57 research outputs found

    Applications of ultrasonic testing and machine learning methods to predict the static & fatigue behavior of spot-welded joints

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    © 2020 The Society of Manufacturing Engineers. This manuscript is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International licence (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). For further details please see: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Ultrasonic Testing (UT) is one of the well-known Non-Destructive Techniques (NDT) of spot-weld inspection in the advanced industries, especially in automotive industry. However, the relationship between the UT results and strength of the spot-welded joints subjected to various loading conditions isunknown. The main purpose of this research is to present an integrated search system as a new approach for assessment of tensile strength and fatigue behavior of the spot-welded joints. To this end, Resistance Spot Weld (RSW) specimens of three-sheets were made of different types of low carbon steel. Afterward, the ultrasonic tests were carried out and the pulse-echo data of each sample were extracted utilizing Image Processing Technique (IPT). Several experiments (tensile and axial fatigue tests) were performed to study the mechanical properties of RSW joints of multiple sheets. The novel approach of the present research is to provide a new methodology for static strength and fatigue life assessment of three-sheets RSW joints based on the UT results by utilizing Artificial Neural Network (ANN) simulation. Next, Genetic Algorithm (GA) was used to optimize the structure of ANN. This approach helps to decrease the number of tests and the cost of performing destructive tests with appropriate reliability.Peer reviewe

    Comparison between Isothermal and Non-Isothermal Fatigue Behavior in a Cast Aluminum-Silicon-Magnesium Alloy

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    Для литого алюмосиликатомагниевого сплава A356.0, широко используемого для изготовления головок цилиндров дизельных двигателей, выполнен сравнительный анализ усталостных процессов при антифазном термомеханическом нагружении, а также при малоцикловом нагружении при комнатной и повышенной температурах. Проведены изотермические и неизотермические циклические испытания с контролем деформаций и температуры, моделирующие эксплуатационные режимы нагружения головок цилиндров.Для литого алюмосилікатомагнієвого сплаву A356.0, що широко використовується для виготовлення головок циліндрів дизельних двигунів, виконано порівняльний аналіз втомних процесів при антифазному термомеханічному навантаженні та при малоцикловому навантаженні за кімнатної і підвищеної температур. Проведено ізотермічні і неізотермічні циклічні випробування з контролем деформацій і температури, що моделюють експлуатаційні режими навантаження головок циліндрів


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    ABSTRACT For characterizing Bauschinger effect factor (BEF) and Bauschinger modulus reduction of an A5083 aluminum alloy experimentally, several uniaxial tension-compression tests carried out in different pre-strain levels using INSTRON testing machine. BEF was investigated using both Welter and Milligan's definitions for various offset values. It was observed that Milligan's definition predicts BEF less than Welter's definition for all offset values. In addition, real loadingunloading behavior of such alloy was recorded to predict residual stresses resulting from autofrettage and shrink fit processes. Variable material properties (VMP) method, which is capable of incorporating real unloading behavior of materials, was used as an accurate way to estimate residual stresses. Hoop residual stresses were calculated using real unloading behavior and isotropic hardening rule. Results showed that, isotropic hardening rule in comparison with real unloading behavior overestimates bore hoop residual stresses up to 12%. INTRODUCTION The Bauschinger effect reported in 1881 describes the lowering of the elastic limit in compression subsequent to a previous loading in tension beyond the elastic limi

    Effect of residual stress on failure of tube-to-tubesheet weld in heat exchangers

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    In a shell and tube heat exchanger, the failure of tube-to-tubesheet welds results in high-pressure water jet which erodes the refractory in front of the tubesheet. Finite element method was employed to simulate the welding process and post weld heat treatment (PWHT) to find the factors affecting the failure in tube-to-tubesheet weldments. Residual stresses in two different geometries of tube-to-tubesheet weldment were calculated through uncoupled thermal-structural analysis. The results showed that the values of residual stresses are higher in heat exchanger of site 1 than site 2 due to more weld passes and geometry of connection. Also, the maximum stress in site 1 occurs at the shellside face of tubesheet while it is on the weld toe in site 2. High tensile residual stresses, especially in Site 1, reduce the tubesheet life. Therefore, performing an efficient PWHT is vital. The PWHT simulation indicated that the process designed is effective for both sites by reducing the residual stress significantly. In addition, the effect of stress concentration was examined on both sites. Moreover, the stress concentration factor in site 1 is as twice as in site 2 and it is the main reason for more failures in site 1

