200 research outputs found

    Covariant Quantum Dynamical Semigroups: Unbounded generators

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    A survey of the probabilistic approaches to quantum dynamical semigroups with unbounded generators is given. An emphasis is made upon recent advances in the structural theory of covariant Markovian master equations. The relations with the classical Levy-Khinchin formula are elucidated. As an example, a complete characterizations of the Galilean covariant irreversible quantum Markovian evolutions is given in terms of the corresponding quantum master and Langevin equations. Important topics for future investigation are outlined.Comment: 14 pages,Latex, no figures, submitted to the Semigroup Volume, Group 21, Goslar 199


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    The aim of the research was to study the impact of whey protein isolate on the solubility and oxidative stability of the lipid composition based on soy phosphatidylcholine and fish oil. The relationship between the molecular parameters (density; ζ-potential) of the formed complex particles and their functional properties was found using laser light scattering (static, dynamic, electrophoretic) and spectrophotometry. The studied compositions could be used as the basis for the development of multifunctional food additives with an objective of the enrichment of foods and beverages with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). The main advantages of such composition are a high level of protection of the lipids against oxidation and degradation, a high solubility in an aqueous medium and the clean label.The aim of the research was to study the impact of whey protein isolate on the solubility and oxidative stability of the lipid composition based on soy phosphatidylcholine and fish oil. The relationship between the molecular parameters (density; ζ-potential) of the formed complex particles and their functional properties was found using laser light scattering (static, dynamic, electrophoretic) and spectrophotometry. The studied compositions could be used as the basis for the development of multifunctional food additives with an objective of the enrichment of foods and beverages with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). The main advantages of such composition are a high level of protection of the lipids against oxidation and degradation, a high solubility in an aqueous medium and the clean label

    Quantum scattering in one dimension

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    A self-contained discussion of nonrelativistic quantum scattering is presented in the case of central potentials in one space dimension, which will facilitate the understanding of the more complex scattering theory in two and three dimensions. The present discussion illustrates in a simple way the concept of partial-wave decomposition, phase shift, optical theorem and effective-range expansion.Comment: 8 page

    Local Magnetohydrodynamic Characteristics of the Plasma Stream generated by MPC

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    This paper investigates the spatial distributions of electrical current which flows inside the plasma stream generated by a magnetoplasma compressor (MPC). Two different modes of MPC operation with different gas supply scenarios have been applied in the experiments presented here. The first is the operation mode with a pulse injection of xenon into the interelectrode space, and the second is the operation mode with residual helium in the chamber and local injection of xenon directly into the compression zone. The maximum value of the electric current observed outside the MPC channel is 15 ÷ 20% of the total discharge current. Electric current vortices were discovered in the plasma stream. The amplitude of the current in the vortices reaches 50% of the total discharge current. The maximum EUV radiation power was measured in the mode of MPC operation with local xenon injection. Power in the wave range 12.2 ÷ 15.8 nm achieves up to 16 ÷ 18 kW

    Local Magnetohydrodynamic Characteristics of the Plasma Stream generated by MPC

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    This paper investigates the spatial distributions of electrical current which flows inside the plasma stream generated by a magnetoplasma compressor (MPC). Two different modes of MPC operation with different gas supply scenarios have been applied in the experiments presented here. The first is the operation mode with a pulse injection of xenon into the interelectrode space, and the second is the operation mode with residual helium in the chamber and local injection of xenon directly into the compression zone. The maximum value of the electric current observed outside the MPC channel is 15 ÷ 20% of the total discharge current. Electric current vortices were discovered in the plasma stream. The amplitude of the current in the vortices reaches 50% of the total discharge current. The maximum EUV radiation power was measured in the mode of MPC operation with local xenon injection. Power in the wave range 12.2 ÷ 15.8 nm achieves up to 16 ÷ 18 kW

    Exposures of EU W-CFC combined targets with QSPA Kh-50 plasma streams simulating ITER ELMs

