1,359 research outputs found

    Acute changes in myo-inositol uptake and 22Na+ flux in murine neuroblastoma cells (N1E-115) following insulin

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    Abstractmyo-Inositol uptake was investigated in a murine neuroblastoma clone (N1E-115) to determine the effect of altered Na+,K+-ATPase activity. The Na+ ionophone monensin, and veratridine, an alkaloid affecting voltage-dependent Na+ entry, increased acute 22Na+ uptake and 22Na+ efflux from pre-loaded cells, concomitant with enhanced myo-inositol uptake. This effect was also seen following insulin. Insulin-stimulated myo-inositol uptake was inhibited by amiloride, ouabain and pyrithiamine. Amiloride inhibition suggests that activation of Na+/H+ exchange preceding Na+,K+-ATPase activation is involved in insulin stimulation of myo-inositol uptake. Pyrithiamine inhibition is an indication of prior activation of the Na+,K+-ATPase α+ catalytic subunit by insulin. The results provide evidence that insulin contributes to the maintenance of Na+, K+-ATPase in neuronal tissue

    Education, globalization and the nation state

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    Review of the book Education, globalization and the nation state by Prof. Ronald C. Sultanapeer-reviewe

    Emotional empathy of postgraduate students

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    This paper focuses on the leaders’ ability to recognise and empathise with emotions. This is important because leadership and particularly transformational leadership are principally focused on an individual’s social interactions and their ability to identify emotions and to react empathetically to the emotions of others (Psychogios and Dimitriadis, 2020). Many leadership theorists suggest the ability to have and display empathy is an important part of leadership (Bass, 1990; Walumbwa, et. al., 2008). To examine the extent to which those who work in jobs with a significant element of leadership education can recognise and empathise with emotions, ninety-nine part-time postgraduate executive MBA students took part in an emotional recognition test. First, all participants were shown a sequence of pictures portraying different human facial expressions and the electrical activity in the brain as a result of the visual stimuli were recorded using an electroencephalogram (EEG). The second stage of the research was for the participants to see the same seven randomised images, but this time, they had to report what emotion they believed they had visualised and the intensity of it on a self-reporting scale. This study demonstrated that the ability to recognise emotions is more accurate using EEG techniques compared to participants using self-reporting surveys. The results of this study provide academic departments with evidence that more work needs to be done with students to develop their emotional recognition skills. Particularly for those students who are or will go onto occupy leadership roles

    Altered rich club and frequency-dependent subnetworks organization in mild traumatic brain injury: A MEG resting-state study

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    Functional brain connectivity networks exhibit “small-world” characteristics and some of these networks follow a “rich-club” organization, whereby a few nodes of high connectivity (hubs) tend to connect more densely among themselves than to nodes of lower connectivity. The Current study followed an “attack strategy” to compare the rich-club and small-world network organization models using Magnetoencephalographic (MEG) recordings from mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) patients and neurologically healthy controls to identify the topology that describes the underlying intrinsic brain network organization. We hypothesized that the reduction in global efficiency caused by an attack targeting a model’s hubs would reveal the “true” underlying topological organization. Connectivity networks were estimated using mutual information as the basis for cross-frequency coupling. Our results revealed a prominent rich-club network organization for both groups. In particular, mTBI patients demonstrated hypersynchronization among rich-club hubs compared to controls in the d band and the d-g1, "-g1, and b-g2 frequency pairs. Moreover, rich-club hubs in mTBI patients were overrepresented in right frontal brain areas, from " to g1 frequencies, and underrepresented in left occipital regions in the d-b, d-g1, "-b, and b-g2 frequency pairs. These findings indicate that the rich-club organization of resting-state MEG, considering its role in information integration and its vulnerability to various disorders like mTBI, may have a significant predictive value in the development of reliable biomarkers to help the validation of the recovery frommTBI. Furthermore, the proposed approachmight be used as a validation tool to assess patient recovery

    Orexin-A exerts equivocal role in atherosclerosis process depending on the duration of exposure : in vitro study

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    Orexin-A is a peptide hormone that plays a crucial role in feeding regulation and energy homeostasis. Diurnal intermittent fasting (DIF) has been found to increase orexin-A plasma levels during fasting hours, while Ramadan fasting which resembles DIF, has led to beneficial effects on endothelial function. Herein, we aimed to investigate the effects of orexin-A on the expression of molecules involved in the atherogenesis process: Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9 (MMP-2 and MMP-9) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 and 2 (TIMP-1 and TIMP-2), in human aortic endothelial cells (HAECs). HAECs were incubated with orexin-A at concentrations of 40 ng/mL, 200 ng/mL and 400 ng/mL for 6, 12 and 24 h. The mRNA levels of MCP-1, MMP-2, MMP-9, TIMP-1, and TIMP-2 and orexin-1 receptor were measured by real-time qPCR. We also evaluated the MMP-2, p38, phospho-p38, NF-ÎșΒ/p65 as well as TIMP-1 protein levels by Western blot and ELISA, respectively. MMP-2 activity was measured by gelatin zymography. Short-term 6-h incubation of HAECs with orexin-A at a high concentration (400 ng/mL) decreased MCP-1, MMP-2 expression, MMP-2/TIMP-1 ratio (p < 0.05), and MMP-2 activity, while incubation for 24 h increased MCP-1, MMP-2 expression (p < 0.05), MMP-2/TIMP-1 and MMP-2/TIMP-2 ratio (p < 0.01 and p < 0.05, respectively) as well as MMP-2 activity. The dual effects of orexin-A are mediated, at least in part, via regulation of p38 and NF-ÎșΒ pathway. Orexin-A may have an equivocal role in atherosclerosis process with its effects depending on the duration of exposure

