19 research outputs found

    Optimal Management of Energy Communities Hosting a Fleet of Electric Vehicles

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    In this paper, we study the problem of managing an energy community hosting a fleet of electric vehicles for rent. On the day-ahead, service requests of electric vehicles are submitted to the community. Then, the optimal request-to-vehicle assignment has to be found, as well as the optimal charging schedule of vehicle batteries. A suitable model is presented and included in an existing energy community architecture. The overall community management problem is formulated as a bilevel model, featuring two nested optimization problems. The optimal request-to-vehicle assignment requires the solution of a mixed-integer linear program. To reduce the computational complexity, a heuristic solution to the assignment problem is presented. Numerical results show that the participation in the community grants a remarkable reduction of the electric vehicle charging cost. The adoption of the heuristic assignment solution provides a dramatic reduction of the computation time required to solve the bilevel model. At the same time, the level of suboptimality introduced appears to be negligible, being less than 1% in most of the considered cases

    A distributionally robust joint chance constraint approach to smart charging of plug-in electric vehicles

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    In this paper, the problem of optimal charging of plug-in electric vehicles in a parking lot is addressed. The parking time is assumed to be uncertain and characterized by a statistical distribution with fixed first and second order moments. The energy price during the day is assumed to be known on a day ahead basis. In this context, the problem of maximizing the profit of a charging station is formulated in a receding horizon framework, whose solution provides the optimal charging policy. To accommodate stochastic uncertainty affecting the parking time, a distributionally robust joint chance constraint approach is adopted when formulating the overall optimization problem. The optimal solution guarantees a customer satisfaction criterion expressed as a probabilistic confidence level. Simulation results on a case study show effectiveness and computational feasibility of the proposed approach

    A Receding Horizon Scheme for EV Charging Stations in Demand Response Programs

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    Demand response is expected to play a fundamental role in providing flexibility for balancing operations to the grid. On the other hand, the fast electrification of the transportation sector calls for new solutions to enforce safe and reliable grid operation. Here we consider an electric vehicle charging station that participates in demand response programs. The demand response program asks for a change of the charging station load profile in exchange for a monetary reward. A stochastic receding horizon scheme that exploits the charging flexibility is then designed to optimally coordinate vehicle charging. Numerical simulations show that the proposed approach ensures substantial cost reduction compared to simpler benchmarks while maintaining the computation time feasible for real-world applications

    Stochastic Energy Pricing of an Electric Vehicle Parking Lot

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    The increasing adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) and the related need for efficient battery charging leads to additional challenges to the power network and energy providers. One of the main issues regards the intrinsic uncertainty affecting the EV charging process, which calls for appropriate strategies to ensure reliable solutions. From the perspective of a parking lot, the electric vehicle charging process should be managed in order to guarantee the recharge at competitive price. In this paper, the problem of energy pricing under vehicle uncertainty is addressed. Specifically, we propose a new energy pricing strategy where the daily profit of the parking lot is guaranteed with a given probability level. The source of uncertainty is related to the EV arrival/departure times and the daily number of incoming vehicles. By exploiting photovoltaic (PV) and electrical storage system (ESS) facilities, procedures and algorithms are formulated to compute the optimal selling price and to operate the battery in a receding horizon framework. Since the proposed chance constraint problems are intractable for realistic scenarios, suitable approximations are provided in order to find a feasible solution. Numerical results show the effectiveness of the proposed approach and the tightness of the introduced relaxation, even in the presence of a high number of incoming vehicles

    Confronto sperimentale fra FTM da laser scanner, DTM fotogrammetrici e geometrie restituite: il test eseguito in Alto Adige

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    none4A. Cavazzini; F. Guzzetti; G. Otepka; ZanvettorA., Cavazzini; Guzzetti, Franco; G., Otepka; Zanvettor

