301 research outputs found
Triadic motifs and dyadic self-organization in the World Trade Network
In self-organizing networks, topology and dynamics coevolve in a continuous
feedback, without exogenous driving. The World Trade Network (WTN) is one of
the few empirically well documented examples of self-organizing networks: its
topology strongly depends on the GDP of world countries, which in turn depends
on the structure of trade. Therefore, understanding which are the key
topological properties of the WTN that deviate from randomness provides direct
empirical information about the structural effects of self-organization. Here,
using an analytical pattern-detection method that we have recently proposed, we
study the occurrence of triadic "motifs" (subgraphs of three vertices) in the
WTN between 1950 and 2000. We find that, unlike other properties, motifs are
not explained by only the in- and out-degree sequences. By contrast, they are
completely explained if also the numbers of reciprocal edges are taken into
account. This implies that the self-organization process underlying the
evolution of the WTN is almost completely encoded into the dyadic structure,
which strongly depends on reciprocity.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures; Best Paper Award at the 6th International
Conference on Self-Organizing Systems, Delft, The Netherlands, 15-16/03/201
Interplay between topology and dynamics in the World Trade Web
We present an empirical analysis of the network formed by the trade
relationships between all world countries, or World Trade Web (WTW). Each
(directed) link is weighted by the amount of wealth flowing between two
countries, and each country is characterized by the value of its Gross Domestic
Product (GDP). By analysing a set of year-by-year data covering the time
interval 1950-2000, we show that the dynamics of all GDP values and the
evolution of the WTW (trade flow and topology) are tightly coupled. The
probability that two countries are connected depends on their GDP values,
supporting recent theoretical models relating network topology to the presence
of a `hidden' variable (or fitness). On the other hand, the topology is shown
to determine the GDP values due to the exchange between countries. This leads
us to a new framework where the fitness value is a dynamical variable
determining, and at the same time depending on, network topology in a
continuous feedback.Comment: Proceedings of the 5th conference on Applications of Physics in
Financial Analysis (APFA5), 29 June - 1 July 2006, Torino (ITALY
Applying weighted network measures to microarray distance matrices
In recent work we presented a new approach to the analysis of weighted
networks, by providing a straightforward generalization of any network measure
defined on unweighted networks. This approach is based on the translation of a
weighted network into an ensemble of edges, and is particularly suited to the
analysis of fully connected weighted networks. Here we apply our method to
several such networks including distance matrices, and show that the clustering
coefficient, constructed by using the ensemble approach, provides meaningful
insights into the systems studied. In the particular case of two data sets from
microarray experiments the clustering coefficient identifies a number of
biologically significant genes, outperforming existing identification
approaches.Comment: Accepted for publication in J. Phys.
An ensemble approach to the analysis of weighted networks
We present a new approach to the calculation of measures in weighted
networks, based on the translation of a weighted network into an ensemble of
edges. This leads to a straightforward generalization of any measure defined on
unweighted networks, such as the average degree of the nearest neighbours, the
clustering coefficient, the `betweenness', the distance between two nodes and
the diameter of a network. All these measures are well established for
unweighted networks but have hitherto proven difficult to define for weighted
networks. Further to introducing this approach we demonstrate its advantages by
applying the clustering coefficient constructed in this way to two real-world
weighted networks.Comment: 4 pages 3 figure
Self-organized network evolution coupled to extremal dynamics
The interplay between topology and dynamics in complex networks is a
fundamental but widely unexplored problem. Here, we study this phenomenon on a
prototype model in which the network is shaped by a dynamical variable. We
couple the dynamics of the Bak-Sneppen evolution model with the rules of the
so-called fitness network model for establishing the topology of a network;
each vertex is assigned a fitness, and the vertex with minimum fitness and its
neighbours are updated in each iteration. At the same time, the links between
the updated vertices and all other vertices are drawn anew with a
fitness-dependent connection probability. We show analytically and numerically
that the system self-organizes to a non-trivial state that differs from what is
obtained when the two processes are decoupled. A power-law decay of dynamical
and topological quantities above a threshold emerges spontaneously, as well as
a feedback between different dynamical regimes and the underlying correlation
and percolation properties of the network.Comment: Accepted version. Supplementary information at