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    Repeated load tests of special combined W-CFC samples were performed with QSPA plasma streams either resulting in strong melting of W surface layer or below the melting, but above the cracking threshold. Experiments show that in result of target exposures with heat load of 0.4 MJ/m2 (no melting) only cracks formation was found on both tungsten and CFC surfaces. It is obtained that enhanced evaporation of CFC results in additional shielding of tungsten surface by C cloud and protects W surface from evaporation even for essentially increased energy density in impacting plasma. Exposures of combined target with heat loads of 0.82 MJ/m2 resulted in strong melting of tungsten. Meshes of macro-cracks and micro-cracks as well as ripple structures are appeared on the resolidified surface.Проведено циклічні іспити спеціальних комбінованих зразків W-CFC з використанням плазмових потоків КСПП з варійованими енергетичними навантаженнями, які приводять до розвитого плавлення поверхневого шару W, або знаходяться нижче порога плавлення, але вище порога розтріскування. Експериментально показано, що в результаті опромінення мішеней з густиною енергії 0,4 MДж/м2 (відсутність плавлення) було зареєстровано тільки розтріскування поверхонь CFC і вольфраму. Зі збільшенням густини енергії розвинуте паротворення CFC приводить до додаткового екранування поверхні вольфраму шаром вуглецевої плазми і захищає поверхню W від паротворення навіть при істотно збільшеній густині енергії в плазмі, що налітає. Опромінення мішеней з тепловими навантаженнями 0,82 MДж/м2 приводить до інтенсивного плавлення вольфраму. Сітки макро-тріщин і мікро-тріщин, а також хвильова структура з'являються на повторно затверділій поверхні.Проведены циклические испытания специальных комбинированных образцов W-CFC с использованием плазменных потоков КСПУ с варьируемыми энергетическими нагрузками, которые приводят к развитому плавлению поверхностного слоя W, либо находятся ниже порога плавления, но выше порога растрескивания. Экспериментально показано, что в результате облучения мишеней плазменными потоками с плотностью энергии 0,4 MДж/м2 (отсутствие плавления) было зарегистрировано лишь растрескивание поверхностей CFC и вольфрама. С увеличением плотности энергии в плазменном потоке развитое парообразование CFC приводит к дополнительной экранировке поверхности вольфрама облаком углеродной плазмы и предохраняет поверхность W от испарения даже при существенно возросшей плотности энергии налетающей плазмы. Облучение мишеней с тепловыми нагрузками 0,82 MДж/м2 приводит к интенсивному плавлению вольфрама. Сетки макро-трещин и микро-трещин, а также волновые структуры появляются на повторно затвердевающей поверхности


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    Introduction. Performance the radical surgical treatment in patients with widespread cranio-maxillary tumors is followed by appearance of extensive defects.Objective. To explore the possibility of the applying the basic methods of eliminating defects cranio-maxillary localization after surgical treatment of tumors and their impact on quality of life and survival.Material and methods. The results of surgical treatment of 94 patients with the widespread cranio-maxillary tumors, depending on the performed type of the surgery and method of eliminating postoperative defects were analyzed.Results. Efficiency of different methods of reconstruction of defects of the midface and anterior skull base and their impact on quality of life and survival after the surgery were estimated. The use of general oncological methods in combination with the methods of the primary effectively correction of formed defects allows to achieve better results in the treatment of patients with widespread cranio-maxillary tumors. .Введение. Выполнение радикального оперативного пособия у пациентов с распространенными краниомаксиллярными опухолями сопровождается возникновением обширных дефектов.Цель исследования – изучить возможности применения основных методик устранения дефектов краниомаксиллярной локализации после хирургического лечения опухолей, их влияние на качество жизни и выживаемость.Материал и методы. Проанализированы результаты хирургического лечения 94 больных с распространенными краниомаксиллярными опухолями в зависимости от характера выполненного оперативного вмешательства, применяемой методики устранения послеоперационных дефектов.Результаты. Выполнена оценка эффективности использования различных методов в реконструкции дефектов средней зоны лица и основания черепа после хирургического лечения, их влияния на качество жизни и выживаемость. Применение онкологических методик в сочетании с первичным устранением образовавшихся дефектов позволяет добиться более высоких результатов лечения краниомаксиллярных опухолей

    The wind regime of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere during the DYANA campaign-I. Prevailing winds

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    During the DYANA campaign, winds and tides at mesospheric and lower thermospheric altitudes were measured by 14 ground based experiments (MF radars, meteor radars and LF-drift systems). The experiments were located between 107°W and 102°E, mostly in northern mid-latitudes with well covered areas in Central and Eastern Europe. Emphasis is placed here upon the vertical profiles and height-time contours of the prevailing zonal and meridional winds with different resolution (15 d, 4d). Generally, westerly winds are observed at heights below 95 km with a strong mesospheric variability and with longitudinal differences between the data of Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia and Canada. Planetary waves and a minor stratospheric warming in the first 10 days of February 1990 are the cause of this behaviour. In connection with the stratospheric warming, a wind reversal to summer east winds reaching from the upper stratosphere up to 95 km is observed. The close connection of the behaviour of the stratosphere with the observed longitudinal differences in the mesospheric response on the stratospheric warming and with the occurrence of wind oscillations (10-15 d) is discussed. © 1994