1,030 research outputs found

    Spin dependent transport in organic light-emitting diodes

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    Electrically Detected Magnetic Resonance (EDMR) was used to study a series of multilayer organic devices based on aluminum (III) 8-hydroxyquinoline. These devices were designed to identify the micoscopic origin of different spin dependent process, i.e. hopping and exciton formation. EDMR is demonstrated to probe molecular orbitals of charge, and thus indirectly explore interfaces, exciton formation, charge accumalation and electric fields in operating organic based devices


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    In order to investigate whether early malnutrition causes lasting changes in the reactivity to anxiolytic drugs, rat dams lactation (21 days) and pops after weaning until the 49th day of life were fed on 8% casein diet (M rats), while their well-nourished controls received 25% casein (W rats), from day 50 on all animals ate the same balanced diet. Experiments started on the 91st day. Rats deprived for 22 hours drank water containing either 1.8% or 2.7% sodium chloride for 30 min in a test chamber, total intake being measured. Dose-effect curves for diazepam (0.5-5.0 mg/kg, IP), as well as for the monbenzodiazepine anxiolytics ipsapirone (0.5-5.0 mg/kg), ritanserin (0.05-1.0 mg/kg) and isamoltane (2.5-20.0 mg/kg) were determined in M as well as in W rats. Diazepam and ipsapirone dose-dependently released drinking suppressed by either salt concentration in W rats, but caused little or no effect in M rats. Ritanserin and isamoltane were ineffective in both groups. These and previously reported results show that early protein malnutrition markedly reduces anticonflict effect of anxiolytics, indicating long-lasting impairment of neuronal systems underlying emotional behavior. Keywords: early protein malnutrition, hypertonic saline intake, diazepam, ipsapirone.

    Gate-Controlled Electron Spin Resonance in a GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructure

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    The electron spin resonance (ESR) of two-dimensional electrons is investigated in a gated GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure. We found that the ESR resonance frequency can be turned by means of a gate voltage. The front and back gates of the heterostructure produce opposite g-factor shift, suggesting that electron g-factor is being electrostatically controlled by shifting the equilibrium position of the electron wave function from one epitaxial layer to another with different g-factors

    Healthcare professionals' self-reported experiences and preferences related to direct healthcare professional communications:a survey conducted in the Netherlands

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    Background: In Europe, Direct Healthcare Professional Communications (DHPCs) are important tools to inform healthcare professionals of serious, new drug safety issues. However, this tool has not always been successful in effectively communicating the desired actions to healthcare professionals. Objective: The aim of this study was to explore healthcare providers' experiences and their preferences for improvement of risk communication, comparing views of general practitioners (GPs), internists, community pharmacists and hospital pharmacists. Methods: A questionnaire was developed and pilot tested to assess experiences and preferences of Dutch healthcare professionals with DHPCs. The questionnaire and two reminders were sent to a random sample of 3488 GPs, internists and community and hospital pharmacists in the Netherlands. Descriptive statistics were used to describe demographic characteristics of the respondents. Chi squares, ANOVAs and the Wilcoxon signed rank test were used, when appropriate, to compare healthcare professional groups. Results: The overall response rate was 34% (N=1141, ranging from 24% for internists to 46% for community pharmacists). Healthcare providers trusted safety information more when provided by the Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board (MEB) than by the pharmaceutical industry. This was more the case for GPs than for the other healthcare professionals. Respondents preferred safety information to be issued by the MEB, the Dutch Pharmacovigilance Center or their own professional associations. The preferred alternative channels of drug safety information were e-mail, medical journals and electronic prescribing systems. Conclusions: Safety information of drugs does not always reach healthcare professionals through DHPCs. To improve current risk communication of drug safety issues, alternative and/or additional methods of risk communication should be developed using electronic methods and medical journals. Moreover, (additional) risk communication coming from an independent source such as the MEB should be considered. Special effort is needed to reach GPs

    Correlation between voxel based morphometry and manual volumetry in magnetic resonance images of the human brain