    Trust reality-mining: evidencing the role of friendship for trust diffusion

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    Value sensitive design is driven by the motivation of making social and moral values central to the development of ICT systems. Among the most challenging concerns when imparting shared values like accountability, transparency, liberty, fairness and trust into information technology are reliable and comprehensive formal and computational models of those values. This paper, educated by trust theories and models from cognitive science, social sciences and artificial intelligence, proposes a novel stochastic computational model of trust, encapsulating abstractions of human cognitive capabilities and empirically evidenced social interaction patterns. Qualitative and quantitative features of trust are identified, upon which our formal model is phrased. Reality mining methods are used to validate the model based on a real life community dataset. We analyze the time-varying dynamics of the interaction and communication patterns of the community, consider varying types of relationships as well as their symmetry. Social network data analysis shows that our model better fits the evolved friendships compared to a well designed synthetic trust model, which is used as the baseline.</p

    Dynamic Versus Static Oxidation of Nb/Al-AlOx_x/Nb Trilayer

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    High quality Nb-based superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) junctions with Al oxide (AlOx_x) tunnel barriers grown from Al overlayers are widely reported in the literature. However, the thin barriers required for high critical current density (Jc_c) junctions exhibit defects that result in significant subgap leakage current that is detrimental for many applications. High quality, high-Jc_c junctions can be realized with AlNx_x barriers, but control of Jc_c is more difficult than with AlOx_x. It is therefore of interest to study the growth of thin AlOx_x barriers with the ultimate goal of achieving high quality, high-Jc_c AlOx_x junctions. In this work, 100\%\ O2_2 and 2\%\ O2_2 in Ar gas mixtures are used both statically and dynamically to grow AlOx_x tunnel barriers over a large range of oxygen exposures. In situ ellipsometry is used for the first time to extensively measure AlOx_x tunnel barrier growth in real time, revealing a number of unexpected patterns. Finally, a set of test junction wafers was fabricated that exhibited the well-known dependence of Jc_c on oxygen exposure (E) in order to further validate the experimental setup

    Pervasive sensing to model political opinions in face-to-face networks

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    Exposure and adoption of opinions in social networks are important questions in education, business, and government. We de- scribe a novel application of pervasive computing based on using mobile phone sensors to measure and model the face-to-face interactions and subsequent opinion changes amongst undergraduates, during the 2008 US presidential election campaign. We nd that self-reported political discussants have characteristic interaction patterns and can be predicted from sensor data. Mobile features can be used to estimate unique individ- ual exposure to di erent opinions, and help discover surprising patterns of dynamic homophily related to external political events, such as elec- tion debates and election day. To our knowledge, this is the rst time such dynamic homophily e ects have been measured. Automatically esti- mated exposure explains individual opinions on election day. Finally, we report statistically signi cant di erences in the daily activities of individ- uals that change political opinions versus those that do not, by modeling and discovering dominant activities using topic models. We nd people who decrease their interest in politics are routinely exposed (face-to-face) to friends with little or no interest in politics.U.S. Army Research Laboratory (Cooperative Agreement No. W911NF-09-2-0053)United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Award No. FA9550-10-1-0122)Swiss National Science Foundatio

    Introducing gradient severe shot peening as a novel mechanical surface treatment

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    Shot peening is widely used for improving mechanical properties especially fatigue behavior of metallic components by inducing surface hardening, compressive residual stresses and surface grain refinement. In air blast shot peening, projection pressure and surface coverage (an index of peening duration) have been considered as major controlling process parameters; the combination of these parameters plays a critical role in the beneficial effects of shot peening. Generally in severe shot peening aimed at obtaining surface grain refinement, constant values of pressure are considered with different peening durations. Considering very high peening duration, however, the phenomenon of over shot peening, which can be identified with the formation of surface defects could occur. The present study introduces a novel shot peening treatment, here called gradient severe shot peening (GSSP) that instead of using constant projection pressure, implements gradually increasing or decreasing pressures. The gradual increase of the projection pressure acts as a pre-hardening stage for the following higher projection pressure boosting the potential of the material to tolerate the sequential impacts and thus become less prone to the formation of surface defects. The results of the experiments indicate significant fatigue life improvement obtained for GSSP treated specimens compared to the standard treatment with constant pressure. GSSP avoids the detrimental effects of over-peening, while maintaining the beneficial effects of surface nano-crystallization, surface hardening and compressive residual stresses. The notable difference in fatigue strength enhancement for GSSP treated material can be also attributed to the modulated surface morphology with lower surface roughness compared to a standard shot peening treatment with the same exposure time