584 research outputs found

    Coreness of Cooperative Games with Truncated Submodular Profit Functions

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    Coreness represents solution concepts related to core in cooperative games, which captures the stability of players. Motivated by the scale effect in social networks, economics and other scenario, we study the coreness of cooperative game with truncated submodular profit functions. Specifically, the profit function f(⋅)f(\cdot) is defined by a truncation of a submodular function σ(⋅)\sigma(\cdot): f(⋅)=σ(⋅)f(\cdot)=\sigma(\cdot) if σ(⋅)≥η\sigma(\cdot)\geq\eta and f(⋅)=0f(\cdot)=0 otherwise, where η\eta is a given threshold. In this paper, we study the core and three core-related concepts of truncated submodular profit cooperative game. We first prove that whether core is empty can be decided in polynomial time and an allocation in core also can be found in polynomial time when core is not empty. When core is empty, we show hardness results and approximation algorithms for computing other core-related concepts including relative least-core value, absolute least-core value and least average dissatisfaction value

    Budget feasible mechanisms on matroids

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    Motivated by many practical applications, in this paper we study budget feasible mechanisms where the goal is to procure independent sets from matroids. More specifically, we are given a matroid =(,) where each ground (indivisible) element is a selfish agent. The cost of each element (i.e., for selling the item or performing a service) is only known to the element itself. There is a buyer with a budget having additive valuations over the set of elements E. The goal is to design an incentive compatible (truthful) budget feasible mechanism which procures an independent set of the matroid under the given budget that yields the largest value possible to the buyer. Our result is a deterministic, polynomial-time, individually rational, truthful and budget feasible mechanism with 4-approximation to the optimal independent set. Then, we extend our mechanism to the setting of matroid intersections in which the goal is to procure common independent sets from multiple matroids. We show that, given a polynomial time deterministic blackbox that returns -approximation solutions to the matroid intersection problem, there exists a deterministic, polynomial time, individually rational, truthful and budget feasible mechanism with (3+1) -approximation to the optimal common independent set

    Group Strategyproof Pareto-Stable Marriage with Indifferences via the Generalized Assignment Game

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    We study the variant of the stable marriage problem in which the preferences of the agents are allowed to include indifferences. We present a mechanism for producing Pareto-stable matchings in stable marriage markets with indifferences that is group strategyproof for one side of the market. Our key technique involves modeling the stable marriage market as a generalized assignment game. We also show that our mechanism can be implemented efficiently. These results can be extended to the college admissions problem with indifferences

    Matching structure and bargaining outcomes in buyer–seller networks

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    We examine the relationship between the matching structure of a bipartite (buyer-seller) network and the (expected) shares of the unit surplus that each connected pair in this network can create. We show that in different bargaining environments, these shares are closely related to the Gallai-Edmonds Structure Theorem. This theorem characterizes the structure of maximum matchings in an undirected graph. We show that the relationship between the (expected) shares and the tructure Theorem is not an artefact of a particular bargaining mechanism or trade centralization. However, this relationship does not necessarily generalize to non-bipartite networks or to networks with heterogeneous link values

    Biorthogonal quantum mechanics

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    The Hermiticity condition in quantum mechanics required for the characterization of (a) physical observables and (b) generators of unitary motions can be relaxed into a wider class of operators whose eigenvalues are real and whose eigenstates are complete. In this case, the orthogonality of eigenstates is replaced by the notion of biorthogonality that defines the relation between the Hilbert space of states and its dual space. The resulting quantum theory, which might appropriately be called 'biorthogonal quantum mechanics', is developed here in some detail in the case for which the Hilbert-space dimensionality is finite. Specifically, characterizations of probability assignment rules, observable properties, pure and mixed states, spin particles, measurements, combined systems and entanglements, perturbations, and dynamical aspects of the theory are developed. The paper concludes with a brief discussion on infinite-dimensional systems. © 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Quantum catastrophes: a case study

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    The bound-state spectrum of a Hamiltonian H is assumed real in a non-empty domain D of physical values of parameters. This means that for these parameters, H may be called crypto-Hermitian, i.e., made Hermitian via an {\it ad hoc} choice of the inner product in the physical Hilbert space of quantum bound states (i.e., via an {\it ad hoc} construction of the so called metric). The name of quantum catastrophe is then assigned to the N-tuple-exceptional-point crossing, i.e., to the scenario in which we leave domain D along such a path that at the boundary of D, an N-plet of bound state energies degenerates and, subsequently, complexifies. At any fixed N≥2N \geq 2, this process is simulated via an N by N benchmark effective matrix Hamiltonian H. Finally, it is being assigned such a closed-form metric which is made unique via an N-extrapolation-friendliness requirement.Comment: 23 p
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