17 research outputs found

    Comparison of the Sequence of Fibrinopeptide a Cleavage from Fibrinogen Fragment e by Thrombin, Atroxin, or Batroxobin

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    In order to investigate the sequence of fibrinopeptide release from the amino terminal end of a dimeric fibrinogen-derived substrate by thrombin or batroxobins, we studied their effects on plasmic fragment E1, a core fragment from the central domain of fibrinogen containing both Aα chain fibrinopeptide A (FPA) sequences. Isoelectric focussing (IEF) was employed as a means of resolving des A-fragment E1, from which one FPA had been cleaved, from des AA-fragment E1 resulting from the loss of both FPA\u27s. Using densitometric gel scanning for quantification of the levels of intact fragment E1, des A-fragment E1, and des AA-fragment E1, in mixtures incubated with enzyme for various periods of time, we found similar catalytic rate constants (k1, k2) for release of the first fibrinopeptide A, (FPA1) or the second, (FPA2) from fragment E1, with either thrombin or batroxobin (k2 : k1 ratios of 1.10 ± 0.42, 1.34 ± 0.26 respectively). Atroxin released FPA2 more slowly than FPA1 with a k2 : k1 ratio of 0.34 ± 0.1. Th finding that the cleavage of FPA2 by Atroxin is three-fold slower than thrombin and almost four-fold slower than batroxobin, suggest that batroxobin and thrombin cleavage of FPA2 may be cooperative in nature. However, the cooperativity in the cleavage sequence is insufficient to markedly suppress the evolution of intermediate des A fragment E species during early and intermediate phases of FPA cleavage from fragment E

    The Cleavage Sequence of Fibrinopeptide A from Fibrinogen Fragment E by Thrombin, Atroxin or Batroxobin

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    Calculations of data from fibrin polymerization and cross-linking experiments infer that thrombin-catalysed release of the second of the two fibrinopeptides A (FpA2) from fibrinogen is concerted, although other data suggest that FpA2 release is random. In the concerted pattern of FpA release, divalent monomer (des AA-fibrin) formation predominates throughout the enzymatic conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin, an effect leading to relatively rapid fibril assembly. Alternatively, random FpA2 release would result in a substantial population of monovalent monomer (des A-fibrin) intermediates during early and intermediate phases of the enzymatic conversion to fibrin. Their formation would cause a delay in fibrin fibril assembly. In order to address the question of the pattern of FpA release directly, we purified plasmic fibrinogen fragment E1 isoforms containing both FpA sequences and studied the sequence of FpA release by thrombin or batroxobin. Des A-fragment E1 intermediates formed by loss of one FpA (FpA1), and des AA-fragment E1 products (lacking both FpA1 and FpA2) were identified by analytical isoelectric focusing and quantified by densitometry. The catalytic rate of release of FpA1 (k1) and FpA2 (k2) by thrombin or batroxobin was similar. The ratio of these rates, k2:k1, was 1.10 +/- 0.42 for thrombin and 1.34 +/- 0.26 for batroxobin. These findings indicate that these enzymes cleave FpA2 randomly from fragment E1

    The evolution of SINEs and LINEs in the genus Chironomus (Diptera)

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    Genomic DNA amplification from 51 species of the family Chironomidae shows that most contain relatives of NLRCth1 LINE and CTRT1 SINE retrotransposons first found in Chironomus thummi. More than 300 cloned PCR products were sequenced. The amplified region of the reverse transcriptase gene in the LINEs is intact and highly conserved, suggesting active elements. The SINEs are less conserved, consistent with minimal/no selection after transposition. A mitochondrial gene phylogeny resolves the Chironomus genus into six lineages (Guryev et al. 2001). LINE and SINE phylogenies resolve five of these lineages, indicating their monophyletic origin and vertical inheritance. However, both the LINE and the SINE tree topologies differ from the species phylogeny, resolving the elements into "clusters I-IV" and "cluster V" families. The data suggest a descent of all LINE and SINE subfamilies from two major families. Based on the species phylogeny, a few LINEs and a larger number of SINEs are cladisitically misplaced. Most misbranch with LINEs or SINEs from species with the same families of elements. From sequence comparisons, cladistically misplaced LINEs and several misplaced SINEs arose by convergent base substitutions. More diverged SINEs result from early transposition and some are derived from multiple source SINEs in the same species. SINEs from two species (C. dorsalis, C. pallidivittatus), expected to belong to the clusters I-IV family, branch instead with cluster V family SINEs; apparently both families predate separation of cluster V from clusters I-IV species. Correlation of the distribution of active SINEs and LINEs, as well as similar 3' sequence motifs in CTRT1 and NLRCth1, suggests coevolving retrotransposon pairs in which CTRT1 transposition depends on enzymes active during NLRCth1 LINE mobility