2,062 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Blais, Alfred G. (Lewiston, Androscoggin County)

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    Use of LARS system for the quantitative determination of smoke plume lateral diffusion coefficients from ERTS images of Virginia

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    A technique for measuring smoke plume of large industrial sources observed by satellite using LARSYS is proposed. A Gaussian plume model is described, integrated in the vertical, and inverted to yield a form for the lateral diffusion coefficient, Ky. Given u, wind speed; y sub l, the horizontal distance of a line of constant brightness from the plume symmetry axis a distance x sub l, downstream from reference point at x=x sub 2, y=0, then K sub y = u ((y sub 1) to the 2nd power)/2 x sub 1 1n (x sub 2/x sub 1). The technique is applied to a plume from a power plant at Chester, Virginia, imaged August 31, 1973 by LANDSAT I. The plume bends slightly to the left 4.3 km from the source and estimates yield Ky of 28 sq m/sec near the source, and 19 sq m/sec beyond the bend. Maximum ground concentrations are estimated between 32 and 64 ug/cu m. Existing meteorological data would not explain such concentrations

    Détection du Heterobasidion annosum au Québec

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    Depuis 1955, le champignon Heterobasidion annosum, cause de la maladie du rond, n'était présent, dans l'est du Canada, que dans le sud de l'Ontario. En 1968, le champignon fut identifié plus au nord, près des frontières du Québec. À partir de 1983, un groupe de quatre plantations de pins rouges (Pinus resinosa) ayant déjà été éclaircies a fait l'objet d'un programme de surveillance, ce qui nous a permis de détecter le H. annosum dans la plantation de Mayo en 1989. Cette détection constitue la première mention de la présence du champignon au Québec. En 1993, on a observé la maladie dans une autre plantation du groupe, à Saint-Philippe-d'Argenteuil. Une troisième plantation infectée a aussi été trouvée près de Harrington en 1993, mais elle nefaisait pas partie du groupe sous surveillance. Elle aurait été infectée avant les autres, soit en 1977. La détection du H. annosum au Québec démontre l'urgence d'effectuer des traitements préventifs dans les plantations de pins rouges lors de l'éclaircie et d'éradiquer la maladie dans les trois plantations infectées pendantqu'il en est encore temps.Since 1955, the fungus Heterobasidion annosum, the causal agent of annosus root rot, was present in Eastern Canada but only in southern Ontario. In 1968, the presence of the fungus was noted further north, near the Quebec border. A group of four already thinned red pine (Pinus resinosa) plantations has been monitored by us since 1983, leading to the detection of H. annosum in the Mayo plantation in 1989. That was the first report of the disease in Quebec. In 1993, we found the disease in another plantation of this group, at Saint-Philippe-d'Argenteuil. A third infected plantation was also found near Harrington in 1993, but it was not part of the group monitored. It probably became infected before the others, in 1977. The detection of H. annosum in Quebec shows the importance of using preventive measures during the thinning of red pine plantations, and of eradicating the disease in the three infected plantations while it is still possible

    Resistance of Pinus banksiana to the European race of Gremmeniella abietina

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    Au début des années 80, plus de 90 % de mortalité causée par Gremmeniella abietina, race européenne, a été relevée dans des plantations de pin rouge (Pinus resinosa) localisées à environ 200 km au nord-ouest de Montréal, Québec, Canada. Les pins gris ( Pinus banksiana) avoisinants ne semblaient pas attaqués. Les forestiers ont donc reboisé ces aires avec des semis de pin gris. Des parcelles d'études de 100 pins gris ont été établies dans trois plantations sur les quatre sélectionnées en 1988. Comme références, des semis de pin rouge ont été plantés dans des conditions semblables dans la quatrième plantation en 1989. Les observations annuelles se sont déroulées de 1989 à 1992. La mortalité des semis de pin rouge atteignait 70 % en 1992 alors que les pins gris des trois sites expérimentaux n'étaient pas attaqués, à l'exception d'une brûlure à l'extrémité des pousses, caractéristique qui permet d'identifier la race au champ. Les symptômes de la race nord-américaine étaient présents à un taux très bas; leur incidence a augmenté sur le site I en 1992. Plus de 10 ans après la plantation, les pins gris montrent une résistance à la race européenne de G. abietina alors que tous les pins rouges sont morts.In the early 1980s, more than 90% of mortality caused by Gremmeniella abietina, European race, was recorded in red pine (Pinus resinosa) plantations 200 km northwest of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Surrounding jack pines (Pinus banksiana) did not appear to be affected. Consequently, foresters began to plant the affected areas with jack pine seedlings. In 1988, plots of 100 jack pines were established in three of the four selected plantations. As reference, red pine seedlings were planted in 1989 under similar conditions in the fourth plantation. Observations were carried out annually from 1989 to 1992. Mortality of red pine seedlings reached 70% in 1992 while all jack pines on the three experimental sites were free of the disease except for a tip blight, a distinctive feature allowing race identification in the field. The North American race symptoms were present at a very low incidence, but began to increase on site I in 1992. More than 10 years after planting, the jack pine trees still show resistance to the European race of G. abietina while all the red pines died

    Interdisciplinary study of atmospheric processes and constituents of the mid-Atlantic coastal region.

