18 research outputs found

    Broadband optical gain via interference in the free electron laser: principles and proposed realizations

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    We propose experimentally simplified schemes of an optically dispersive interface region between two coupled free electron lasers (FELs), aimed at achieving a much broader gain bandwidth than in a conventional FEL or a conventional optical klystron composed of two separated FELs. The proposed schemes can {\it universally} enhance the gain of FELs, regardless of their design when operated in the short pulsed regime

    Coherent control of ac Stark allowed transition in Λ\Lambda system

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    We show that quantum-interference-related phenomena, such as electromagnetically induced transparency, gain without inversion and enhanced refractive index may occur on electric-dipole forbidden transitions. Gain/dispersion characteristics of such transitions strongly depend upon the relative phase between the driving and probe fields. Unlike allowed transitions, gain/absorption behavior of forbidden transitions exhibit antisymmetric feature on the Rabi sidebands. Absorption/gain spectra possess extremely narrow sub-natural resonances.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum Coherence in a Single Ion due to strong Excitation of a metastable Transition

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    We consider pump-probe spectroscopy of a single ion with a highly metastable (probe) clock transition which is monitored by using the quantum jump technique. For a weak clock laser we obtain the well known Autler-Townes splitting. For stronger powers of the clock laser we demonstrate the transition to a new regime. The two regimes are distinguished by the transition of two complex eigenvalues to purely imaginary ones which can be very different in magnitude. The transition is controlled by the power of the clock laser. For pump on resonance we present simple analytical expressions for various linewidths and line positions.Comment: 6 figures. accepted for publication in PR

    Gain without population inversion in V-type systems driven by a frequency-modulated field

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    We obtain gain of the probe field at multiple frequencies in a closed three-level V-type system using frequency modulated pump field. There is no associated population inversion among the atomic states of the probe transition. We describe both the steady-state and transient dynamics of this system. Under suitable conditions, the system exhibits large gain simultaneously at series of frequencies far removed from resonance. Moreover, the system can be tailored to exhibit multiple frequency regimes where the probe experiences anomalous dispersion accompanied by negligible gain-absorption over a large bandwidth, a desirable feature for obtaining superluminal propagation of pulses with negligible distortion.Comment: 10 pages + 8 figures; To appear in Physical Review

    Observation of absorptive photon switching by quantum interference

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    We report an experimental demonstration of photon switching by quantum interference in a four-level atomic system proposed by Harris and Yamamoto (Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 3611 (1998)). Quantum interference inhibits single-photon absorption but enhances third-order, two-photon type absorption in the four-level system. We have observed greatly enhanced nonlinear absorption in the four-level system realized with cold 87Rb atoms and demonstrated fast switching of the nonlinear absorption with a pulsed pump laser.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Lasing without inversion in three-level systems without external coherent driving

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    We have studied an incoherently pumped laser operating with a Doppler-broadened three-level system placed in a doubly resonant cavity. This system generates two laser fields, one of them without population inversion. Both ladder and V-type three-level schemes are considered with a ratio R=ωα/ωβ of inversionless laser frequency ωα to ordinary laser frequency ωβ of R=0.67 and R=1.88, respectively. Dual-wavelength lasing extends up to Doppler-broadening values for optical transitions of atoms in a vapor cell. Some considerations for the practical realization of this dual-wavelength laser are discussed