD628 and GDC0879 respectively. Since both single agent and combination studies of Raf and Mek inhibitors are currently in the clinic, our assays provide valuable insight into their effects on MAPK signaling in live cells

    Selective BRAFV600E Inhibitor PLX4720, Requires TRAIL Assistance to Overcome Oncogenic PIK3CA Resistance

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    Documented sensitivity of melanoma cells to PLX4720, a selective BRAFV600E inhibitor, is based on the presence of mutant BRAFV600E alone, while wt-BRAF or mutated KRAS result in cell proliferation. In colon cancer appearance of oncogenic alterations is complex , since BRAF, like KRAS mutations, tend to co-exist with those in PIK3CA and mutated PI3K has been shown to interfere with the successful application of MEK inhibitors. When PLX4720 was used to treat colon tumours, results were not encouraging and herein we attempt to understand the cause of this recorded resistance and discover rational therapeutic combinations to resensitize oncogene driven tumours to apoptosis. Treatment of two genetically different BRAFV600E mutant colon cancer cell lines with PLX4720 conferred complete resistance to cell death. Even though p-MAPK/ ERK kinase (MEK) suppression was achieved, TRAIL, an apoptosis inducing agent, was used synergistically in order to achieve cell death by apoptosis in RKOBRAFV600E/PIK3CAH1047 cells. In contrast, for the same level of apoptosis in HT29BRAFV600E/PIK3CAP449T cells, TRAIL was combined with 17-AAG, an Hsp90 inhibitor. For cells where PLX4720 was completely ineffective, 17-AAG was alternatively used to target mutant BRAFV600E. TRAIL dependence on the constitutive activation of BRAFV600E is emphasised through the overexpression of BRAFV600E in the permissive genetic background of colon adenocarcinoma Caco-2 cells. Pharmacological suppression of the PI3K pathway further enhances the synergistic effect between TRAIL and PLX4720 in RKO cells, indicating the presence of PIK3CAMT as the inhibitory factor. Another rational combination includes 17-AAG synergism with TRAIL in a BRAFV600E mutant dependent manner to commit cells to apoptosis, through DR5 and the amplification of the apoptotic pathway. We have successfully utilised combinations of two chemically unrelated BRAFV600E inhibitors in combination with TRAIL in a BRAFV600E mutated background and provided insight for new anti-cancer strategies where the activated PI3KCA mutation oncogene should be suppressed

    Targeting BRAF for patients with melanoma

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    The prognosis of patients with metastatic melanoma is poor and not influenced by systemic therapy with cytotoxic drugs. New targeted agents directed against the RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK pathway show promising activity in early clinical development and particular interest is focused on selective inhibitors of mutant BRAF, which is present in one half of the cases of metastatic melanoma. The majority of patients on early trials of these drugs develop secondary resistance and subsequent disease progression and it is, therefore, critical to understand the underlying escape mechanisms leading to resistance

    Melanoma: A model for testing new agents in combination therapies

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    Treatment for both early and advanced melanoma has changed little since the introduction of interferon and IL-2 in the early 1990s. Recent data from trials testing targeted agents or immune modulators suggest the promise of new strategies to treat patients with advanced melanoma. These include a new generation of B-RAF inhibitors with greater selectivity for the mutant protein, c-Kit inhibitors, anti-angiogenesis agents, the immune modulators anti-CTLA4, anti-PD-1, and anti-CD40, and adoptive cellular therapies. The high success rate of mutant B-RAF and c-Kit inhibitors relies on the selection of patients with corresponding mutations. However, although response rates with small molecule inhibitors are high, most are not durable. Moreover, for a large subset of patients, reliable predictive biomarkers especially for immunologic modulators have not yet been identified. Progress may also depend on identifying additional molecular targets, which in turn depends upon a better understanding of the mechanisms leading to response or resistance. More challenging but equally important will be understanding how to optimize the treatment of individual patients using these active agents sequentially or in combination with each other, with other experimental treatment, or with traditional anticancer modalities such as chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery. Compared to the standard approach of developing new single agents for licensing in advanced disease, the identification and validation of patient specific and multi-modality treatments will require increased involvement by several stakeholders in designing trials aimed at identifying, even in early stages of drug development, the most effective way to use molecularly guided approaches to treat tumors as they evolve over time