148 research outputs found

    Natural radioactivity in Sardinian granite dimension stones

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    Geochronology of late Variscan magmatism of Sardinia: a review

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    Sardinia represents a southern transect of the Variscan Belt and is classically divided from SW to NE into a fold and thrust belt Foreland, Nappe zone and Axial zone. This latter high-grade domain is separated from the Nappe zone by the so-called Posada-Asinara Line. The whole metamorphic basement is intruded by many calc-alkaline coalescent plutons forming the Corsica-Sardinia Batholith. The timing of magmatism, in Sardinia, is broadly referable to a large interval in the range of 320-280 Ma. Recent geological maps coupled to several chronological systematics, point out to recognize two main post-collisional magmatic peaks clustered at about 305 Ma (Older Magmatic Peak, OMP) and at 285 Ma (Young Magmatic Peak, YMP), respectively. Plutons intruding different parts of the Sardinian basement show different geological styles. Among the OMP, main differences regard: (a) the granodiorite/granite volume ratio in the main plutons; (b) the abundance of peraluminous rock-types; (c) the occurrence of mafic intrusions; (d) the abundance of late-magmatic dyke swarms. The Axial zone is dominated by monzogranites and subordinate granodiorites and leucogranites (320-307 Ma); tonalites and granodiorites (305-300 Ma), along with peraluminous granites, characterize the inner Nappe zone (i.e., Goceano, Baronie, Barbagia). Remarkably, the oldest intrusions (i.e., Barrabisa and Santa Maria: 320 Ma) are foliated and may represent a prebatholith magmatic phase. Plutons occurring in the external Nappe zone and the Foreland are generally dominated by granodiorites (e.g., Arbus, Ogliastra, Sàrrabus: 305-300 Ma) associated to small gabbronoritic bodies. The YMP is marked in the Axial zone by large leucogranite intrusions (Monte Lerno); gabbroic intrusions are present at 285-280 Ma. The YMP is dominant in the external Nappe zone and in the Foreland. This peak include monzogranites and leucogranites with minor granodiorites; specific characters are: (a) common occurrence of F-bearing, ferroan, ilmeniteseries granitoids; (b) slightly peraluminous character; (c) very shallow emplacement levels, with common greisen alteration; (d) presence of Sn-W-Mo and F ores; (e) association to swarms of tholeiitic mafic dikes. The timing and distribution of Sardinian intrusive magmatism are tentatively framed during the post-collisional evolution of the chain, in response to progressive lithospheric delamination along a N-S direction. In this model, the passive upwelling of hot astenosphere triggered dehydration melting at lower to intermediate crustal levels, associated with minor melting of the lithospheric mantle. Several major issues emerge from this schematic picture, including (a) the precise timing of the magmatic peaks, (b) the significance of the gap between them, (c) the difference in volumes and spatial distribution of the main rock-suites, (d) the geological and petrological frame at the district- to single pluton-, up to regional scale, and (e) the age of mafic dyke swarms

    Detailed petrophysical and geophysical characterization of core samples from the potential caprock-reservoir system in the Sulcis Coal Basin (Southwestern Sardinia - Italy)

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    In this work we present a methodology suitable to identify a caprock-reservoir system for the CO2 storage in the Sulcis Coal Basin (SW Sardinia - Italy). The petrophysical and geophysical characterizations indicate that the potential carbonate reservoir ("Miliolitico" Fm. Auct.) located at the base of the Eocene stratigraphic sequence in the mining district of the Sulcis Coal Basin, southwestern Sardinia, is heterogeneous but presents suitable reservoir zones for the storage of the CO2. The GPS data analysis indicates that the study area is stable, since it is characterized by a surface crustal deformation smaller than 1 mm/y

    Publishing and sharing multi-dimensional image data with OMERO

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    Imaging data are used in the life and biomedical sciences to measure the molecular and structural composition and dynamics of cells, tissues, and organisms. Datasets range in size from megabytes to terabytes and usually contain a combination of binary pixel data and metadata that describe the acquisition process and any derived results. The OMERO image data management platform allows users to securely share image datasets according to specific permissions levels: data can be held privately, shared with a set of colleagues, or made available via a public URL. Users control access by assigning data to specific Groups with defined membership and access rights. OMERO’s Permission system supports simple data sharing in a lab, collaborative data analysis, and even teaching environments. OMERO software is open source and released by the OME Consortium at www.openmicroscopy.org

    Characterization of the Sos Enattos site for the Einstein Telescope

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    In this work we report the ongoing characterization of the Sos Enattos former mine (Sardinia, Italy), one of the two candidate sites for the Einstein Telescope (ET), the European third-generation underground interferometric detector of Gravitational Waves. The Sos Enattos site lies on a crystalline basement, made of rocks with good geomechanical properties, characterized by negligible groundwater. In addition, the site has a very low seismic background noise due to the absence of active tectonics involving Sardinia. Finally, the area has a low population density, resulting in a reduced anthropic noise even at the ground level. This location was already studied in 2012-2014 as a promising site for an underground detector. More recently, in March 2019, we deployed a new network of surface and underground seismometers at the site, that is currently monitoring the local seismic noise. Most of the energy carried by the seismic waves is due to the microseisms below 1 Hz, showing a significant correlation with the waves of the west Mediterranean sea. Above 1 Hz the seismic noise in the underground levels of the mine approaches the Peterson's low noise model. Exploiting mine blasting works into the former mine, we were also able to perform active seismic measurements to evaluate the seismic waves propagation across the area. In conclusion we also give a first assessment about the acoustic and magnetic noise in this underground site

