2,902 research outputs found

    Gauge invariant action at the ultraviolet cutoff

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    We show that it is possible to formulate a gauge theory starting from a local action at the ultraviolet (UV) momentum cutoff which is BRS invariant. One has to require that fields in the UV action and the fields in the effective action are not the same but related by a local field transformation. The few relevant parameters involved in this transformation (six for the SU(2)SU(2) gauge theory), are perturbatively fixed by the gauge symmetry.Comment: 5 pages, Latex, no figure

    Beta function and infrared renormalons in the exact Wilson renormalization group in Yang-Mills theory

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    We discuss the relation between the Gell-Mann-Low beta function and the ``flowing couplings'' of the Wilsonian action S_\L[\phi] of the exact renormalization group (RG) at the scale \L. This relation involves the ultraviolet region of \L so that the condition of renormalizability is equivalent to the Callan-Symanzik equation. As an illustration, by using the exact RG formulation, we compute the beta function in Yang-Mills theory to one loop (and to two loops for the scalar case). We also study the infrared (IR) renormalons. This formulation is particularly suited for this study since: ii) \L plays the r\^ole of a IR cutoff in Feynman diagrams and non-perturbative effects could be generated as soon as \L becomes small; iiii) by a systematical resummation of higher order corrections the Wilsonian flowing couplings enter directly into the Feynman diagrams with a scale given by the internal loop momenta; iiiiii) these couplings tend to the running coupling at high frequency, they differ at low frequency and remain finite all the way down to zero frequency.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, LaTex, uses epsfig, rotatin

    Factorization and Discrete States in C=1 Superliouville Theory

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    We study the discrete state structure of c^=1\hat c=1 superconformal matter coupled to 2-D supergravity. Factorization properties of scattering amplitudes are used to identify these states and to construct the corresponding vertex operators. For both Neveu-Schwarz and Ramond sectors these states are shown to be organized in SU(2) multiplets. The algebra generated by the discrete states is computed in the limit of null cosmological constant.Comment: 23 pages, revtex, CNEA-CAB-92-036 and UPRF-92-35

    Dilatation operator and Cayley graphs

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    We use the algebraic definition of the Dilatation operator provided by Minahan, Zarembo, Beisert, Kristijansen, Staudacher, proper for single trace products of scalar fields, at leading order in the large-N 't Hooft limit to develop a new approach to the evaluation of the spectrum of the Dilatation operator. We discover a vast number of exact sequences of eigenstates.Comment: 30 pages and 3 eps figures, v2: few typos correcte

    Governmental structure for implementation of comprehensive transportation planning for the urban-centered region

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    Axial anomalies in gauge theory by exact renormalization group method

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    The global chiral symmetry of a SU(2)SU(2) gauge theory is studied in the framework of renormalization group (RG). The theory is defined by the RG flow equations in the infrared cutoff \L and the boundary conditions for the relevant couplings. The physical theory is obtained at \L=0. In our approach the symmetry is implemented by choosing the boundary conditions for the relevant couplings not at the ultraviolet point \L=\L_0\to\infty but at the physical value \L=0. As an illustration, we compute the triangle axial anomalies.Comment: 11 pages + 1 appended EPS figure, LaTeX, UPRF 94-39

    BRS symmetry for Yang-Mills theory with exact renormalization group

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    In the exact renormalization group (RG) flow in the infrared cutoff Λ\Lambda one needs boundary conditions. In a previous paper on SU(2)SU(2) Yang-Mills theory we proposed to use the nine physical relevant couplings of the effective action as boundary conditions at the physical point Λ=0\Lambda=0 (these couplings are defined at some non-vanishing subtraction point μ≠0\mu \ne 0). In this paper we show perturbatively that it is possible to appropriately fix these couplings in such a way that the full set of Slavnov-Taylor (ST) identities are satisfied. Three couplings are given by the vector and ghost wave function normalization and the three vector coupling at the subtraction point; three of the remaining six are vanishing (\eg the vector mass) and the others are expressed by irrelevant vertices evaluated at the subtraction point. We follow the method used by Becchi to prove ST identities in the RG framework. There the boundary conditions are given at a non-physical point Λ=Λ′≠0\Lambda=\Lambda' \ne 0, so that one avoids the need of a non-vanishing subtraction point.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX style, University of Parma preprint UPRF 94-41
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