545 research outputs found

    "Navigating Change." A Voyage to Connect Science and Culture with Health

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    Hawai'i faces serious health problems, with average morbidity and mortality rates in key indicators often higher than their mainland counterparts. Much of this relates to poor dietary intake and inadequate physical activity. Many health initiatives have tried to address this issue. This paper examines a unique approach that integrates the health of the land and ecosystem with the health of the people who live in it. We discuss "Navigating Change," a program that brings together students, scientists and culture experts to address the health of the ecosystem, and demonstrate its relation to how we can live healthier lives. Health practitioners are encouraged to 1) understand the scope of the need; 2) increase and utilize resources; and 3) incorporate cultural healing in their practice

    Characteristics of Marshallese with Type 2 Diabetes on Oahu: A Pilot Study to Implement a Community-based Diabetic Health Improvement Project

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    Objectives – To determine the feasibility of a resident physician-based, culturally appropriate method of decreasing the disease burden of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM2) in a group of Pacific Islanders, Marshallese living in Hawai'i. Methods – Thirty Marshallese with diabetes who live on the island of Oahu, Hawaii were recruited. Baseline health status of the participants was characterized. Health parameters included HgbA1c, random blood sugar (RBS), lipid panels, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, and medical history, along with qualitative information. A focus group was held with participants prior to beginning the curriculum to determine cultural views on diabetes, health, treatment, and to identify potential obstacles to health improvement. A DM2 educational curriculum culturally relevant to Marshallese populations was then started, including instruction in lifestyle modification, adherence to medication regimens, and planned quarterly assessment of health improvement. Results – Baseline quantitative analysis revealed Marshallese with diabetes to be obese and hyperglycemic, with average BMI of 30 kg/m2 , RBS of 285, and HgbA1c of 9.3. Qualitative analysis revealed that nearly half the participants admitted to symptoms of severe hyperglycemia. The initial focus group had a substantial turnout. Attendance rapidly declined, becoming so low that classes were eventually terminated. However, in two participants who attended more than three classes there was evidence of major improvements in HgbA1c, cholesterol, and qualitative markers, which were sustained after one year. Conclusions – This pilot study of Marshallese with diabetes on Oahu showed that the majority had poor glycemic control with secondary co-morbid conditions. Although many barriers exist for successful implementation of a diabetes health improvement project in this group, the groundwork for translation of this project to the Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI) has been laid; curriculum translation and patient recruitment is currently underway to advance the project

    Use of complementary and alternative medicine in Hawaii cancer patients.

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    This research investigated complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use by Hawaii cancer patients. Thirty-six percent of patients used CAM, most commonly religious/spiritual therapy and herbal treatments. CAM use was linked with younger age, female gender, Catholic religion, and more education. More research is needed to inform decision-making.R01 CA 61711/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United StatesR01 CA 64045/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United State

    Micronesian Migrants in Hawaii: Health Issues and Culturally Appropriate, Community-Based Solutions

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    More than 20,000 Micronesians have migrated to Guam, Hawaii, or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Of these migrants, more than 8,000 now live in Hawaii. Factors in their home islands driving the recent emigration include the limited economic resources and struggling health care systems. Education systems in Micronesia are inadequate, and there are few job opportunities. The rates of infectious diseases remain high while at the same time, the epidemiologic transition in health has led to an explosion of non-communicable diseases. In Hawaii, the impact of the Micronesians emigration has been significant with most health and education expenses un-reimbursed. The health care costs alone are substantial as many Micronesians travel to Guam or Hawaii for medical treatment unavailable in their home islands. At the same time, Micronesians have difficulty accessing and navigating the health care system. While governmental, private, and academic programs already provide innovative and communitybased services to the Micronesian population, more work remains to be done. Not only are additional services, tailored to the culture and needs of Micronesian migrants, needed but a keener awareness and understanding of the issues surrounding Hawaii’s migrant population must be promoted among all public health stakeholders to ensure that the priority necessary to successfully address these challenges is recognized

    Percentage density, Wolfe's and Tabár's mammographic patterns: agreement and association with risk factors for breast cancer

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    INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this report was to classify mammograms according to four methods and to examine their agreement and their relationship to selected risk factors for breast cancer. METHOD: Mammograms and epidemiological data were collected from 987 women, aged 55 to 71 years, attending the Norwegian Breast Cancer Screening Program. Two readers each classified the mammograms according to a quantitative method (Cumulus or Madena software) and one reader according to two qualitative methods (Wolfe and Tabár patterns). Mammograms classified in the reader-specific upper quartile of percentage density, Wolfe's P2 and DY patterns, or Tabár's IV and V patterns, were categorized as high-risk density patterns and the remaining mammograms as low-risk density patterns. We calculated intra-reader and inter-reader agreement and estimated prevalence odds ratios of having high-risk mammographic density patterns according to selected risk factors for breast cancer. RESULTS: The Pearson correlation coefficient was 0.86 for the two quantitative density measurements. There was moderate agreement between the Wolfe and Tabár classifications (Kappa = 0.51; 95% confidence interval 0.46 to 0.56). Age at screening, number of children and body mass index (BMI) showed a statistically significant inverse relationship with high-risk density patterns for all four methods (all P < 0.05). After adjustment for percentage density, the Wolfe classification was not associated with any of the risk factors for breast cancer, whereas the association with number of children and BMI remained statistically significant for the Tabár classification. Adjustment for Wolfe or Tabár patterns did not alter the associations between these risk factors and percentage mammographic density. CONCLUSION: The four assessments methods seem to capture the same overall associations with risk factors for breast cancer. Our results indicate that the quantitative methods convey additional information over the qualitative methods

