249 research outputs found

    Ballistic magnon heat conduction and possible Poiseuille flow in the helimagnetic insulator Cu2_2OSeO3_3

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    We report on the observation of magnon thermal conductivity κm\kappa_m\sim 70 W/mK near 5 K in the helimagnetic insulator Cu2_2OSeO3_3, exceeding that measured in any other ferromagnet by almost two orders of magnitude. Ballistic, boundary-limited transport for both magnons and phonons is established below 1 K, and Poiseuille flow of magnons is proposed to explain a magnon mean-free path substantially exceeding the specimen width for the least defective specimens in the range 2 K <T<<T< 10 K. These observations establish Cu2_2OSeO3_3 as a model system for studying long-wavelength magnon dynamics.Comment: 10pp, 9 figures, accepted PRB (Editor's Suggestion


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    Industry tariff agreements have been studied from the point of view of the motivational component of staff labor in organizations of the fuel and energy complex. Criteria of comparison have been selected and the optimal labor motivation strategy in the oil, gas, coal and electric power industries has been revealed. Features and similar approaches in the organization of the motivation of the industries of the fuel and energy complex have been identified. World experience of the labor motivation in the fuel and energy industries, such as in the USA, Japan and in Europe has been examined in comparison with domestic practice in these sectors

    Influence of severe plastic deformation on the structure and mechanical properties of eutectic Al-Zn-Mg-Fe-Ni alloy

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    The structure and phase evolution of the new eutectic high strength aluminium alloy Nikalin were investigated under high pressure torsion (HPT) by several numbers of the revolution of the anvil. The chemical composition of the investigated Nikalin alloy was as follows: Al (base)- 7.22Zn-2.95 Mg-0.52 Fe-0.57 Ni-0.2 Zr. (wt.%). The initial material was a coarse grained cast ingot after homogenization. It was established that the HPT process resulted in the deformation dissolution of the nanosized T-phase precipitates and the formation of a supersaturated aluminum solid solution simultaneously with the strong refinement of the structure to the grain-subgrain size of 130-150 nm. Due to that, the yield stress of the HPT alloy increased by a factor of 1.5, the ultimate tensile strength increased by a factor of 1.4, while preserving good ductility of 6-7%. The observed effect of the additional supersaturated solution upon HPT relative to the homogenized state appeared upon post-deformation annealing at 140 °C. An increase in the microhardness of the HPT alloy due to the MgZn2 phase precipitation was observed at 0.5- hours of annealing. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 18-03-00102Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation: АААА-А18-118020190116-6The research was carried out within the state assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (theme “Structura”, № АААА-А18-118020190116-6) supported in part by RFBR (project № 18-03-00102). The electron microscopy investigations were performed at the Center of Collaborative Access “Testing Center of Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials” of the M.N. Mikheev Institute of Metal Physics of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences

