103 research outputs found

    Quasi-bound states in continuum

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    We report the prediction of quasi-bound states (resonant states with very long lifetimes) that occur in the eigenvalue continuum of propagating states for a wide region of parameter space. These quasi-bound states are generated in a quantum wire with two channels and an adatom, when the energy bands of the two channels overlap. A would-be bound state that lays just below the upper energy band is slightly destabilized by the lower energy band and thereby becomes a resonant state with a very long lifetime (a second QBIC lays above the lower energy band).Comment: 4 pages, 4figures, 1 tabl

    Complex Energy Spectrum and Time Evolution of QBIC States in a Two-Channel Quantum wire with an Adatom Impurity

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    We provide detailed analysis of the complex energy eigenvalue spectrum for a two-channel quantum wire with an attached adatom impurity. The study is based on our previous work [Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 210404 (2007)], in which we presented the quasi-bound states in continuum (or QBIC states). These are resonant states with very long lifetimes that form as a result of two overlapping continuous energy bands one of which, at least, has a divergent van Hove singularity at the band edge. We provide analysis of the full energy spectrum for all solutions, including the QBIC states, and obtain an expansion for the complex eigenvalue of the QBIC state. We show that it has a small decay rate of the order g6g^6, where gg is the coupling constant. As a result of this expansion, we find that this state is a non-analytic effect resulting from the van Hove singularity; it cannot be predicted from the ordinary perturbation analysis that relies on Fermi's golden rule. We will also numerically demonstrate the time evolution of the QBIC state using the effective potential method in order to show the stability of the QBIC wave function in comparison with that of the other eigenstates.Comment: Around 20 pages, 50 total figure

    Strongly Coupled Matter-Field and Non-Analytic Decay Rate of Dipole Molecules in a Waveguide

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    The decay rate \gam of an excited dipole molecule inside a waveguide is evaluated for the strongly coupled matter-field case near a cutoff frequency \ome_c without using perturbation analysis. Due to the singularity in the density of photon states at the cutoff frequency, we find that \gam depends non-analytically on the coupling constant \ggg as 4/3\ggg^{4/3}. In contrast to the ordinary evaluation of \gam which relies on the Fermi golden rule (itself based on perturbation analysis), \gam has an upper bound and does not diverge at \ome_c even if we assume perfect conductance in the waveguide walls. As a result, again in contrast to the statement found in the literature, the speed of emitted light from the molecule does not vanish at \ome_c and is proportional to c2/3c\ggg^{2/3} which is on the order of 10310410^3 \sim 10^4 m/s for typical dipole molecules.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Stochastic Dynamical Structure (SDS) of Nonequilibrium Processes in the Absence of Detailed Balance. III: potential function in local stochastic dynamics and in steady state of Boltzmann-Gibbs type distribution function

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    From a logic point of view this is the third in the series to solve the problem of absence of detailed balance. This paper will be denoted as SDS III. The existence of a dynamical potential with both local and global meanings in general nonequilibrium processes has been controversial. Following an earlier explicit construction by one of us (Ao, J. Phys. {\bf A37}, L25 '04, arXiv:0803.4356, referred to as SDS II), in the present paper we show rigorously its existence for a generic class of situations in physical and biological sciences. The local dynamical meaning of this potential function is demonstrated via a special stochastic differential equation and its global steady-state meaning via a novel and explicit form of Fokker-Planck equation, the zero mass limit. We also give a procedure to obtain the special stochastic differential equation for any given Fokker-Planck equation. No detailed balance condition is required in our demonstration. For the first time we obtain here a formula to describe the noise induced shift in drift force comparing to the steady state distribution, a phenomenon extensively observed in numerical studies. The comparison to two well known stochastic integration methods, Ito and Stratonovich, are made ready. Such comparison was made elsewhere (Ao, Phys. Life Rev. {\bf 2} (2005) 117. q-bio/0605020).Comment: latex. 13 page

    On the Thermal Symmetry of the Markovian Master Equation

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    The quantum Markovian master equation of the reduced dynamics of a harmonic oscillator coupled to a thermal reservoir is shown to possess thermal symmetry. This symmetry is revealed by a Bogoliubov transformation that can be represented by a hyperbolic rotation acting on the Liouville space of the reduced dynamics. The Liouville space is obtained as an extension of the Hilbert space through the introduction of tilde variables used in the thermofield dynamics formalism. The angle of rotation depends on the temperature of the reservoir, as well as the value of Planck's constant. This symmetry relates the thermal states of the system at any two temperatures. This includes absolute zero, at which purely quantum effects are revealed. The Caldeira-Leggett equation and the classical Fokker-Planck equation also possess thermal symmetry. We compare the thermal symmetry obtained from the Bogoliubov transformation in related fields and discuss the effects of the symmetry on the shape of a Gaussian wave packet.Comment: Eqs.(64a), (65a)-(68) are correcte

    Nontrivial eigenvalues of the Liouvillian of an open quantum system

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    We present methods of finding complex eigenvalues of the Liouvillian of an open quantum system. The goal is to find eigenvalues that cannot be predicted from the eigenvalues of the corresponding Hamiltonian. Our model is a T-type quantum dot with an infinitely long lead. We suggest the existence of the non-trivial eigenvalues of the Liouvillian in two ways: one way is to show that the original problem reduces to the problem of a two-particle Hamiltonian with a two-body interaction and the other way is to show that diagram expansion of the Green's function has correlation between the bra state and the ket state. We also introduce the integral equations equivalent to the original eigenvalue problem.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, proceeding

    A Quantum Anti-Zeno Paradox

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    We establish an exact differential equation for the operator describing time-dependent measurements continuous in time and obtain a series solution. Suppose the projection operator E(t)=U(t)EU(t)E(t) = U(t) E U^\dagger(t) is measured continuously from t = 0 to T, where E is a projector leaving the initial state unchanged and U(t) a unitary operator obeying U(0) = 1 and some smoothness conditions in t. We prove that the probability of always finding E(t) = 1 from t = 0 to T is unity. If U(t)1U(t) \neq 1, the watched kettle is sure to `boil'.Comment: 10 pages,late

    Influence of the detector's temperature on the quantum Zeno effect

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    In this paper we study the quantum Zeno effect using the irreversible model of the measurement. The detector is modeled as a harmonic oscillator interacting with the environment. The oscillator is subjected to the force, proportional to the energy of the measured system. We use the Lindblad-type master equation to model the interaction with the environment. The influence of the detector's temperature on the quantum Zeno effect is obtained. It is shown that the quantum Zeno effect becomes stronger (the jump probability decreases) when the detector's temperature increases

    Projection Postulate and Atomic Quantum Zeno Effect

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    The projection postulate has been used to predict a slow-down of the time evolution of the state of a system under rapidly repeated measurements, and ultimately a freezing of the state. To test this so-called quantum Zeno effect an experiment was performed by Itano et al. (Phys. Rev. A 41, 2295 (1990)) in which an atomic-level measurement was realized by means of a short laser pulse. The relevance of the results has given rise to controversies in the literature. In particular the projection postulate and its applicability in this experiment have been cast into doubt. In this paper we show analytically that for a wide range of parameters such a short laser pulse acts as an effective level measurement to which the usual projection postulate applies with high accuracy. The corrections to the ideal reductions and their accumulation over n pulses are calculated. Our conclusion is that the projection postulate is an excellent pragmatic tool for a quick and simple understanding of the slow-down of time evolution in experiments of this type. However, corrections have to be included, and an actual freezing does not seem possible because of the finite duration of measurements.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX, no figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.