    Results from a 13-Year Prospective Cohort Study Show Increased Mortality Associated with Bloodstream Infections Caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa Compared to Other Bacteria

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    ABSTRACT The impact of bacterial species on outcome in bloodstream infections (BSI) is incompletely understood. We evaluated the impact of bacterial species on BSI mortality, with adjustment for patient, bacterial, and treatment factors. From 2002 to 2015, all adult inpatients with monomicrobial BSI caused by Staphylococcus aureus or Gram-negative bacteria at Duke University Medical Center were prospectively enrolled. Kaplan-Meier curves and multivariable Cox regression with propensity score models were used to examine species-specific bacterial BSI mortality. Of the 2,659 enrolled patients, 999 (38%) were infected with S. aureus , and 1,660 (62%) were infected with Gram-negative bacteria. Among patients with Gram-negative BSI, Enterobacteriaceae (81% [1,343/1,660]) were most commonly isolated, followed by non-lactose-fermenting Gram-negative bacteria (16% [262/1,660]). Of the 999 S. aureus BSI isolates, 507 (51%) were methicillin resistant. Of the 1,660 Gram-negative BSI isolates, 500 (30%) were multidrug resistant. The unadjusted time-to-mortality among patients with Gram-negative BSI was shorter than that of patients with S. aureus BSI ( P = 0.003), due to increased mortality in patients with non-lactose-fermenting Gram-negative BSI generally ( P < 0.0001) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa BSI ( n = 158) in particular ( P < 0.0001). After adjustment for patient demographics, medical comorbidities, bacterial antibiotic resistance, timing of appropriate antibiotic therapy, and source control in patients with line-associated BSI, P. aeruginosa BSI remained significantly associated with increased mortality (hazard ratio = 1.435; 95% confidence interval = 1.043 to 1.933; P = 0.02). P. aeruginosa BSI was associated with increased mortality relative to S. aureus or other Gram-negative BSI. This effect persisted after adjustment for patient, bacterial, and treatment factors

    The association of mammographic density with ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast: the Multiethnic Cohort

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    INTRODUCTION: It is well established that women with high mammographic density are at greater risk for breast cancer than are women with low breast density. However, little research has been done on mammographic density and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of the breast, which is thought to be a precursor lesion to some invasive breast cancers. METHOD: We conducted a nested case-control study within the Multiethnic Cohort, and compared the mammographic densities of 482 patients with invasive breast cancer and 119 with breast DCIS cases versus those of 667 cancer-free control subjects. A reader blinded to disease status performed computer-assisted density assessment. For women with more than one mammogram, mean density values were computed. Polytomous logistic regression models were used to compute adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for two measurements of mammographic density: percentage density and dense area. RESULTS: Mammographic density was associated with invasive breast cancer and breast DCIS. For the highest category of percentage breast density (≥50%) as compared with the lowest (<10%), the OR was 3.58 (95% CI 2.26–5.66) for invasive breast cancer and 2.86 (1.38–5.94) for breast DCIS. Similarly, for the highest category of dense area (≥45 cm(2)) as compared with the lowest (<15 cm(2)), the OR was 2.92 (95% CI 2.01–4.25) for invasive breast cancer and 2.59 (1.39–4.82) for breast DCIS. Trend tests were significant for invasive breast cancer (P for trend < 0.0001) and breast DCIS (P for trend < 0.001) for both percentage density and dense area. CONCLUSION: The similar strength of association for mammographic density with breast DCIS and invasive breast cancer supports the hypothesis that both diseases may have a common etiology

    Mammographic density, breast cancer risk and risk prediction

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    In this review, we examine the evidence for mammographic density as an independent risk factor for breast cancer, describe the risk prediction models that have incorporated density, and discuss the current and future implications of using mammographic density in clinical practice. Mammographic density is a consistent and strong risk factor for breast cancer in several populations and across age at mammogram. Recently, this risk factor has been added to existing breast cancer risk prediction models, increasing the discriminatory accuracy with its inclusion, albeit slightly. With validation, these models may replace the existing Gail model for clinical risk assessment. However, absolute risk estimates resulting from these improved models are still limited in their ability to characterize an individual's probability of developing cancer. Promising new measures of mammographic density, including volumetric density, which can be standardized using full-field digital mammography, will likely result in a stronger risk factor and improve accuracy of risk prediction models