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    This is a comparative study between manual volumetry (MV) and voxel based morphometry (VBM) as methods of evaluating the volume of brain structures in magnetic resonance images. The volumes of the hippocampus and the amygdala of 16 panic disorder patients and 16 healthy controls measured through MV were correlated with the volumes of gray matter estimated by optimized modulated VBM. The chosen structures are composed almost exclusively of gray matter. Using a 4 mm Gaussian filter, statistically significant clusters were found bilaterally in the hippocampus and in the right amygdala in the statistical parametric map correlating with the respective manual volume. With the conventional 12 mm filter,a significant correlation was found only for the right hippocampus. Therefore,narrowfilters increase the sensitivity of the correlation procedure, especially when small brain structures are analyzed. The two techniques seem to consistently measure structural volume.Trata-se de estudo comparativo entre a volumetria manual(VM) e a morfometria baseada no vóxel (MBV), como métodos de avaliação do volume de estruturas cerebrais. Os volumes do hipocampo e da amídala de 16 pacientes de pânico e 16 controles sadios medidos através da VM foram correlacionados com os volumes de matéria cinzenta estimados pela MBV.As estruturas escolhidas são constituídas quase exclusivamente de matéria cinzenta. Utilizando um filtro Gaussiano de 4 mm, encontram-se, bilateralmente, aglomerados significativos de correlação nas duas estruturas no mapa estatístico paramétrico, correspondendo ao respectivo volume manual. Com o filtro convencional de 12 mm, apenas uma correlação significativa foi encontrada no hipocampo direito. Portanto, filtros estreitos aumentam a sensibilidade do procedimento de correlação,especialmente quando estruturas pequenas são analisadas. Ambas as técnicas parecem medir consistentemente o volume estrutural.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)(FAEPA) Hospital das Clínicas da FMRPUSP - Fundação de Apoio ao Ensino, Pesquisa e Asssistênci

    CD38/cADPR Signaling Pathway in Airway Disease: Regulatory Mechanisms

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    Asthma is an inflammatory disease in which proinflammatory cytokines have a role in inducing abnormalities of airway smooth muscle function and in the development of airway hyperresponsiveness. Inflammatory cytokines alter calcium (Ca2+) signaling and contractility of airway smooth muscle, which results in nonspecific airway hyperresponsiveness to agonists. In this context, Ca2+ regulatory mechanisms in airway smooth muscle and changes in these regulatory mechanisms encompass a major component of airway hyperresponsiveness. Although dynamic Ca2+ regulation is complex, phospholipase C/inositol tris-phosphate (PLC/IP3) and CD38-cyclic ADP-ribose (CD38/cADPR) are two major pathways mediating agonist-induced Ca2+ regulation in airway smooth muscle. Altered CD38 expression or enhanced cyclic ADP-ribosyl cyclase activity associated with CD38 contributes to human pathologies such as asthma, neoplasia, and neuroimmune diseases. This review is focused on investigations on the role of CD38-cyclic ADP-ribose signaling in airway smooth muscle in the context of transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation of CD38 expression. The specific roles of transcription factors NF-kB and AP-1 in the transcriptional regulation of CD38 expression and of miRNAs miR-140-3p and miR-708 in the posttranscriptional regulation and the underlying mechanisms of such regulation are discussed

    Modest effect of p53, EGFR and HER-2/neu on prognosis in epithelial ovarian cancer: a meta-analysis

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    Background: P53, egfr and her-2/neu are the most frequently studied molecular biological parameters in epithelial ovarian cancer, but their prognostic impact is still unequivocal. We performed a meta-analysis to more precisely estimate their prognostic significance. Methods: Published studies that investigated the association between p53, egfr and her-2/neu status and survival were identified. Meta-analysis was performed using a dersimonian-laird model. Publication bias was investigated using funnel plots and sources of heterogeneity were identified using meta-regression analysis. Results: A total of 62 studies were included for p53, 15 for egfr and 20 for her-2/neu. P53, egfr and her-2/neu status had a modest effect on overall survival (Pooled hr 1.47, 95% Ci 1.33-1.61 For p53; Hr 1.65, 95% Ci 1.25-2.19 For egfr and hr 1.67, 95% Ci 1.34-2.08 For her-2/neu). Meta-regression analysis for p53 showed that figo stage distribution influenced study outcome. For egfr and her-2/neu, considerable publication bias was present. Conclusions: Although p53, egfr and her-2/neu status modestly influences survival, these markers are, by themselves, unlikely to be useful as prognostic markers in clinical practice. Our study highlights the need for well-defined, prospective clinical trials and more complete reporting of results of prognostic factor studies. British journal of cancer ( 2009) 101, 149-159. Doi: 10.1038/Sj.Bjc.6605112 Www.Bjcancer.Com published online 9 june 2009 (C) 2009 Cancer research uk
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