822 research outputs found

    Функції держави у регулюванні відносин власності

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    ДВНЗ «Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. Вадима Гетьмана»Окреслено основні функції держави в регулюванні трансформаційними процесами в системі і відносинах власності на нинішньому етапі розвитку ринкової економіки в Україні. Обґрунтовано, що вдосконалення відносин власності має здійснюватися шляхом формування раціональної структури власності та бюджетних видатків, якісного правового поля, ефективної системи контролю, якісної нормативно-правової бази, підвищення конкурентоспроможності національного виробництва.Определены основные функции государства в регулировании трансформационными процессами в системе и отношениях собственности на нынешнем этапе развития рыночной экономики в Украине. Обосновано, что совершенствование отношений собственности должно осуществляться путем формирования рациональной структуры собственности и бюджетных расходов, качественного правового поля, эффективной системы контроля, качественной нормативно-правовой базы, повышения конкурентоспособности национального производства.The basic functions of the state in regulating the transformation processes in the system and property relations at the present stage of development of the market economy in Ukraine are determined in the article. It is proved that the improvement of relations of ownership must be achieved by the formation of a rational structure of ownership and low cost, high quality legal framework, an effective control system, high-quality regulatory framework, improve the competitiveness of domestic production

    Wave packet dynamics in a monolayer graphene

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    The dynamics of charge particles described by Gaussian wave packet in monolayer graphene is studied analytically and numerically. We demonstrate that the shape of wave packet at arbitrary time depends on correlation between the initial electron amplitudes ψ1(r,0)\psi_1(\vec r,0) and ψ2(r,0)\psi_2(\vec r,0) on the sublattices AA and BB correspondingly (i.e. pseudospin polarization). For the transverse pseudospin polarization the motion of the center of wave packet occurs in the direction perpendicular to the average momentum p0=k0 {\vec p_0}=\hbar \vec{k_0}. Moreover, in this case the initial wave packet splits into two parts moving with opposite velocities along p0 {\vec p_0}. If the initial direction of pseudospin coincides with average momentum the splitting is absent and the center of wave packet is displaced at t>0t>0 along the same direction. The results of our calculations show that all types of motion experience {\it zitterbewegung}. Besides, depending on initial polarization the velocity of the packet center may have the constant component vc=uf(a)v_c=uf(a), where u108cm/su\approx 10^8 cm/s is the Fermi velocity and f(a)f(a) is a function of the parameter a=k0da=k_0d (dd is the initial width of wave packet). As a result, the direction of the packet motion is determined not only by the orientation of the average momentum, but mainly by the phase difference between the up- and low- components of the wave functions. Similar peculiarities of the dynamics of 2D electron wave packet connected with initial spin polarization should take place in the semiconductor quantum well under the influence of the Rashba spin-orbit coupling.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Wave packet dynamics in hole Luttinger systems

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    For hole systems with an effective spin 3/2 we analyzed analytically and numerically the evolution of wave packets with the different initial polarizations. The dynamics of such systems is determined by the 4×44\times 4 Luttinger Hamiltonian. We work in the space of arbitrary superposition of light- and heavy-hole states of the "one-particle system". For 2D packets we obtained the analytical solution for the components of wave function and analyzed the space-time dependence of probability densities as well as angular momentum densities. Depending on the value of the parameter a=k0da=k_0d (k0k_0 is the average momentum vector and dd is the packet width) two scenarios of evolution are realized. For a>>1a>>1 the initial wave packet splits into two parts and the coordinates of packet center experience the transient oscillations or {\it Zitterbewegung} (ZB) as for other two-band systems. In the case when a0a0 remains almost cylindrically symmetric and the ripples arise at the circumference of wave packet. The ZB in this case is absent. We evaluated and visualized for different values of parameter aa the space-time dependence of angular momentum densities, which have the multipole structure. It was shown that the average momentum components can precess in the absence of external or effective magnetic fields due to the interference of the light- and heavy hole states. For localized initial states this precession has a transient character.Comment: 9 pages, 8 gigur

    Опыт применения нетрадиционных удобрений при выращивании сеянцев сосны обыкновенной (Рinus sylvestris l.) на Урале)

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    Представлена информация о возможности использования нетрадиционных удобрений, которые приготовлены на основе отходов производств. В настоящее время они являются доступными, недорогими и высокоэффективными средствами повышения плодородия лесных почв. Проанализированы изменения параметров посадочного материала при внесении данных смесе

    Zooplankton communities of the lena river delta (Siberia, Russia)

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    © SGEM2016.The article represents the current status of zooplankton communities in different types of water bodies of the Lena River Delta (The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)), Eastern Siberia, Russia. Zooplankton species compositions have been investigated in each of thermokarst and polygonal lakes of the areas of study. The diversity of zooplankton species was clearly dominated by representatives of the type of Rotifera. On the other hand, Cladocera and Copepoda species were represented approximately in equal proportions. The abundance of Rotifera was higher in zooplankton communities. The zooplankton abundance was determined by rotifers, the biomass – by Copepods. The main species complex consisted of Kellicottia longispina, Keratella cochlearis, Conochilus unicornis, Eudiaptomus graciloides, Cyclopos genera and juvenile cladocerans. The reservoirs were characterized as clean or moderately polluted and oligosaprobic with deviation in β-mezosaprobic zone. The communities were dominated by widespread zooplankton species where Holarctic and Palearctic organisms were presented approximately in equal proportions. According to biotopic distribution eurytopic species represent half of all the specific composition, planktonic and littoral species we re presented in equal proportions. Zooplankton communities in thermokar st lakes we re more similar to themselves than the thermokarst and polygonal waterbodies’ zooplankton communities. There wa s clearly seasonality in dominance of zooplankton species and their association with a type of the water body

    Magnetic Resonance (MR) rectography in diagnostics of small-size rectal neoplasms

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    Purpose was the assessment of diagnostic efficiency of MR-rectography in diagnostics of small-size rectal neoplasms. 12 patients with polyps and small tumors of a rectum are examined, the size of detected neoplasms varied in the range 3-18 mm. Native MRI and MRI with retrograde contrasting by ultrasonic gel was carried out. Results of MRI are compared with results of videocolonoscopy. Sensitivity of native MRT was 24%, MR- rectography was 88%. MR-rectography can be used in diagnostics of small-size rectal neoplasms

    The educational crisis as reflected in Russian literature in the 20th century

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    On the threshold of the 21st century, we are witnessing unprecedented demand for higher education, which plays one of the central and crucial roles in the modern world: education is the only "instrument" that translates any nation's spiritual achievements; it facilitates the development of a profound and harmonious personality: a person who is capable of seeking out and mastering new knowledge, thinks creatively, and makes outside-the-box decisions, which is the keystone of the country's future social-cultural and economic development. Thus, changes in political, economic, and social establishments define the need for reforming the entire public consciousness and, above all, education as one of the fundamental spheres of human life. The culture crisis that broke out in the early 20th century is associated with the devaluation of common values

    Wave Packet Dynamics in a Monolayer Graphene

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