    Percutaneous nephrolithotomy with ipsilateral renal tumors

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    The aim of this study is to determine the tactics ot treatment of patients with kidney tumors in combination with ipsilateral kidney stone using maloinvazinvyh methods. Patients and methods: an analysis of 159 patients with a combination of ICD and kidney tumors, among them 14 (8 men and 6 women) with kidney tumors in combination with a kidney stone on the same side at the time of treatment were testimony to the active surgical treatment for over both tumor and kidney stones. A unilateral right combination of abnormalities observed in 2 (13.3%) patients, left - in 12 (85.7%). Tlie age of patients was 60 ± 11 years. Results: 4 (28.6%) patients in the first operation performed for renal tumors, 7 (50.0%) carried out simultaneous operations on the tumor and stone, 3 (21.4%) patients initially made PNL. Conclusion: Tlie use of minimally invasive treatment of urological diseases allows for combined ipsilateral tumors and kidney stones to perform one-stage and two-stage surgery, in most cases, to deliver a patient from tumors or from a kidney stone while maintaining body.Целью настоящей работы является определение тактики лечения больных опухолью почки в сочетании с камнем ипсилатеральной почки с использованием малоинвазинвых методов. Пациенты и методы: был проведен анализ 159 пациентов с сочетанием МКБ и опухоли почки, из их числа у 14 (8 мужчин и 6 женщин) с опухолью почки в сочетании с камнем почки на той же стороне на момент обращения имелись показания к активному хирургическому лечению по поводу как опухоли, так и камня почки. Одностороннее сочетание патологий справа отмечалось у 2 (13,3%) больных, слева - у 12 (85,7%). Возраст пациентов составил 60+11 лет. Результаты: 4 (28,6%) больным в первую очередь выполнена операция по поводу опухоли почки, 7 (50,0%) выполнена одномоментная операция по поводу опухоли и камня, 3 (21,4%) пациентам первоначально выполнена ПНЛ. Заключение: применение малоинвазивных методов лечения урологических заболеваний позволяет при ипсилатеральном сочетании опухоли и камня почки выполнять одномоментные и двухэтапные хирургические вмешательства, позволяющие в большинстве случаев избавлять больного как от опухоли, так и от камня почки, сохраняя при этом орган

    Voltage Responses to Optical Pulses of Unbiased Normal and Superconducting Samples

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    The direct transformation of the energy of an incident high-energy photon into a measurable potential difference within an absorbing metal is investigated. Experimental evidence is presented that the effect arises from the inherent energy dependence of the electronic density of states, rather than from a simple temperature excursion. The similarities between the results on Al and YBa2Cu3O7 samples indicate that the effect is universal in nature. We assert it may be used as the basis of a fast, energy resolving, individual photon detector for the ultraviolet radiation and x-rays

    Multi-percutaneous access in the treatment of coral nephrolithiasis

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    In order to assess the efficacy and safety of a combination of standard and minimally invasive multi- percutaneous nephrolithotomy in coral nephrolithiasis, we analyzed 55 patients with coral stones, who were treated at the urology clinic of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, where combined standard and minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PNl) was performed. Nephroscope 24 Ch or 26 Ch and Amplatz-casings 28-30 Ch, ultrasonic lithotriptor; for minimally invasive - minnefroscope 12 Ch with tubes 16,5 Ch, ultiminefroscope 7.5 Ch with a tube 11 Ch, laser lithotripter were used during standard PNl. 2 access were performed in 48 (87.3%) observations, 3 - in 6 (10.9%), 4 - 1 (1.8%). Complete renal sanation after the first procedure was achieved in 47 (85.5%) observations, 6 patients underwent repeated nephroscopy, the remaining 2 residual stones were in isolated calyces and did not require additional treatment. Intraoperative complications were recorded in 3 patients in the form of hemorrhage, who underwent second nephroscopy. Among the postoperative complications, fever above 38 ° in 8 patients was noted. The obtained results demonstrate high efficiency and safety of combined standard and minimally invasive PNl from multi-access.С целью оценки эффективности и безопасности комбинации стандартной и минимально-инвазивной мультиперкутанной нефролитотомии при коралловидном нефролитиазе нами проведен анализ 55 пациентов с коралловидными камнями, которым в клинике урологии Первого МГМУ им. И.М. Сеченова выполнена комбинированная стандартная и минимально-инвазивная перкутанная нефролитотомия (ПНЛ). При стандартной ПНЛ использовались: нефроскопы 24 Ch или 26 Ch и амплатц-кожухи 28-30 Ch, ультразвуковой литотриптор; при малоинвазивных - мининефроскоп 12 Ch с использованием тубусов 16,5 Ch, ультрамининефроскоп 7,5 Ch c использованием тубуса 11 Ch, лазерный литотриптор. 2 доступа выполнено в 48 (87,3%) наблюдениях, 3 – в 6 (10,9%), 4 – 1(1,8%). Полная санация почки после первой процедуры достигнута в 47 (85,5%) наблюдениях, 6 пациентам выполнена повторная нефроскопия, у 2 оставшиеся резидуальные камни находились в изолированных чашечках и не требовали дополнительного лечения. Интраоперационные осложнения зафиксированы у 3 пациентов в виде геморрагии, которым в последующем выполнена повторная нефроскопия. Среди послеоперационных осложнений отмечена лихорадка выше 38° у 8 пациентов. Полученные результаты демонстрируют высокую эффективность и безопасность комбинированной стандартной и малоинвазивной ПНЛ из мультидоступа

