462 research outputs found

    Sodium penetration and chemically induced stresses in the hollow cylinder of Rapoport-Samoilenko apparatus – I. Constitutive modeling

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    In this paper, a comprehensive theoretical investigation has been carried out with the main focus directed at the understanding on how sodium penetration and chemical expansion in the cathode material during aluminum electrolysis affect the time dependent and chemically induced stress distribution in the hollow cylinder of the Rapoport-Samoilenko apparatus. Constitutive modeling of chemical and mechanical phenomena has been given, and the formulae of stress distribution in the cylinder of the apparatus have been obtained.Теоретичні дослідження даної роботи пов'язані з урахуванням впливу явища хімічного переносу натрію та хімічного розширення в катодному матеріалі при алюмінієвому електролізі в розрахунках залежних від часу розподілень хімічно наведених напружень в циліндрі з отвором для апарата Рапопорта-Самойленка. Виконано моделювання хімічних і механічних явищ, та одержані формули розподілу напружень в циліндрі апарата

    New methods to detect early manifestations of adverse side effects of glucocorticosteroids in children

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    The article focuses on the early manifestations of adverse side effects in children with nephrotic syndrome receiving glucocorticosteroids. The search for criteria of early side effect manifestations is a real challenge nowadays. The authors developed new diagnostic criteria for early detection of pharmacotherapeutical side effects in children with nephrotic syndrom

    Complex therapy of chronic pancreatitis complicated by anxio-depressive disorders in railroad workers

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    The authors have found out negative impact of anxio-depressive disorders on the course of chronic pancreatitis with the development of stable pain syndrome, gastro-intestinal disorders, resistance to the performed pharmacotherapy, and decrease of reaction rate to presented stimul

    Electromagnetic dissociation of relativistic 8^8B nuclei in nuclear track emulsion

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    Experimental data on fragmentation channels in peripheral interactions of 8^8B nuclei in nuclear track emulsions are presented. A detailed analysis made it possible to justify selections of events of the electromagnetic-dissociation process 8^8B 7\to^7Be + \emph{p} and to estimate its cross section. Events of 10^{10}C peripheral dissociation that were observed in the same exposure are described.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables, Published in Phys.Atom.Nucl.72:690-701,200

    The effect of feedstock treatment on the deasphalting process

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    © 2018, © 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. Transportation and further processing techniques of natural bitumen are of high demand nowadays. In the present article, deasphalting of bitumen with low-molecular oxygen containing solvents was proposed. A method for regulating the process of deasphalting aimed at increasing the yield of low-viscosity deasphalted oil was developed. The influence of the depth of distillation and solvent: feed ratio on the yield of the products of deasphalting was revealed. A study on various technological options for the primary processing of natural bitumen and ultra-high-viscosity oils for pipeline transport was conducted

    Fragmentation of relativistic nuclei in peripheral interactions in nuclear track emulsion

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    The technique of nuclear track emulsions is used to explore the fragmentation of light relativistic nuclei down to the most peripheral interactions - nuclear "white" stars. A complete pattern of therelativistic dissociation of a 8^8B nucleus with target fragment accompaniment is presented. Relativistic dissociation 9^{9}Be2α\to2\alpha is explored using significant statistics and a relative contribution of 8^{8}Be decays from 0+^+ and 2+^+ states is established. Target fragment accompaniments are shown for relativistic fragmentation 14^{14}N\to3He+H and 22^{22}Ne\to5He. The leading role of the electromagnetic dissociation on heavy nuclei with respect to break-ups on target protons is demonstrated in all these cases. It is possible to conclude that the peripheral dissociation of relativistic nuclei in nuclear track emulsion is a unique tool to study many-body systems composed of lightest nuclei and nucleons in the energy scale relevant for nuclear astrophysics.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables, conference: Relativistic nuclear physics: from Nuclotron to LHC energies, Kiev, June 18-22, 200

    Clustering in light nuclei in fragmentation above 1 A GeV

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    The relativistic invariant approach is applied to analyzing the 3.3 A GeV 22^{22}Ne fragmentation in a nuclear track emulsion. New results on few-body dissociations have been obtained from the emulsion exposures to 2.1 A GeV 14^{14}N and 1.2 A GeV 9^{9}Be nuclei. It can be asserted that the use of the invariant approach is an effective means of obtaining conclusions about the behavior of systems involving a few He nuclei at a relative energy close to 1 MeV per nucleon. The first observations of fragmentation of 1.2 A GeV 8^{8}B and 9^{9}C nuclei in emulsion are described. The presented results allow one to justify the development of few-body aspects of nuclear astrophysics.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics-2, 16-20 May, 2005 (ATOMKI), Debrecen, Hungar

    Topology of "white" stars in relativistic fragmentation of light nuclei

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    In the present paper, experimental observations of the multifragmentation processes of light relativistic nuclei carried out by means of emulsions are reviewed. Events of the type of "white" stars in which the dissociation of relativistic nuclei is not accompanied by the production of mesons and the target-nucleus fragments are considered. A distinctive feature of the charge topology in the dissociation of the Ne, Mg, Si, and S nuclei is an almost total suppression of the binary splitting of nuclei to fragments with charges higher than 2. The growth of the nuclear fragmentation degree is revealed in an increase in the multiplicity of singly and doubly charged fragments with decreasing charge of the non-excited part of the fragmenting nucleus. The processes of dissociation of stable Li, Be, B, C, N, and O isotopes to charged fragments were used to study special features of the formation of systems consisting of the lightest α\alpha, d, and t nuclei. Clustering in form of the 3^3He nucleus can be detected in "white" stars via the dissociation of neutron-deficient Be, B, C, and N isotopes.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, 9 tables, conference: Conference on Physics of Fundamental Interactions, Moscow, Russia, 1-5 Mar 2004.(Author's translation

    Classification of stance and swing gait states during treadmill walking from non-invasive scalp electroencephalographic (EEG) signals

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    In Contreras-Vidal and colleagues have shown the feasibility of inferring the linear and angular kinematics of treadmill walking from scalp EEG. Here, we apply a discrete approach to the same problem of decoding the human gait. By reducing the gait process to a mere succession of Stance and Swing phases for each foot, the average decoding accuracy reached 93.71%. This is sufficient to design a gait descriptor that relies only on this classification of two possible states for each foot over time as input, which could complement the model-based continuous decoding method that lacks in some aspects (foot placement at landing, weight acceptance, etc.). A final implementation of this method could be used in a powered exoskeleton to help impaired people regain walking capability