346 research outputs found

    Shape resonances in the superconducting order parameter of ultrathin nanowires

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    We study the shape resonance effect associated with the confined transverse superconducting modes of a cylindrical nanowire in the clean limit. Results of numerical investigations of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations show significant deviations of the energy gap parameter from its bulk value with a profound effect on the transition temperature. The most striking is that the size of the resonances is found to be by about order of magnitude larger than in ultrathin metallic films with the same width.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure


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    For drawing up the technical documentation of the Communal Road 151 – DN 6 –Section 1, located in the Drăghiceni commune area, Olt County, it was necessary the combined use of the modern GPS topography equipment – total station. The GPS technology was used to determine the points of the support network, and the total station to thicken it and raise the points on the ground.The computational operations were performed based on the field data, thus obtaining the absolute coordinates of the points that delineate the studied land in the Stereographic Projection System 1970.The drawing up of operations of the placement and delineation plan of the property body consist of representing the points that delineate the surface on a sheet of A3 format at a scale of 1:5000

    Investigation of irradiated monolithic transistors for space applications

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    In this paper experimental results on radiation effects on a BICMOS high speed commercial technology, manufactured by STMicroelectronics, are reported. Bipolar transistors were irradiated by neutrons, ions, or by both of them. Fast neutrons, as well as other types of particles, produce defects, mainly by displacing silicon atoms from their lattice positions to interstitial locations, i.e. generating vacancy-interstitial pairs, the so-called Frenkel pairs (FP). Defects introduce trapping energy states which degrade the common emitter current gain β. The gain degradation has been investigated for collector current Ic between 1 μA and 1 mA. It was found a linear dependence of Δ(1/β)=1/βi−1/β (where βi and β are the gain after and before the irradiation) as a function of the concentration of FP. The bipolar transistors made on this technology have shown to be particularly radiation resistant. Both base and collector currents have been also systematically investigated

    Study of radiation effects on bipolar transistors

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    Abstract In this paper it was shown that the irradiation with neutrons and carbon ions leads to gain degradation in bipolar transistors due to generation of defects. The density of these generated defects is independent of the type of irradiation (neutrons or carbon ions). Thus, it is possible to evaluate Δ(1/β), once the expected Frenkel pair density is known. The dependence of the damage constant on collector current is a power law function, with the exception of the lateral pnp transistors, that shows a higher sensitivity to radiation and a different behaviour. Neutrons give a smaller density of Frenkel pairs (CF) than the two sorts of carbon ions of high energy (CHE) and medium energy (CME). It was found that CME causes a higher concentration of CF. The calculated ratio R=CF/Φ, where CF is the Frenkel pair density and Φ fluence does not depend on Φ, for a given type of radiation. However, it depends on the incoming particle type. Its smallest calculated value was obtained for neutrons (R=6.1×10), which increases to 1.25×103 for CHE and to 1.1×104 for CME

    Metallic nanograins: spatially nonuniform pairing induced by quantum confinement

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    It is well-known that the formation of discrete electron levels strongly influences the pairing in metallic nanograins. Here we focus on another effect of quantum confinement in superconducting grains that was not studied previously, i.e., spatially nonuniform pairing. This effect is very significant when single-electron levels form bunches and/or a kind of shell structure: in highly symmetric grains the order parameter can exhibit variations with position by an order of magnitude. Nonuniform pairing is closely related to a quantum-confinement induced modification of the pairing-interaction matrix elements and size-dependent pinning of the chemical potential to groups of degenerate or nearly degenerate levels. For illustration we consider spherical metallic nanograins. We show that the relevant matrix elements are as a rule enhanced in the presence of quantum confinement, which favors spatial variations of the order parameter, compensating the corresponding energy cost. The size-dependent pinning of the chemical potential further increases the spatial variation of the pair condensate. The role of nonuniform pairing is smaller in less symmetric confining geometries and/or in the presence of disorder. However, it always remains of importance when the energy spacing between discrete electron levels δ\delta is approaching the scale of the bulk gap ΔB\Delta_B, i.e., δ>0.1\delta > 0.1-0.2 ΔB0.2\,\Delta_B

    The Modern State of Works in Field of Electron-Beam Technology of Melting and Evaporation of Metals and Non-Metals in a Vacuum

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    In developing of new processes for growing metal (composite) films, the main attention is given to controlling the metal vapour flows: through energy state of the condensing particles, their molecular composition, intensity, spatial distribution of the flow, etc. It is known that the widely accepted open-type evaporators, including quasi-closed ones, are characterized by instability of the directivity diagram of the vapour flow in time, even at constant temperature. Radiation load on the film growth surface from these sources is sometimes comparable to the energy of vapour flow condensation. Therefore, when they are used, it is quite difficult to produce reproducible film structures with controllable parameters. Particular difficulties arise at high evaporation rates, when micro-drops are usually present in the vapour flow


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    This paper is focused on presenting the particularities of the Romanian rural space from a touristic point of view with its advantages for the tourists and as reason for supporting the development of sustainable tourism. The specificity of natural capital is amplified by spectacular landscapes, varied configuration of land relief, favourable climatic conditions (reduced frequency of negative phenomena, absence of excessive temperatures), therapeutic value and abundance of natural factors (mineral waters and thermal-mineral waters, curative mud, topoclimate and microclimate, etc.), flora and fauna, etc.The natural capital, for which the Romanian rural area represents a „geographic personality”, must be doubled in time by the tourist vocation.Romania holds an immense treasure of archaeological remains, historical, architectural and art monuments, as well as a priceless patrimony which attests the evolution and continuity of work and life on these lands, the development of the culture and arts of the Romanian people. This entire cultural-historical fund represents a significant part of the potential tourist offer (the so-called potential secondary offer) and a component of the tourist image of Romanian on the international market

    Magnetic-field induced quantum-size cascades in superconducting nanowires

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    In high-quality nanowires, quantum confinement of the transverse electron motion splits the band of single-electron states in a series of subbands. This changes in a qualitative way the scenario of the magnetic-field induced superconductor-to-normal transition. We numerically solve the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations for a clean metallic cylindrical nanowire at zero temperature in a parallel magnetic field and find that for diameters D < 10-15 nm, this transition occurs as a cascade of subsequent jumps in the order parameter (this is opposed to the smooth second-order phase transition in the mesoscopic regime). Each jump is associated with the depairing of electrons in one of the single-electron subbands. As a set of subbands contribute to the order parameter, the depairing process occurs as a cascade of jumps. We find pronounced quantum-size oscillations of the critical magnetic field with giant resonant enhancements. In addition to these orbital effects, the paramagnetic breakdown of Cooper pairing also contributes but only for smaller diameters, i. e., D < 5 nm
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