Null Models of Economic Networks: The Case of the World Trade Web
In all empirical-network studies, the observed properties of economic
networks are informative only if compared with a well-defined null model that
can quantitatively predict the behavior of such properties in constrained
graphs. However, predictions of the available null-model methods can be derived
analytically only under assumptions (e.g., sparseness of the network) that are
unrealistic for most economic networks like the World Trade Web (WTW). In this
paper we study the evolution of the WTW using a recently-proposed family of
null network models. The method allows to analytically obtain the expected
value of any network statistic across the ensemble of networks that preserve on
average some local properties, and are otherwise fully random. We compare
expected and observed properties of the WTW in the period 1950-2000, when
either the expected number of trade partners or total country trade is kept
fixed and equal to observed quantities. We show that, in the binary WTW,
node-degree sequences are sufficient to explain higher-order network properties
such as disassortativity and clustering-degree correlation, especially in the
last part of the sample. Conversely, in the weighted WTW, the observed sequence
of total country imports and exports are not sufficient to predict higher-order
patterns of the WTW. We discuss some important implications of these findings
for international-trade models.Comment: 39 pages, 46 figures, 2 table
Emergence of weight-topology correlations in complex scale-free networks
Different weighted scale-free networks show weights-topology correlations
indicated by the non linear scaling of the node strength with node
connectivity. In this paper we show that networks with and without
weight-topology correlations can emerge from the same simple growth dynamics of
the node connectivities and of the link weights. A weighted fitness network is
introduced in which both nodes and links are assigned intrinsic fitness. This
model can show a local dependence of the weight-topology correlations and can
undergo a phase transition to a state in which the network is dominated by few
links which acquire a finite fraction of the total weight of the network.Comment: (4 pages,3 figures
Spatial effects in real networks: measures, null models, and applications
Spatially embedded networks are shaped by a combination of purely topological
(space-independent) and space-dependent formation rules. While it is quite easy
to artificially generate networks where the relative importance of these two
factors can be varied arbitrarily, it is much more difficult to disentangle
these two architectural effects in real networks. Here we propose a solution to
the problem by introducing global and local measures of spatial effects that,
through a comparison with adequate null models, effectively filter out the
spurious contribution of non-spatial constraints. Our filtering allows us to
consistently compare different embedded networks or different historical
snapshots of the same network. As a challenging application we analyse the
World Trade Web, whose topology is expected to depend on geographic distances
but is also strongly determined by non-spatial constraints (degree sequence or
GDP). Remarkably, we are able to detect weak but significant spatial effects
both locally and globally in the network, showing that our method succeeds in
retrieving spatial information even when non-spatial factors dominate. We
finally relate our results to the economic literature on gravity models and
trade globalization
Patterns of link reciprocity in directed networks
We address the problem of link reciprocity, the non-random presence of two
mutual links between pairs of vertices. We propose a new measure of reciprocity
that allows the ordering of networks according to their actual degree of
correlation between mutual links. We find that real networks are always either
correlated or anticorrelated, and that networks of the same type (economic,
social, cellular, financial, ecological, etc.) display similar values of the
reciprocity. The observed patterns are not reproduced by current models. This
leads us to introduce a more general framework where mutual links occur with a
conditional connection probability. In some of the studied networks we discuss
the form of the conditional connection probability and the size dependence of
the reciprocity.Comment: Final version accepted for publication on Physical Review Letter
The International Trade Network
Bilateral trade relationships in the international level between pairs of
countries in the world give rise to the notion of the International Trade
Network (ITN). This network has attracted the attention of network researchers
as it serves as an excellent example of the weighted networks, the link weight
being defined as a measure of the volume of trade between two countries. In
this paper we analyzed the international trade data for 53 years and studied in
detail the variations of different network related quantities associated with
the ITN. Our observation is that the ITN has also a scale invariant structure
like many other real-world networks.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure
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