2,808 research outputs found

    Theoretical insights into the RR Lyrae K-band Period-Luminosity relation

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    Based on updated nonlinear, convective pulsation models computed for several values of stellar mass, luminosity and metallicity, theoretical constraints on the K-band Period-Luminosity (PLK) relation of RR Lyrae stars are presented. We show that for each given metal content the predicted PLK is marginally dependent on uncertainties of the stellar mass and/or luminosity. Then, by considering the RR Lyrae masses suggested by evolutionary computations for the various metallicities, we obtain that the predicted infrared magnitude M_K over the range 0.0001< Z <0.02 is given by the relation MK=0.568-2.071logP+0.087logZ-0.778logL/Lo, with a rms scatter of 0.032 mag. Therefore, by allowing the luminosities of RR Lyrae stars to vary within the range covered by current evolutionary predictions for metal-deficient (0.0001< Z <0.006) horizontal branch models, we eventually find that the infrared Period-Luminosity- Metallicity (PLZK) relation is MK=0.139-2.071(logP+0.30)+0.167logZ, with a total intrinsic dispersion of 0.037 mag. As a consequence, the use of such a PLZK relation should constrain within +-0.04 mag the infrared distance modulus of field and cluster RR Lyrae variables, provided that accurate observations and reliable estimates of the metal content are available. Moreover, we show that the combination of K and V measurements can supply independent information on the average luminosity of RR Lyrae stars, thus yielding tight constraints on the input physics of stellar evolution computations. Finally, for globular clusters with a sizable sample of first overtone variables, the reddening can be estimated by using the PLZK relation together with the predicted MV-logP relation at the blue edge of the instability strip (Caputo et al. 2000).Comment: 8 pages, including 5 postscript figures, accepted for publication on MNRA

    Blue Straggler masses from pulsation properties. I. The case of NGC6541

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    We used high-spatial resolution images acquired with the WFC3 on board HST to probe the population of variable blue straggler stars in the central region of the poorly studied Galactic globular cluster NGC 6541. The time sampling of the acquired multi wavelength (F390W, F555W and F814W) data allowed us to discover three WUma stars and nine SX Phoenicis. Periods, mean magnitudes and pulsation modes have been derived for the nine SX Phoenicis and their masses have been estimated by using pulsation equations obtained from linear non adiabatic models. We found masses in the range 1.0-1.1Mo, with an average value of 1.06+-0.09 Mo (sigma = 0.04), significantly in excess of the cluster Main Sequence Turn Off mass (~ 0.75Mo). A mild trend between mass and luminosity seems also to be present. The computed pulsation masses turn out to be in very good agreement with the predictions of evolutionary tracks for single stars, indicating values in the range ~ 1.0-1.2 Mo for most of the BSS population, in agreement with what discussed in a number of previous studies.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, ApJ, accepte

    Distance and reddening of the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 6822

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    On the basis of a new photometric analysis of the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy NCG 6822 based on observations obtained with the Advanced Camera for Surveys onboard the Hubble Space Telescope, we have obtained a new estimate of the extinction of two fields located in the southeast region of the galaxy. Because of significant differences in the distance estimates to NGC 6822 available in literature, we decided to provide an independent determination of the distance to this galaxy based on an updated and self-consistent theoretical calibration of the tip of the red giant branch brightness. As a result we newly determined the distance to NGC 6822 to be equal to (m−M)0=23.54±0.05{\rm(m-M)}_0=23.54\pm 0.05, and compared our measurement with the most recent determinations of this distance.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Astronomy & Astrophysics (Research Note), in press (proof correction included