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    Past research projects for the year 1974-1975 are listed along with future research programs in the area of air pollution control, remote sensor analysis of smoke plumes, the biosphere component, and field experiments. A detailed budget analysis is presented. Attachments are included on the following topics: mapping forest vegetation with ERTS-1 MSS data and automatic data processing techniques, and use of LARS system for the quantitative determination of smoke plume lateral diffusion coefficients from ERTS images of Virginia

    Remote detection of aerosol pollution by ERTS

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    Photogrammetric and densitometric examination of ERTS-1 MSS imagery of Eastern Virginia coupled with extensive ground truth air quality and meteorological data has shown that the identification and surveying of fixed particulate emitters (smoke plumes) is feasible. A description of the ground truth network is included. The quantitative monitoring of smoke stacks from orbital altitudes over state size regions appears possible when tied to realistic plume models and minimal ground truth. Contrast reductions over urban areas can possibly be utilized to produce isopleths of particulates when supplemented by local measurements

    Strong spin-photon coupling in silicon

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    We report the strong coupling of a single electron spin and a single microwave photon. The electron spin is trapped in a silicon double quantum dot and the microwave photon is stored in an on-chip high-impedance superconducting resonator. The electric field component of the cavity photon couples directly to the charge dipole of the electron in the double dot, and indirectly to the electron spin, through a strong local magnetic field gradient from a nearby micromagnet. This result opens the way to the realization of large networks of quantum dot based spin qubit registers, removing a major roadblock to scalable quantum computing with spin qubits

    État du développement technologique en matière d'enlèvement des métaux des effluents industriels

