516 research outputs found

    Dynamics of a FitzHugh-Nagumo system subjected to autocorrelated noise

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    We analyze the dynamics of the FitzHugh-Nagumo (FHN) model in the presence of colored noise and a periodic signal. Two cases are considered: (i) the dynamics of the membrane potential is affected by the noise, (ii) the slow dynamics of the recovery variable is subject to noise. We investigate the role of the colored noise on the neuron dynamics by the mean response time (MRT) of the neuron. We find meaningful modifications of the resonant activation (RA) and noise enhanced stability (NES) phenomena due to the correlation time of the noise. For strongly correlated noise we observe suppression of NES effect and persistence of RA phenomenon, with an efficiency enhancement of the neuronal response. Finally we show that the self-correlation of the colored noise causes a reduction of the effective noise intensity, which appears as a rescaling of the fluctuations affecting the FHN system.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    On Representing Concepts in High-dimensional Linear Spaces

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    Producing a mathematical model of concepts is a very important issue in artificial intelligence, because if such a model were found this, besides being a very interesting result in its own right, would also contribute to the emergence of what we could call the \u2018mathematics of thought.\u2019 One of the most interesting attempts made in this direction is P. Gardenfors\u2019 theory of conceptual spaces, a \ua8 theory which is mostly presented by its author in an informal way. The main aim of the present article is contributing to Gardenfors\u2019 theory of conceptual spaces \ua8 by discussing some of the advantages which derive from the possibility of representing concepts in high-dimensional linear spaces

    Mathematical Patterns and Cognitive Architectures

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    Mathematical patterns are an important subclass of the class of patterns. The main task of this paper is examining a particular proposal concerning the nature of mathematical patterns and some elements of the cognitive architecture an agent should have to recognize them

    Simulation and Test of UAV Tasks with Resource-Constrained Hardware in the Loop

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    Simulations are indispensable to reduce costs and risks when developing and testing algorithms for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) especially for applications in high risk scenarios like search and rescue (SAR) operations and post-disaster damage assessment. Many UAV applications require real-time tasks for which the timeliness of computations is fundamental. However, standard simulation tools are not guaranteed to run in sync with real-time events, leading to unreliable assessments of the ability of the target hardware to perform specific tasks. In this work we present a simulation and test system able to run UAV tasks on resource-constrained target hardware possibly adopted in these applications. The system allows for hardware-in-the-loop simulations in which a virtual UAV provided with virtual sensors is controlled by the software under test (SUT) running on the target hardware, while simulated and real time are kept in sync. We provide experimental results from the execution of several increasingly difficult tasks in the system

    Microwave Devices for Wearable Sensors and IoT

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm is currently highly demanded in multiple scenarios and in particular plays an important role in solving medical-related challenges. RF and microwave technologies, coupled with wireless energy transfer, are interesting candidates because of their inherent contactless spectrometric capabilities and for the wireless transmission of sensing data. This article reviews some recent achievements in the field of wearable sensors, highlighting the benefits that these solutions introduce in operative contexts, such as indoor localization and microwave sensing. Wireless power transfer is an essential requirement to be fulfilled to allow these sensors to be not only wearable but also compact and lightweight while avoiding bulky batteries. Flexible materials and 3D printing polymers, as well as daily garments, are widely exploited within the presented solutions, allowing comfort and wearability without renouncing the robustness and reliability of the built-in wearable sensor

    Creativity in Conceptual Spaces

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    The main aim of this paper is contributing to what in the last few years has been known as computational creativity. This will be done by showing the relevance of a particular mathematical representation of G"ardenfors's conceptual spaces to the problem of modelling a phenomenon which plays a central role in producing novel and fruitful representations of perceptual patterns: analogy

    Mannheim Peritonitis Index (MPI) and elderly population: Prognostic evaluation in acute secondary peritonitis

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    Introduction. Acute Secondary Peritonitis due to abdominal visceral perforation is characterized by high mortality and morbidity risk. Risk stratification allows prognosis prediction to adopt the best surgical treatment and clinical care support therapy. In Western countries elderly people represent a significant percentage of population Aim. Evaluation of Mannheim Peritonitis Index (MPI) and consideration upon old people. Patients and methods. Retrospective study on 104 patients admitted and operated for \ue2\u80\u9cAcute Secondary Peritonitis due to visceral perforation\ue2\u80\u9d. MPI was scored. In our study we want to demonstrate efficacy of MPI and the possibility to consider older age an independent prognostic factor. Results. Mortality was 25.96%. Greatest sensitivity and specificity for the MPI score as a predictor of mortality was at the score of 20. MPI score of 22. Patients with MPI score 17-21 had 0.46 times lower risk of mortality compared to patients with MPI score >21. In the group of patients with MPI score of >20 the mortality rate was 48.5% for patients older than 80 years old and 12.1% for younger patients (p < 0.005); in the group with MPI score of < 20 mortality rate was respectively 8.4% and 1.4% (p < 0.005). Discussion and conclusions. Data confirm the accuracy of the test. MPI score and age over 80 years old resulted independent predictors of mortality at multivariate analysis

    Moral Mediators in the Metaverse: Exploring Artificial Morality through a Talking Cricket Paradigm

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    As technological innovations continue to shape our social interactions, the Metaverse introduces immersive experiences that reflect real-life practices, accessible by users through their avatars. However, these interactions also bring forth potential negative aspects, including discrimination and cyberbullying. While current automatic detection systems exist, educating users on appropriate behaviour remains crucial. Leveraging recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence, the paper focuses on creating virtual AI-controlled moral agents within the Metaverse to guide users in dealing with moral dilemmas. The research aims to understand how such agents impact users' perceptions and behaviours in ethically challenging virtual environments

    Relaxation phenomena in classical and quantum systems

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    et al.Relaxation phenomena in three different classical and quantum systems are investigated. First, the role of multiplicative and additive noise in a classical metastable system is analyzed. The mean lifetime of the metastable state shows a nonmonotonic behavior with a maximum as a function of both the additive and multiplicative noise intensities. In the second system, the simultaneous action of thermal and non-Gaussian noise on the dynamics of an overdamped point Josephson junction is studied. The effect of a LĂ©vy noise generated by a Cauchy-Lorentz distribution on the mean lifetime of the superconductive metastable state, in the presence of a periodic driving, is investigated. We find resonant activation and noise enhanced stability in the presence of LĂ©vy noise. Finally, the time evolution of a quantum particle moving in a metastable potential and interacting with a thermal reservoir is analyzed. Within the Caldeira-Legget model and the Feynman-Vernon functional approach, we obtain the time evolution of the population distributions in the position eigenstates of the particle, for different values of the thermal bath coupling strength.This work was partially supported by MIUR (Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Universita‘ e della Ricerca), CNISM (Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze Fisiche della Materia) and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project 11-02-01418). This work was also partially supported by the EU through Grant No. PITN-GA-2009-234970 and the Joint Italian Japanese Laboratory on “Quantum Technologies” of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Peer Reviewe