    Retinoic acid as a modulator of T cell immunity

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    Indexación: Scopus. DOAJ.Vitamin A, a generic designation for an array of organic molecules that includes retinal, retinol and retinoic acid, is an essential nutrient needed in a wide array of aspects including the proper functioning of the visual system, maintenance of cell function and differentiation, epithelial surface integrity, erythrocyte production, reproduction, and normal immune function. Vitamin A deficiency is one of the most common micronutrient deficiencies worldwide and is associated with defects in adaptive immunity. Reports from epidemiological studies, clinical trials and experimental studies have clearly demonstrated that vitamin A plays a central role in immunity and that its deficiency is the cause of broad immune alterations including decreased humoral and cellular responses, inadequate immune regulation, weak response to vaccines and poor lymphoid organ development. In this review, we will examine the role of vitamin A in immunity and focus on several aspects of T cell biology such as T helper cell differentiation, function and homing, as well as lymphoid organ development. Further, we will provide an overview of the effects of vitamin A deficiency in the adaptive immune responses and how retinoic acid, through its effect on T cells can fine-tune the balance between tolerance and immunity.http://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/8/6/34

    Impact of communicative and informative strategies on influenza vaccination adherence and absenteeism from work of health care professionals working at the university hospital of palermo, Italy: A quasi-experimental field trial on twelve influenza seasons

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    Every year, about 20% of health care workers (HCWs) acquire influenza, continuing to work and encouraging virus spreading. Influenza vaccination coverage rates and absenteeism from work among HCWs of the University Hospital (UH) of Palermo were analyzed before and after the implementation of several initiatives in order to increase HCWs’ awareness about influenza vaccination. Vaccines administration within hospital units, dedicated web pages on social media and on the UH of Palermo institutional web site, and mandatory compilation of a dissent form for those HCWs who refused vaccination were carried out during the last four influenza seasons. After the introduction of these strategies, influenza vaccination coverage went up from 5.2% (2014/2015 season) to 37.2% (2018/2019 season) (p&lt;0.001), and mean age of vaccinated HCWs significantly decreased from 48.1 years (95% CI: 45.7–50.5) to 35.9 years (95% CI: 35.0–36.8). A reduction of working days lost due to acute sickness among HCWs of the UH of Palermo was observed. Fear of adverse reactions and not considering themselves as a high-risk group for contracting influenza were the main reasons reported by HCWs that refused vaccination. Strategies undertaken at the UH of Palermo allowed a significant increase in vaccination adherence and a significant reduction of absenteeism from work

    On the second overtone stability among SMC Cepheids

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    We present a new set of Cepheid, full amplitude, nonlinear, convective models which are pulsationally unstable in the second overtone (SO). Hydrodynamical models were constructed by adopting a chemical composition typical for Cepheids in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) and stellar masses ranging from 3.25 to 4 solar masses. Predicted phi{21} Fourier parameters agree, within current uncertainties, with empirical data for pure first and second overtone variables as well as for first/second overtone (FO/SO) double-mode Cepheids collected by Udalski et al. (1999a,b) in the SMC. On the other hand, predicted I band amplitudes are systematically larger than the observed ones in the short period range. We also find, in agreement with empirical evidence, that the region within which both second and first overtones attain a stable limit cycle widens when moving toward lower luminosities. Moreover, predicted P{SO}/P{FO} and P{FO}/P{F} period ratios agree quite well with empirical period ratios for FO/SO and F/FO double-mode SMC Cepheids. Finnaly, current models support the evidence that pure SO Cepheids and SO components in FO/SO Cepheids are good distance indicators.Comment: 6 pages, 6 postscript figures, accepted for publication on MNRA

    Classical Cepheids, what else?

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    We present new and independent estimates of the distances to the Magellanic Clouds (MCs) using near-infrared (NIR) and optical--NIR period--Wesenheit (PW) relations. The slopes of the PW relations are, within the dispersion, linear over the entire period range and independent of metal content. The absolute zero points were fixed using Galactic Cepheids with distances based on the infrared surface-brightness method. The true distance modulus we found for the Large Magellanic Cloud---(m−M)0=18.48±0.01±0.10(m-M)_0 = 18.48 \pm 0.01 \pm 0.10 mag---and the Small Magellanic Cloud---(m−M)0=18.94±0.01±0.10(m-M)_0 = 18.94 \pm 0.01 \pm 0.10 mag---agree quite well with similar distance determinations based on robust distance indicators. We also briefly discuss the evolutionary and pulsation properties of MC Cepheids
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