133 research outputs found

    Towards the theory of integrable hyperbolic equations of third order

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    The examples are considered of integrable hyperbolic equations of third order with two independent variables. In particular, an equation is found which admits as evolutionary symmetries the Krichever--Novikov equation and the modified Landau--Lifshitz system. The problem of choice of dynamical variables for the hyperbolic equations is discussed.Comment: 22

    The inverse spectral problem for the discrete cubic string

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    Given a measure mm on the real line or a finite interval, the "cubic string" is the third order ODE ϕ=zmϕ-\phi'''=zm\phi where zz is a spectral parameter. If equipped with Dirichlet-like boundary conditions this is a nonselfadjoint boundary value problem which has recently been shown to have a connection to the Degasperis-Procesi nonlinear water wave equation. In this paper we study the spectral and inverse spectral problem for the case of Neumann-like boundary conditions which appear in a high-frequency limit of the Degasperis--Procesi equation. We solve the spectral and inverse spectral problem for the case of mm being a finite positive discrete measure. In particular, explicit determinantal formulas for the measure mm are given. These formulas generalize Stieltjes' formulas used by Krein in his study of the corresponding second order ODE ϕ=zmϕ-\phi''=zm\phi.Comment: 24 pages. LaTeX + iopart, xypic, amsthm. To appear in Inverse Problems (http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/IP

    Transfer and scattering of wave packets by a nonlinear trap

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    In the framework of a one-dimensional model with a tightly localized self-attractive nonlinearity, we study the formation and transfer (dragging) of a trapped mode by "nonlinear tweezers", as well as the scattering of coherent linear wave packets on the stationary localized nonlinearity. The use of the nonlinear trap for the dragging allows one to pick up and transfer the relevant structures without grabbing surrounding "garbage". A stability border for the dragged modes is identified by means of of analytical estimates and systematic simulations. In the framework of the scattering problem, the shares of trapped, reflected, and transmitted wave fields are found. Quasi-Airy stationary modes with a divergent norm, that may be dragged by the nonlinear trap moving at a constant acceleration, are briefly considered too.Comment: Phys. Rev. E in pres

    One-Two Dimensional Nonlinear Pulse Interaction

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    The peculiar intergrability of the Davey-Stewartson equation allows us to find analytically solutions describing the simultaneous formation and interaction of one-dimensional and two-dimensional localized coherent structures. The predicted phenomenology allows us to address the issue of interaction of solitons of different dimensionality that may serve as a starting point for the understanding of hybrido-dimensional collisions recently observed in nonlinear optical media.Comment: 11 pages + 4 figure

    Integrability of Differential-Difference Equations with Discrete Kinks

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    In this article we discuss a series of models introduced by Barashenkov, Oxtoby and Pelinovsky to describe some discrete approximations to the \phi^4 theory which preserve travelling kink solutions. We show, by applying the multiple scale test that they have some integrability properties as they pass the A_1 and A_2 conditions. However they are not integrable as they fail the A_3 conditions.Comment: submitted to the Proceedings of the workshop "Nonlinear Physics: Theory and Experiment.VI" in a special issue di Theoretical and Mathematical Physic

    Inverse problems associated with integrable equations of Camassa-Holm type; explicit formulas on the real axis, I

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    The inverse problem which arises in the Camassa--Holm equation is revisited for the class of discrete densities. The method of solution relies on the use of orthogonal polynomials. The explicit formulas are obtained directly from the analysis on the real axis without any additional transformation to a "string" type boundary value problem known from prior works

    Dressing chain for the acoustic spectral problem

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    The iterations are studied of the Darboux transformation for the generalized Schroedinger operator. The applications to the Dym and Camassa-Holm equations are considered.Comment: 16 pages, 6 eps figure

    On the tau-functions of the Degasperis-Procesi equation

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    The DP equation is investigated from the point of view of determinant-pfaffian identities. The reciprocal link between the Degasperis-Procesi (DP) equation and the pseudo 3-reduction of the CC_{\infty} two-dimensional Toda system is used to construct the N-soliton solution of the DP equation. The N-soliton solution of the DP equation is presented in the form of pfaffian through a hodograph (reciprocal) transformation. The bilinear equations, the identities between determinants and pfaffians, and the τ\tau-functions of the DP equation are obtained from the pseudo 3-reduction of the CC_{\infty} two-dimensional Toda system.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, to be publishe

    Analytic solutions and Singularity formation for the Peakon b--Family equations

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    Using the Abstract Cauchy-Kowalewski Theorem we prove that the bb-family equation admits, locally in time, a unique analytic solution. Moreover, if the initial data is real analytic and it belongs to HsH^s with s>3/2s > 3/2, and the momentum density u0u0,xxu_0 - u_{0,{xx}} does not change sign, we prove that the solution stays analytic globally in time, for b1b\geq 1. Using pseudospectral numerical methods, we study, also, the singularity formation for the bb-family equations with the singularity tracking method. This method allows us to follow the process of the singularity formation in the complex plane as the singularity approaches the real axis, estimating the rate of decay of the Fourier spectrum

    Self-similarity and singularity formation in a coupled system of Yang-Mills-dilaton evolution equations

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    We study both analytically and numerically a coupled system of spherically symmetric SU(2) Yang-Mills-dilaton equation in 3+1 Minkowski space-time. It has been found that the system admits a hidden scale invariance which becomes transparent if a special ansatz for the dilaton field is used. This choice corresponds to transition to a frame rotated in the lnrt\ln r-t plane at a definite angle. We find an infinite countable family of self-similar solutions which can be parametrized by the NN - the number of zeros of the relevant Yang-Mills function. According to the performed linear perturbation analysis, the lowest solution with N=0 only occurred to be stable. The Cauchy problem has been solved numerically for a wide range of smooth finite energy initial data. It has been found that if the initial data exceed some threshold, the resulting solutions in a compact region shrinking to the origin, attain the lowest N=0 stable self-similar profile, which can pretend to be a global stable attractor in the Cauchy problem. The solutions live a finite time in a self-similar regime and then the unbounded growth of the second derivative of the YM function at the origin indicates a singularity formation, which is in agreement with the general expectations for the supercritical systems.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure