298 research outputs found
Charged-current neutrino-208Pb reactions
We present theoretical results on the non flux-averaged
reaction cross sections, obtained within the charge-exchange
Random-Phase-Approximation. A detailed knowledge of these cross sections is
important in different contexts. In particular, it is necessary to assess the
possibility of using lead as a detector in future experiments on supernova
neutrinos, such as OMNIS and LAND, and eventually detect neutrino oscillation
signals by exploiting the spectroscopic properties of . We discuss
the present status on the theoretical predictions of the reaction cross
sections.Comment: 5 pages, latex, 3 figures. added discussion on present status,
Submitted to Phys.Rev.
Measurement of electron-neutrino electron elastic scattering
The cross section for the elastic scattering reaction nu_e+e- -> nu_e+e- was
measured by the Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector using a mu+ decay-at-rest
nu_e beam at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center. The standard model of
electroweak physics predicts a large destructive interference between the
charge current and neutral current channels for this reaction. The measured
cross section, sigma_{nu_e e-}=[10.1 +- 1.1(stat.) +- 1.0(syst.)]x E_{nu_e}
(MeV) x 10^{-45} cm^2, agrees well with standard model expectations. The
measured value of the interference parameter, I=-1.01 +- 0.13(stat.) +-
0.12(syst.), is in good agreement with the standard model expectation of
I^{SM}=-1.09. Limits are placed on neutrino flavor-changing neutral currents.
An upper limit on the muon-neutrino magnetic moment of 6.8 x 10^{-10} mu_{Bohr}
is obtained using the nu_mu and \bar{nu}_mu fluxes from pi+ and mu+ decay.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure
Measurements of Charged Current Reactions of on
Charged Current reactions of on have been studied using a
decay-at-rest beam at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center.
The cross section for the exclusive reaction
was measured to be cm. The observed
energy dependence of the cross section and angular distribution of the outgoing
electron agree well with theoretical expectations. Measurements are also
presented for inclusive transitions to excited states,
and compared with theoretical expectations. The
measured cross section, cm, is somewhat
lower than previous measurements and than a continuum random phase
approximation calculation. It is in better agreement with a recent shell model
calculation.Comment: 34 pages, 18 figures, accepted to PRC, replaced with the accepted on
Neutrino-nucleus reactions on ^{12}C and ^{16}O
Exclusive and inclusive cross-sections and
-capture rates are calculated for ^{12}C and ^{16}O using the consistent
random phase approximation (RPA) and pairing model. After a pairing correction
is introduced to the RPA results the flux-averaged theoretical cross-sections and -capture rates in C are
in good agreement with experiment. In particular when one takes into account
the experimental error bars, the recently measured range of values for the
cross-section is in agreement with the present theoretical
results. Predictions of and cross-sections in
^{16}O are also presented.Comment: 13 pages, Revte
Neutrino Decay as an Explanation of Atmospheric Neutrino Observations
We show that the observed zenith angle dependence of the atmospheric
neutrinos can be accounted for by neutrino decay. Furthermore, it is possible
to account for all neutrino anomalies with just three flavors.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur
Large Extra Dimensions, Sterile neutrinos and Solar Neutrino Data
Solar, atmospheric and LSND neutrino oscillation results require a light
sterile neutrino, , which can exist in the bulk of extra dimensions.
Solar , confined to the brane, can oscillate in the vacuum to the zero
mode of and via successive MSW transitions to Kaluza-Klein states of
. This new way to fit solar data is provided by both low and
intermediate string scale models. From average rates seen in the three types of
solar experiments, the Super-Kamiokande spectrum is predicted with 73%
probability, but dips characteristic of the 0.06 mm extra dimension should be
seen in the SNO spectrum.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
Degenerate Dirac Neutrinos
A simple extension of the standard model is proposed in which all the three
generations of neutrinos are Dirac particles and are naturally light. We then
assume that the neutrino mass matrix is diagonal and degenerate, with a few eV
mass to solve the dark matter problem. The self energy radiative corrections,
however, remove this degeneracy and allow mixing of these neutrinos. The
electroweak radiative corrections then predict a lower bound on the mass difference which solves the solar neutrino problem through MSW
mechanism and also predict a lower bound on the mass
difference which is just enough to explain the atmospheric neutrino problem as
reported by super Kamiokande.Comment: 11 pages latex fil
Statistical Analysis of Different Muon-antineutrino->Electron-antineutrino Searches
A combined statistical analysis of the experimental results of the LSND and
KARMEN \numubnueb oscillation search is presented. LSND has evidence for
neutrino oscillations that is not confirmed by the KARMEN experiment. This
joint analysis is based on the final likelihood results for both data sets. A
frequentist approach is applied to deduce confidence regions. At a combined
confidence level of 36%, there is no area of oscillation parameters compatible
with both experiments. For the complementary confidence of 1-0.36=64%, there
are two well defined regions of oscillation parameters (sin^2(2th),Dm^2)
compatible with both experiments.Comment: 25 pages, including 10 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
Evidence for nu_mu -> nu_e Neutrino Oscillations from LSND
A search for nu_mu -> nu_e oscillations has been conducted with the LSND
apparatus at the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility. Using nu_mu from pi^+ decay
in flight, the nu_e appearance is detected via the charged-current reaction
C(nu_e,e^-)X. Two independent analyses observe a total of 40 beam-on
high-energy electron events (60 < E_e < 200 MeV) consistent with the above
signature. This number is significantly above the 21.9 +- 2.1 events expected
from the nu_e contamination in the beam and the beam-off background. If
interpreted as an oscillation signal, the observed oscillation probability of
(2.6 +- 1.0 +- 0.5) x 10^{-3} is consistent with the previously reported
nu_mu_bar -> nu_e_bar oscillation evidence from LSND.Comment: 10 pages (LaTeX), 3 figures (PostScript), submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett.
Additional information at http://nu1.lampf.lanl.gov/~lsn
Off-diagonal structure of neutrino mass matrix in see-saw mechanism and electron-muon-tau lepton universality
By a simple extension of the standard model in which ()
universality is not conserved, we present a scenario within the framework of
see-saw mechanism in which the neutrino mass matrix is strictly off-diagonal in
the flavor basis. We show that a version of this scenario can accomodate the
atmospheric neutrino oscillations and
oscillations claimed by the LSND collaboration.
PACS: 14.60.Pq; 14.60.St;13.15.+gComment: 5 pages, Revtex, 1 figure: The model accomodate another version which
explains atmospheric neutrino data and the observed solar neutrino
oscillations (large angle solution). In the previous version the value of
\lambda parameter is changed to the expected one. This version now
accomodates LSND result and solar neutrino oscillations (small angle MSW
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