2,175 research outputs found

    On the angular and energy distribution of solar neutrons generated in P-P reactions

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    The problem of high energy neutron generation in P-P reactions in the solar atmosphere is reconsidered. It is shown that the angular distribution of emitted neutrons is anisotropic and the energy spectrum of neutrons depends on the angle of neutron emission

    (Anti-)self-dual homogeneous vacuum gluon field as an origin of confinement and SUL(NF)×SUR(NF)SU_L(N_F)\times SU_R(N_F) symmetry breaking in QCD

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    It is shown that an (anti-)self-dual homogeneous vacuum gluon field appears in a natural way within the problem of calculation of the QCD partition function in the form of Euclidean functional integral with periodic boundary conditions. There is no violation of cluster property within this formulation, nor are parity, color and rotational symmetries broken explicitly. The massless limit of the product of the quark masses and condensates, mfψˉfψfm_f \langle \bar\psi_f \psi_f \rangle, is calculated to all loop orders. This quantity does not vanish and is proportional to the gluon condensate appearing due to the nonzero strength of the vacuum gluon field. We conclude that the gluon condensate can be considered as an order parameter both for confinement and chiral symmetry breaking.Comment: 16 pages, LaTe

    Two-photon decay of heavy hadron molecules

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    We discuss the two-photon decay width of heavy hadron molecules and study the dependence on the constituent meson masses and on the binding energy. In addition finite size effects due to the extended structure of the bound state are shown to have a strong influence on the predictions for this decay width.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Strong and radiative decays of the Ds0*(2317) meson in the DK-molecule picture

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    We consider a possible interpretation of the new charm-strange meson Ds0*(2317) as a hadronic molecule - a bound state of D and K mesons. Using an effective Lagrangian approach we calculate the strong Ds0* to Ds pi0 and radiative Ds0* to Ds* gamma decays. A new impact related to the DK molecular structure of the Ds0*(2317) meson is that the presence of u(d) quarks in the D and K mesons gives rise to a direct strong isospin-violating transition Ds0* to Ds pi0 in addition to the decay mechanism induced by eta-pi0 mixing considered previously. We show that the direct transition dominates over the eta-pi0 mixing transition in the Ds0* to Ds pi0 decay. Our results for the partial decay widths are consistent with previous calculations.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Rare decay pi0 -> e+e-: theory confronts KTeV data

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    Within the dispersive approach to the amplitude of the rare decay pi0 -> e+e- the nontrivial dynamics is contained only in the subtraction constant. We express this constant, in the leading order in (m_e/\Lambda)^2 perturbative series, in terms of the inverse moment of the pion transition form factor given in symmetric kinematics. By using the CELLO and CLEO data on the pion transition form factor given in asymmetric kinematics the lower bound on the decay branching ratio is found. The restrictions following from QCD allow us to make a quantitative prediction for the branching B(pi0 -> e+e-) =(6.2\pm 0.1)*10^{-8} which is 3\sigma below the recent KTeV measurement. We confirm our prediction by using the quark models and phenomenological approaches based on the vector meson dominance. The decays \eta -> l^+l^- are also discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Few-body physics in effective field theory

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    Effective Field Theory (EFT) provides a powerful framework that exploits a separation of scales in physical systems to perform systematically improvable, model-independent calculations. Particularly interesting are few-body systems with short-range interactions and large two-body scattering length. Such systems display remarkable universal features. In systems with more than two particles, a three-body force with limit cycle behavior is required for consistent renormalization already at leading order. We will review this EFT and some of its applications in the physics of cold atoms and nuclear physics. In particular, we will discuss the possibility of an infrared limit cycle in QCD. Recent extensions of the EFT approach to the four-body system and N-boson droplets in two spatial dimensions will also be addressed.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, Proceedings of the INT Workshop on "Nuclear Forces and the Quantum Many-Body Problem", Oct. 200

    Collective Excitations of Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases of Atoms in a Harmonic Trap

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    The zero-temperature properties of a dilute two-component Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover are investigated. On the basis of a generalization of the Hylleraas-Undheim method, we construct rigorous upper bounds to the collective frequencies for the radial and the axial breathing mode of the Fermi gas under harmonic confinement in the framework of the hydrodynamic theory. The bounds are compared to experimental data for trapped vapors of Li6 atoms.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Semileptonic decays of double heavy baryons in a relativistic constituent three-quark model

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    We study the semileptonic decays of double heavy baryons using a manifestly Lorentz covariant constituent three-quark model. We present complete results on transition form factors between double-heavy baryons for finite values of the heavy quark/baryon masses and in the heavy quark symmetry limit which is valid at and close to zero recoil. Decay rates are calculated and compared to each other in the full theory, keeping masses finite, and also in the heavy quark limit.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    Charmed baryon Sigmac(2800) as a ND hadronic molecule

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    The isotriplet Sigmac(2800) baryon with possible quantum numbers J(P) = 1/2(+), 1/2(-) or 3/2(+), 3/2(-) is considered as a hadronic molecule composed of a nucleon and a D meson. We determine the strong two-body decay widths Sigmac to Lambdac + pi which are shown to be consistent with current data for the J(P) = 1/2(+) and J(P) = 3/2(-) assignments.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    A non-perturbative method of calculation of Green functions

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    A new method for non-perturbative calculation of Green functions in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory is proposed. The method is based on an approximation of Schwinger-Dyson equation for the generating functional by exactly soluble equation in functional derivatives. Equations of the leading approximation and the first step are solved for ϕd4\phi^4_d-model. At d=1d=1 (anharmonic oscillator) the ground state energy is calculated. The renormalization program is performed for the field theory at d=2,3d=2,3. At d=4d=4 the renormalization of the coupling involves a trivialization of the theory.Comment: 13 pages, Plain LaTex, no figures, some discussion of results for anharmonic oscillator and a number of references are added, final version published in Journal of Physics