    ELIXIR‐IT: a growing support to national and international research in life sciences

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    ELIXIR-IT gathers most of the excellence centres or bioinformatics in Italy and is striving to assume pivotal role for the national and international life science communities. This is reflected by the growing number of bioinformatics services, initiatives and projects supported or participated by ELIXIR-IT, including H2020 grants and a number of training efforts delivering state of the arts courses on basic and advanced topics. In this poster we highlight some of the activities

    Factors affecting adherence to guidelines for antithrombotic therapy in elderly patients with atrial fibrillation admitted to internal medicine wards

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    Current guidelines for ischemic stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation or flutter (AFF) recommend Vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) for patients at high-intermediate risk and aspirin for those at intermediate-low risk. The cost-effectiveness of these treatments was demonstrated also in elderly patients. However, there are several reports that emphasize the underuse of pharmacological prophylaxis of cardio-embolism in patients with AFF in different health care settings. AIMS: To evaluate the adherence to current guidelines on cardio-embolic prophylaxis in elderly (> 65 years old) patients admitted with an established diagnosis of AFF to the Italian internal medicine wards participating in REPOSI registry, a project on polypathologies/polytherapies stemming from the collaboration between the Italian Society of Internal Medicine and the Mario Negri Institute of Pharmacological Research; to investigate whether or not hospitalization had an impact on guidelines adherence; to test the role of possible modifiers of VKAs prescription. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed registry data collected from January to December 2008 and assessed the prevalence of patients with AFF at admission and the prevalence of risk factors for cardio-embolism. After stratifying the patients according to their CHADS(2) score the percentage of appropriateness of antithrombotic therapy prescription was evaluated both at admission and at discharge. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression models were employed to verify whether or not socio-demographic (age >80years, living alone) and clinical features (previous or recent bleeding, cranio-facial trauma, cancer, dementia) modified the frequency and modalities of antithrombotic drugs prescription at admission and discharge. RESULTS: Among the 1332 REPOSI patients, 247 were admitted with AFF. At admission, CHADS(2) score was ≥ 2 in 68.4% of patients, at discharge in 75.9%. Among patients with AFF 26.5% at admission and 32.8% at discharge were not on any antithrombotic therapy, and 43.7% at admission and 40.9% at discharge were not taking an appropriate therapy according to the CHADS(2) score. The higher the level of cardio-embolic risk the higher was the percentage of antiplatelet- but not of VKAs-treated patients. At admission or at discharge, both at univariable and at multivariable logistic regression, only an age >80 years and a diagnosis of cancer, previous or active, had a statistically significant negative effect on VKAs prescription. Moreover, only a positive history of bleeding events (past or present) was independently associated to no VKA prescription at discharge in patients who were on VKA therapy at admission. If heparin was considered as an appropriate therapy for patients with indication for VKAs, the percentage of patients admitted or discharged on appropriate therapy became respectively 43.7% and 53.4%. CONCLUSION: Among elderly patients admitted with a diagnosis of AFF to internal medicine wards, an appropriate antithrombotic prophylaxis was taken by less than 50%, with an underuse of VKAs prescription independently of the level of cardio-embolic risk. Hospitalization did not improve the adherence to guideline

    Physical mechanical consolidation and protection of Miocenic limestone used on Mediterranean historical monuments: the case study of Pietra Cantone (southern Sardinia, Italy)

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    The present work aims to study the consolidating and protective chemical treatments of the Pietra Cantone, a Miocenic (lower Tortonian) limestone widely used in important monuments and historical buildings of Cagliari (southern Sardinia, Italy). Similar limestones of the same geological period have also been used in several important monuments of Mediterranean area, i.e., Malta and Gozo Islands, Matera (central Basilicata, Italy), Lecce (southern Puglia, Italy) and Balearic Islands (Spain). The Pietra Cantone limestone shows problems of chemical–physical decay, due to their petrophysical and compositional char- acteristics: high porosity (on average 28–36 vol%), low cemented muddy-carbonate matrix, presence of phyllosil- icates and sindepositional sea salts (\3%). So, after placed in the monument, this stone is easily alterable by weath- ering chemical processes (e.g., carbonate dissolution and sulfation) and also by cyclic mechanisms of crystalliza- tion/solubilization of salts and hydration/dehydration of hygroscopic phases of the clay component. To define the mineralogical-petrographic features (composition, texture) of limestone, the clay and salt crystalline phases, the optical microscope in polarized light and diffraction anal- ysis were used. To define the petrophysical characteristics (i.e., shape and size distribution of porosity, surface area(SBET), matrix microstructures, rock composition) and interactions of chemical treatments with rock, SEM–EDS analysis and N2 porosimetry with BET and BJH methods were used. To evaluate the efficacy of Na/K-silicates, ethyl silicate consolidants and protective nano-molecular silane monomer water repellent, the mechanical strengths (uni- axial compressive strength, point load and flexural resis- tance), water/helium open porosity, water absorption and vapour permeability data determined before and after the chemical treatments of the Pietra Cantone samples from monument were compared
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