    Optimal Charging of Electric Vehicles in Incentive-Based Energy Communities

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    Renewable energy communities are expected to play a fundamental role in the green energy transition. In this study, an optimization framework for the optimal operation of energy communities under high penetration of electric vehicles is proposed. Specifically, we consider an energy community composed of different entities featuring loads, renewable generators, energy storage systems, and electric vehicle charging stations. The main goal is to coordinate vehicle charging and storage operation so as to minimize the overall community costs. In particular, an incentive-based remuneration scheme is considered, promoting community self-consumption. The final optimization problem is cast as a linear program, thus able to deal with a large number of entities and vehicles. Numerical results show the effectiveness of the proposed procedure in terms of cost reduction and community self-consumption

    Relación entre las precipitaciones y un índice agrometeorológico para maíz

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    Se realizó el estudio estadístico de las series pluviométricas de tres localidades:Córdoba, Manfredi y Marcos Juárez con el objetivo de determinar la variabilidad anual y estacional de las precipitaciones y su relación con los rendimientos de los cultivos.Se analizaron las precipitaciones anuales y estacionales de las series calculándose los promedios móviles de 3, 6 y 9 anos para Córdoba y de 6 años para Manfredi y Marcos Juárez, quedando determinada la presencia de ciclos pluviométricos de 21y 11 años en Córdoba y Manfredi. En Marcos Juárez los ciclos no son tan evidentes como en las otras dos localidades. Se determinó, además, la tendencia secular positiva de las precipitaciones anuales y estacionales, en las tres localidades.Se relacionaron las precipitaciones con los rendimientos del maíz a través del índice agrometeorológico  para establecer la productividad del cultivo e identificar campañas con rendimientos extremos, encontrándose un buen ajuste entre el índice YMI calculado y la producción obtenida

    Evaluación de aspectos agronómicos, químicos-nutricionales y tecnológicos de lupinos y quínoas. Agronomic, chemical-nutritional and technological evaluation of lupin and quinoa grain crops.

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    Este proyecto desarrolla estudios multidisciplinarios para contribuir con información avalada por métodos científicos, a propuestas de desarrollos regionales agronómicos y de tecnología de alimentos en la provincia de Córdoba. Se propone realizar evaluaciones de factibilidad de cultivo de variedades de lupinos y quínoas en parcelas experimentales y huertas, verificar las características químico-nutricionales de los granos y establecer mecanismos tecnológicos, para poder presentar productos alimenticios viables de comercialización. Estos granos, poco conocidos en los hábitos nutricionales actuales, fueron considerados desde la antigüedad por distintas civilizaciones, como importantes fuentes de alimento vegetal. En la actualidad la necesidad de contar con nuevas fuentes de alimentos provenientes de sistemas auto-sustentables y manufacturación artesanal, ha llevado investigar alternativas de nuevos cultivos y a revalorizar aquellos que han sucumbido a las tecnologías modernas. Tanto los granos de quínoa como la de los lupinos han cobrado interés a nivel internacional por su alto valor nutricional, farmacológico y por sus cualidades de plantas rústicas a los manejos de cultivo. Es por esas razones, que se propone desarrollar un proyecto de investigación con transferencia de tecnología, para contar con experiencias que permitan establecer los lineamientos agronómicos y de tecnología de alimentos necesarios para promover los granos de lupinos y quínoas dentro de los planes nutricionales de nuestra sociedad. La importancia de este proyecto se fundamenta en la necesidad de buscar nuevas alternativas de cultivos que se adapten a los recursos de clima y suelo en áreas rurales de las sierras de Córdoba y promover nuevos emprendimientos relacionados con los sectores agrícolas y de la alimentación. Para su mejor desarrollo el proyecto está diagramado en tres módulos que cubren las siguientes áreas: Módulo 1, ensayos de cultivo en parcelas experimentales y huertas comunales; Módulo 2, análisis químicos-nutricionales; Módulo 3, diseño y adaptación de equipamiento para la manufacturación de alimentos. La metodología de investigación está ampliamente respaldada por la experiencia que cuenta el equipo de trabajo en los módulos propuestos y que puede ser verificada en la producción científica plasmada en trabajos publicados en revistas con referato nacionales e internacionales, presentaciones a congresos y direcciones de tesis