5,019 research outputs found

    Total Photonic and Hadronic Cross-sections

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    We discuss total cross-sections within the context of the QCD calculable mini-jet model, highlighting its successes and failures. In particular we show its description of γγhadrons\gamma \gamma \to hadrons and compare it with OPAL and L3 data. We extrapolate this result to γp\gamma p total cross-sections and propose a phenomenological ans\"atz for virtual photon cross-sections. We point out that the good agreement with data obtained with the Eikonal Minijet Model should not hide the many uncertainties buried in the impact parameter distribution. A model obtained from Soft Gluon Summation is briefly discussed and its application to hadronic cross-sections is shown.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX, uses aipproc.sty. To appear in the proceedings of Photon 2000, Ambelside, U.K., Aug 2000. The title, the number of pages and the number of figures in the announcement were corrected to correspond to the submitted pape

    Total Cross-sections

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    We examine the energy dependence of total cross-sections for photon processes and discuss the QCD contribution to the rising behaviourComment: 5 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures, talk presented by G. Pancheri at Photon - 2001, The International Conference on Structure and Interactions of Photons, Ascona, Sept. 2-7,2001. To appear in the proceeding

    QCD and Total Cross-sections

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    We discuss models for total cross-sections, show their predictions for photon-photon collisions and compare them with the recent LEP measurements. We show that the extrapolations to high center of mass energies within various models differ by large factors at high energies and discuss the precision required from future measurements at the proposed Linear Collider which would allow to distinguish between them.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, laTeX, requires sprocl.sty, added at the end. To appear in the Proceedings of XXIX International Symposium on Mutliparticle Dynamics, Brwon University, U.S.A., June 9

    Total Cross Sections

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    A unified approach to total cross-sections, based on the QCD contribution to the rise with energy, is presented for the processes pppp, ppˉp{\bar p}, γp,γγ,e+ehadrons\gamma p, \gamma \gamma, e^+e^- \to hadrons. For proton processes, a discussion of the role played by soft gluon summation in taming the fast rise due to mini-jets is presented. For photon-photon processes, a comparison with other models indicates the need for precision measurements in both the low and high energy region, likely only with measurements at future Linear Colliders.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, LaTeX, uses hsproc.sty and art10.sty. Talk given by G. Pancheri at 'International Hadron Structure-2000', October 1-6, Staralesn

    Total Cross-sections and Bloch-Nordsieck Gluon Resummation

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    The physics underlying the fall and eventual rise in various total cross-sections at high energies has been investigated over a decade using a model based on the Bloch-Nordsieck resummation in QCD. Here a brief review of our latest results is presented and comparison made with experimental data on pppp, γproton\gamma proton and γγ\gamma \gamma total cross-sections.Comment: Presented by G. Pancheri at ISMD04, Sonoma State University. Under publication in Acta Physica Polonica. LaTeX format, 10 *.eps files, 7 page

    Total cross sections and soft gluon resummation

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    We discuss a model for total hadronic and photonic cross-sections which includes hard parton-parton scattering to drive the rise and soft gluon resummation to tame it. Unitarity is ensured by embedding the cross-section in the eikonal formalism. Predictions for LHC and ILC are presented.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, Presented at PLC2005, Kazimierz, September 2005, requires appolb.cl

    Predictions for the γγ\gamma \gamma total cross-section in the TeV region: an update

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    In this talk we present an update of model predictions for the γγ\gamma \gamma total cross-section in the TeV region. The update includes preliminary results for γγ\gamma \gamma cross-sections using the Bloch-Nordsieck model for the overlap function of the partons in the transverse space, use of the CJLK parametrisation of the photonic parton densities that has recently become available and extension to the higher γγ\gamma \gamma energies relevant to the planned CLIC collider.Comment: Talk presented by A. De Roeck at the International Linear Collider Workshop, Jeju Island, Aug. 26-30,2002. To appear in the proceedings. 10 pages, LaTeX file, requires A4.sty, four figure

    Total Cross-sections at very high energies: from protons to photons

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    A model for both proton and photon total cross-sections is presented and compared with data. The model is based on the eikonal representation, with QCD mini-jets to drive the rise and soft gluon kt-resummation into the Infrared region to tame the excessive rise due to low-x perturbative gluons. We discuss the effects of a singular but integrable expression for the Infrared gluon spectrum on the high energy behaviour of the total cross-section expected in this model.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, Tenth Workshop on Non-Perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics at l'Institut Astrophysique de Paris, June 8-12, 200

    Total cross-section at LHC from minijets and soft gluon resummation in the infrared region

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    A model for total cross-sections incorporating QCD jet cross-sections and soft gluon resummation is described and compared with present data on pppp and pˉp{\bar p}p cross-sections. Predictions for LHC are presented for different parameter sets. It is shown that they differ according to the small x-behaviour of available parton density functions.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, uses appolb.cls, LaTeX. Talk presented by G. Pancheri at the EURIDICE Final Meeting, August 24-27th, 2006, Kazimierz, Polan

    Complex networks in brain electrical activity

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    We analyze the complex networks associated with brain electrical activity. Multichannel EEG measurements are first processed to obtain 3D voxel activations using the tomographic algorithm LORETA. Then, the correlation of the current intensity activation between voxel pairs is computed to produce a voxel cross-correlation coefficient matrix. Using several correlation thresholds, the cross-correlation matrix is then transformed into a network connectivity matrix and analyzed. To study a specific example, we selected data from an earlier experiment focusing on the MMN brain wave. The resulting analysis highlights significant differences between the spatial activations associated with Standard and Deviant tones, with interesting physiological implications. When compared to random data networks, physiological networks are more connected, with longer links and shorter path lengths. Furthermore, as compared to the Deviant case, Standard data networks are more connected, with longer links and shorter path lengths--i.e., with a stronger ``small worlds'' character. The comparison between both networks shows that areas known to be activated in the MMN wave are connected. In particular, the analysis supports the idea that supra-temporal and inferior frontal data work together in the processing of the differences between sounds by highlighting an increased connectivity in the response to a novel sound.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures. Starlab preprint. This version is an attempt to include better figures (no content change