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    Cette étude trace un profil des diverses technologies utilisées et en développement pour la séparation et/ou la récupération des métaux dans les effluents industriels. Les principes de fonctionnement de ces technologies sont abordés, ainsi que leurs avantages et limites d'utilisation. Les procédés d'enlèvement et de récupération des métaux comprennent les techniques de précipitation (formation d'hydroxydes, de carbonates, de sulfures, etc.) et coprécipitation (sels de fer et d'aluminium, etc.), d'adsorption (sable, cellulose, charbon activé, pyrite, ciment, lignite, mousse de tourbe, sciure de bois, etc.) et de biosorption (bactéries, levures, moisissures, algues marines et d'eaux douces), d'électrodéposition et d'électrocoagulation, de cémentation, de séparation par membranes (osmose inverse et électrodialyse), d'extraction par solvant (acides carboxyliques, amines aliphatiques ou aromatiques, acides aminés, composés phénoliques, phosphates alkyl, etc.), et d'échange d'ions (résines naturelles et synthétiques). La précipitation ou la coprécipitation représentent les procédés les plus largement utilisés et étudiés pour l'enlèvement des métaux des effluents industriels, suivis des techniques d'adsorption. Les procédés plus sophistiqués tels que l'électrodéposition, l'extraction par solvant, la séparation par membranes et l'échange d'ions, bien que largement utilisés dans les procédés métallurgiques, sont relativement peu employés et examinés pour le traitement des effluents industriels. La biosorption a fait l'objet de plusieurs travaux de recherche au cours des dernières années et représente une option intéressante pour le traitement de divers types d'effluents contenant de faibles concentrations en métaux. Finalement, le recyclage et la gestion optimale des effluents constitue une avenue de plus en plus suivie par les industries soucieuses de satisfaire aux nouvelles réglementations et législations.This study is dedicated to the review of the different technologies used and evaluated for the removal and/or recovery of metals from industrial effluents. The principles involved in these technologies are discussed, as well as the advantages and limits associated with these processes. The metal removal and recovery processes include the following techniques: precipitation, adsorption and biosorption, electrowinning and electrocoagulation, cementation, membrane separations, solvent extraction and ion exchange.Precipitation and coprecipitation are the most used and studied methods for metal removal from industrial waste waters. The method of precipitation used most often to remove metals from waste water consists of precipitating them in the form of hydroxides. The usual procedure involves the addition of chemicals such as lime (CaO or Ca(OH)2), Mg(OH)2, NaHCO3, Na2 CO3, (NH4)2 CO3, NaOH or NH4 OH. The precipitation of metals by carbonates or sulphides is an effective alternative to hydroxide precipitation. The use of carbonates allows the precipitation of metals to occur at pH values lower than those necessary with the hydroxides. Moreover, the precipitates thus formed are denser and have better characteristics of solid-liquid separation. Precipitation by sulphides is normally carried out with reagents such as: Na2 S, NaHS, H2 S or FeS. In acidic media, the lower solubility of metal sulphides (Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Ni, Mn, Zn, etc.), makes it possible to reach concentrations lower than those obtained by precipitation as hydroxides. Coprecipitation with aluminum and iron salts is also an effective means for the removal of metals from effluents.Adsorption methods are also widely applied and examined for this purpose. However, in most cases the use of adsorbents requires an effluent neutralization step. Indeed, the neutralization of acid effluents must take place to allow their disposal in sewerage systems. A wide variety of adsorbents can be employed, both organic and inorganic: aluminum or iron oxides, sand, activated carbon, mixtures of coal and pyrite, iron particles, gravel or crushed brick, cement, etc. Studies have demonstrated the possibility of eliminating metals by adsorption on vegetable matter: peat moss, sawdust and wood bark, etc. Chitin and chitosan, two natural polymers that are abundant in the cell walls of fungi and shellfish, also have excellent properties of metal fixation. The utilization of different agricultural by-products (peanut skins, coconuts, corn cobs, onions skins, tea leaves, coffee powder, canola meal, etc.) for metal adsorption has also been proposed.Biosorption has been intensively studied in recent years as an economical treatment for metal recovery from dilute industrial effluents. Biosorption implies the use of live or dead biomass and/or their derivatives, which adsorb the metal ions with the ligands or functional groups located on the external surface of the microbial cells. Capacities for metal adsorption on various types of biomass (bacteria, yeasts, fungi, marine and freshwater algae) have been evaluated. The microorganisms used for the metal adsorption step must usually be immobilized in a matrix or in an easily recoverable support. The immobilizing agents or matrices most usually employed are alginate, polyacrylamine, polysulphone, silica gel, cellulose and glutaraldehyde.Electrowinning is a well-established technology that is widely employed in the mining and metallurgical industries (heap leaching, acid mine drainage, etc.), in metal transformation industries (wastes from plating and metal finishing), and in the electronics and electrical industries for the removal and/or the recovery of metals in solution. Many metals (Ag, Au, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sn and Zn) present in the effluents can be recovered by electrodeposition using insoluble anodes.Electrocoagulation is another electrochemical approach, which uses an electrical current to remove several metals in solution. In fact, the electrocoagulation systems can be effective in removing suspended solids, dissolved metals, tannins and dyes. The contaminants present in waste water are maintained in solution by electrical charges. When these ions and the other charged particles are neutralized with ions of opposite electric charge, provided by a electrocoagulation system, they become destabilized and precipitate in a form that is usually very stable.Cementation is a type of precipitation method implying an electrochemical mechanism. In this process, a metal having a higher oxidation potential passes into solution (e.g., oxidation of metallic iron, Fe(0), to ferrous iron, Fe(II)) to replace a metal having a lower oxidation potential. Copper is the metal most frequently separated by cementation. However, the noble metals (Ag, Au and Pd), as well as As, Cd, Ga, Pb, Sb and Sn, can also be recovered in this manner.Reverse osmosis and electrodialysis are two processes using semipermeable membranes applicable to the recovery of metal ions. In electrodialysis, selective membranes (alternation of cation and anion membranes) fit between the electrodes in electrolytic cells. A continuous electrical current and the associated ion migrations, allow the recovery of metals. The techniques of membrane separation are very efficient for the treatment of dilute waste waters.The metallurgical industry has used solvent extraction for many years for a broad range of separations. This technique is employed today for the removal of soluble metals (Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Ni, Mo, U, V, Zn, etc.) from waste water. Separation is carried out in contact with an immiscible organic phase to form salts or complex compounds, which give a favorable solubility distribution between the aqueous and organic phases. Various types of reagents can be used for the extraction: carboxylic acids, aliphatic or aromatic amines, amino acids, alkyl phosphates, phenolic compounds. The non-selective removal of metal contaminants in aqueous solutions can be obtained with a whole range of organic reagents. Promising new reagents have been proposed recently for the selective extraction of metals, such as Cd, Co, Cr and Zn.Ion exchangers are insoluble substances having in their molecular structure acidic or basic groups able to exchange, without modification of their physical structure, the positive or negative ions fixed at these groups. The first ion exchangers used were natural substances containing aluminosilicates (zeolites, clays, etc). Nowadays, the most-used ion exchangers are mainly organic in nature (resins). For the extraction of metals, the removal of cations in solution is usually done with the sulphonic acid group (-SO3- H+) of a polystyrene resin, or, with a chelating resin containing iminodiacetate functional groups. Ion exchange has recently received considerable attention for the separation and concentration of metals from waste water. These developments are especially applicable to the plating and metal transformation industries, for the removal of Cr, Co, Cu, Cd, Ni, Fe and Zn.The more sophisticated processes, such as electrowinning, solvent extraction, membrane separations and ion exchange, although frequently used in metallurgical processes, are less popular for wastewater treatment than are precipitation methods. Finally, recycling and optimal management of effluents constitutes an approach more and more widely applied by industries to satisfy new environmental regulations and laws