106 research outputs found

    Новые подходы при определении степени ограничения жизнедеятельности с использованием Международной Классификации Функционирования, ограничений жизнедеятельности и здоровья

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    Department of Economy, Management and Psychopedagogy in medicine, Department of Family Medicine, Nicolae Testemitanu State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Congresul III al Medicilor de Familie din Republica Moldova 17–18 mai, 2012, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIn the medical model, disability has predominantly been viewed as the consequence of disease or injury in the form of functional losses or impairments. The onus has been on the individual to make efforts to become ‘rehabilitated,’ restore their function, or to cope effectively with their disabling condition. The core characteristics of the so-called ‘social model of disability’ – in contrast to the other models stress on (a) how individuals views, experiences and priorities can be effectively recognized, and (b) how the outcome of medical support and intervention is not necessarily cure or symptom management, but social participation. Disability is human experience of impaired body function and structure activity limitation participation restriction in the interaction with health conditions, personal and environmental factors. ICF provides an international common language and universal conceptual framework for describing functioning, disability and health, comprehensive, biological-psychological-social model of disability and health, consisting from medical and social aspects. Медицинская модель рассматривает “инвалидность” как свойство, присущее человеку в результате болезни, травмы или иного воздействия на состояние здоровья, которое требует медицинской помощи в виде непосредственного лечения у специалистов. Инвалидность по этой модели требует медицинского или иного вмешательства или лечения с тем, чтобы «исправить» проблему человека. Социальная модель рассматривает инвалидность как социальную проблему, а не как свойство человека. Согласно социальной модели, инвалидность требует социального вмешательства, так как проблема возникает из-за неприспособленности окружающей среды, вызываемой отношением и другими свойствами социального окружения. Инвалидность всегда представляет собой взаимодействие между свойствами человека и свойствами окружения, в котором этот человек проживает, но некоторые аспекты инвалидности являются полностью внутренними для человека, другие же, наоборот, только внешними. Наилучшая модель инвалидности, таким образом, будет представлять собой синтез всего лучшего из медицинской и социальной моделей. Такая более выгодная модель инвалидности может называться биопсихосоциальной моделью. МКФ основывается на такой модели, совмещающей медицинский и социальный аспекты

    Progress in hydroxyapatite-starch based sustainable biomaterials for biomedical bone substitution applications

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    Hydroxyapatite is a calcium phosphate intensively proposed as a bone substitution material because of its resemblance to the constituents of minerals present in natural bone. Since hydroxyapatite’s properties are mainly adequate for nonload bearing applications, different solutions are being tested for improving these properties and upgrading them near the target values of natural bone. On the other hand, starch (a natural and biodegradable polymer) and its blends with other polymers have been proposed as constituents in hydroxyapatite mixtures due to the adhesive, gelling, and swelling abilities of starch particles, useful in preparing well dispersed suspensions and consolidated ceramic bodies. This article presents the perspectives of incorporating starch and starch blends in hydroxyapatite materials. Based on the role of starch within the materials, the review covers its use as (i) a polymeric matrix in hydroxyapatite composites used as adhesives, bone cements, bone waxes, drug delivery devices or scaffolds and (ii) a sacrificial binder for fabrication of porous hydroxyapatite scaffolds. The suitability of these materials for bone reconstruction has becomes a reachable aim considering the recent advancements in ceramic fabrication and the current possibilities of controlling the processing parameters

    The Abelian/Nonabelian Correspondence and Frobenius Manifolds

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    We propose an approach via Frobenius manifolds to the study (began in math.AG/0407254) of the relation between rational Gromov-Witten invariants of nonabelian quotients X//G and those of the corresponding ``abelianized'' quotients X//T, for T a maximal torus in G. The ensuing conjecture expresses the Gromov-Witten potential of X//G in terms of the potential of X//T. We prove this conjecture when the nonabelian quotients are partial flag manifolds.Comment: 35 pages, no figure

    The stringy instanton partition function

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    We perform an exact computation of the gauged linear sigma model associated to a D1-D5 brane system on a resolved A 1 singularity. This is accomplished via supersymmetric localization on the blown-up two-sphere. We show that in the blow-down limit the partition function reduces to the Nekrasov partition function evaluating the equivariant volume of the instanton moduli space. For finite radius we obtain a tower of world-sheet instanton corrections, that we identify with the equivariant Gromov-Witten invariants of the ADHM moduli space. We show that these corrections can be encoded in a deformation of the Seiberg-Witten prepotential. From the mathematical viewpoint, the D1-D5 system under study displays a twofold nature: the D1-branes viewpoint captures the equivariant quantum cohomology of the ADHM instanton moduli space in the Givental formalism, and the D5-branes viewpoint is related to higher rank equivariant Donaldson-Thomas invariants