    Synergistic Gravity and the Role of Resonances in GRS-Inspired Braneworlds

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    We consider 5D braneworld models of quasi-localized gravity in which 4D gravity is reproduced at intermediate scales while the extra dimension opens up at both the very short and the very long distances, where the geometry is flat. Our main interest is the interplay between the zero mode of these models, whenever a normalizable zero mode exists, and the effects of zero energy graviton resonant modes coming from the contributions of massive KK modes. We first consider a compactified version of the GRS model and find that quasi-localized gravity is characterized by a scale for which both the resonance and the zero mode have significant contribution to 4D gravity. Above this scale, gravity is primarily mediated by the zero mode, while the resonance gives only minor corrections. Next, we consider an asymmetric version of the standard non-compact GRS model, characterized by different cosmological constants on each AdS side. We show that a resonance is present but the asymmetry, through the form of the localizing potential, can weaken it, resulting in a shorter lifetime and, thus, in a shorter distance scale for 4D gravity. As a third model exhibiting quasi-localization, we consider a version of the GRS model in which the central positive tension brane has been replaced by a configuration of a scalar field propagating in the bulk.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, added 1 figure, revised version as published in Class. Quant. Gra

    Typical and aberrant functional brain flexibility: lifespan development and aberrant organization in traumatic brain injury and dyslexia

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    Intrinsic functional connectivity networks derived from different neuroimaging methods and connectivity estimators have revealed robust developmental trends linked to behavioural and cognitive maturation. The present study employed a dynamic functional connectivity approach to determine dominant intrinsic coupling modes in resting-state neuromagnetic data from 178 healthy participants aged 8–60 years. Results revealed significant developmental trends in three types of dominant intra- and inter-hemispheric neuronal population interactions (amplitude envelope, phase coupling, and phase-amplitude synchronization) involving frontal, temporal, and parieto-occipital regions. Multi-class support vector machines achieved 89% correct classification of participants according to their chronological age using dynamic functional connectivity indices. Moreover, systematic temporal variability in functional connectivity profiles, which was used to empirically derive a composite flexibility index, displayed an inverse U-shaped curve among healthy participants. Lower flexibility values were found among age-matched children with reading disability and adults who had suffered mild traumatic brain injury. The importance of these results for normal and abnormal brain development are discussed in light of the recently proposed role of cross-frequency interactions in the fine-grained coordination of neuronal population activity

    Greater repertoire and temporal variability of cross-frequency coupling (CFC) modes in resting-state neuromagnetic recordings among children with reading difficulties

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    Cross-frequency, phase-to-amplitude coupling (PAC) between neuronal oscillations at rest may serve as the substrate that supports information exchange between functionally specialized neuronal populations both within and between cortical regions. The study utilizes novel algorithms to identify prominent instantaneous modes of cross-frequency coupling and their temporal stability in resting state magnetoencephalography (MEG) data from 25 students experiencing severe reading difficulties (RD) and 27 age-matched non-impaired readers (NI). Phase coherence estimates were computed in order to identify the prominent mode of PAC interaction for each sensor, sensor pair, and pair of frequency bands (from ή to γ) at successive time windows of the continuous MEG record. The degree of variability in the characteristic frequency-pair PACf1−f2 modes over time was also estimated. Results revealed a wider repertoire of prominent PAC interactions in RD as compared to NI students, suggesting an altered functional substrate for information exchange between neuronal assemblies in the former group. Moreover, RD students showed significant variability in PAC modes over time. This temporal instability of PAC values was particularly prominent: (a) within and between right hemisphere temporo-parietal and occipito-temporal sensors and, (b) between left hemisphere frontal, temporal, and occipito-temporal sensors and corresponding right hemisphere sites. Altered modes of neuronal population coupling may help account for extant data revealing reduced, task-related neurophysiological and hemodynamic activation in left hemisphere regions involved in the reading network in RD. Moreover, the spatial distribution of pronounced instability of cross-frequency coupling modes in this group may provide an explanation for previous reports suggesting the presence of inefficient compensatory mechanisms to support reading
