1,479,160 research outputs found

    Neutrino Mass and Oscillations

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    Current evidence for neutrino oscillation is reviewed, some areas for closer investigation are suggested, and a plausible future experimental program is summarized.Comment: Text of talk presented at Lepton-Photon 99 Conference, Stanford, Aug. 9-14, 1999; to be published in the Proceedings. LaTeX, 22 pages, 4 figures, 6 Postscript file

    Adhesive bonding and the use of corrosion resistant primers

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    The use of an anti-corrosive primer has been shown to be essential to assure survival of a bonded structure in a hostile environment, particularly if a stress is to be applied to the adhesively bonded joint during the environmental exposure. For example, the Lockheed L-1011 TriStar assembly, after exhaustive evaluation tests specifies use of chromate filled inhibitive polysulfide sealants, and use of corrosion inhibiting adhesive primers prior to structural bonding with film adhesive

    Charged-Current Disappearance Measurements in the NuMI Off-Axis Beam

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    This article studies the potential of combining charged-current disappearance measurements of \nu_{\mu} to \nu_{\tau} from MINOS and an off-axis beam. I find that the error on \Delta m^2 from a 100 kt-yr off-axis measurement is a few percent of itself. Further, I find little improvement to an off-axis measurement by combining it with MINOS.Comment: Presented at NuFact'02. Four pages, three figure

    Vacuum chamber is remotely sealed by eutectic metal

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    Vacuum chamber is remotely sealed by a design using metal seal blades which are inserted into a molten eutectic metal by pressurizing an expansion bellows. The process increases allowable manipulations by improving working space and safety factors

    Fundamental Weights, Permutation Weights and Weyl Character Formula

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    For a finite Lie algebra GNG_N of rank N, the Weyl orbits W(Λ++)W(\Lambda^{++}) of strictly dominant weights Λ++\Lambda^{++} contain dimW(GN)dimW(G_N) number of weights where dimW(GN)dimW(G_N) is the dimension of its Weyl group W(GN)W(G_N). For any W(Λ++)W(\Lambda^{++}), there is a very peculiar subset (Λ++)\wp(\Lambda^{++}) for which we always have dim(Λ++)=dimW(GN)/dimW(AN1). dim\wp(\Lambda^{++})=dimW(G_N)/dimW(A_{N-1}) . For any dominant weight Λ+ \Lambda^+ , the elements of (Λ+)\wp(\Lambda^+) are called {\bf Permutation Weights}. It is shown that there is a one-to-one correspondence between elements of (Λ++)\wp(\Lambda^{++}) and (ρ)\wp(\rho) where ρ\rho is the Weyl vector of GNG_N. The concept of signature factor which enters in Weyl character formula can be relaxed in such a way that signatures are preserved under this one-to-one correspondence in the sense that corresponding permutation weights have the same signature. Once the permutation weights and their signatures are specified for a dominant Λ+\Lambda^+, calculation of the character ChR(Λ+)ChR(\Lambda^+) for irreducible representation R(Λ+)R(\Lambda^+) will then be provided by ANA_N multiplicity rules governing generalized Schur functions. The main idea is again to express everything in terms of the so-called {\bf Fundamental Weights} with which we obtain a quite relevant specialization in applications of Weyl character formula.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, TeX, as will appear in Journal of Physics A:Mathematical and Genera

    Task Specific Uncertainty in Coordinate Measurement

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    Task specific uncertainty is the measurement uncertainty associated with the measurement of a specific feature using a specific measurement plan. This paper surveys techniques developed to model and estimate task specific uncertainty for coordinate measuring systems, primarily coordinate measuring machines using contacting probes. Sources of uncertainty are also reviewed

    Response-theory for nonresonant hole burning: Stochastic dynamics

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    Using non-linear response theory the time signals relevant for nonresonant spectral hole burning are calculated. The step-reponse function following the application of a high amplitude ac field (pump) and an intermediate waiting period is shown to be the sum of the equilibrium integrated response and a modification due to the preparation via ac irradiation. Both components are calculated for a class of stochastic dipole reorientation models. The results indicate that the method can be used for a clearcut distinction of homogeneously and heterogeneously broadened susceptibilities as they occur in the relaxation of supercooled liquids or other disordered materials. This is because only in the heterogeneous case is a frequency selective modification of the response possible.Comment: revised version, 7 pages, 2 figure