    Тулиевый лазер при уротелиальной карциноме мочевого пузыря с распространением на устье мочеточника

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    Urothelial transitional cell cancer in developed countries is the 4th most common. In terms of frequency, it is outstripped only by prostate, breast, lung, and colorectal cancer. In the vast majority of cases, urothelial carcinoma develops in the bladder. It accounts for 90—95 % of all cases of transitional cell cancer of the urinary tract. Much less often, in 5—10 % have to deal with its localization in the upper urinary tract (in the calico-pelvic system or ureter). In 17 % of upper urinary tract cancers, bladder cancer is simultaneously diagnosed. The incidence of urothelial transitional cell cancer has increased over the past few decades as a result of improved diagnosis and improved survival of patients with this nosology. The use of modern, high-tech equipment for visualization and direct surgical intervention contributes to such results. The use of laser energy as the main tool for tissue dissection in endoscopic oncourology reveals the undeniable advantages of this method in comparison with the traditional electrosurgery.We present a clinical observation of the diagnosis and surgical treatment of urothelial bladder cancer with invasion of the ureter, performed by en-bloc tulium laser. An operation was performed-transurethral resection of a urothelial bladder tumor with invasion of the ureter, performed by en-bloc tulium laser. Intraoperatively, ureteropieloscopy was performed, and the tumor did not spread to the upper urinary tract beyond the intramural part of the ureter. Thanks to the precision of the action of the tulium laser on the tissue, not resection, but, in fact, dissection of the bladder wall, a high-quality macropreparation was obtained, which made it possible to establish a final diagnosis. Histological conclusion: from the bladder — non-invasive urothelial cancer G2-3; from the mouth of the left ureter — fragments of fibrous tissue lined with urothelium from atypia. 3 months after the operation — no recurrence of urothelial cancer was revealed, which indicates a high quality of the operation.This clinical observation demonstrates the superiority of laser en-bloc dissection compared to the treatment of bladder tumors. Obtaining a macro-product of urothelial transitional cell cancer of the highest quality can contribute to avoiding unjustified radical nephrureterectomies and conducting organ-preserving treatment, for absolute and elective indications. The 1.94 µm Tulium Erbium laser is an effective tool for performing minimally invasive transurethral interventions in non-invasive bladder cancer.Уротелиальный переходно-клеточный рак в развитых странах занимает 4-е место по распространенности. По частоте встречаемости его опережают только рак предстательной железы, молочной железы, легкого и колоректальный рак. В подавляющем большинстве случаев уротелиальная карцинома развивается в мочевом пузыре. На ее долю приходится 90—95 % всех случаев переходно-клеточного рака мочевыводящих путей. Значительно реже (5—10 %) приходиться иметь дело с его локализацией в верхних мочевыводящих путях (в чашечно-лоханочной системе или мочеточнике). В 17 % случаев при раке верхних мочевыводящих путей одновременно диагностируют рак мочевого пузыря. За последние несколько десятилетий частота встречаемости уротелиального переходно-клеточного рака возросла в результате улучшения диагностики и увеличения выживаемости пациентов с данной нозологией. Таким результатам способствует применение современного, высокотехнологичного оборудования для визуализации и непосредственного проведения оперативного вмешательства. Использование лазерной энергии в качестве основного инструмента для диссекции тканей в эндоскопической онкоурологии раскрывает неоспоримые преимущества данного метода по сравнению со ставшей уже традиционной электрохирургией.представляем клиническое наблюдение диагностики и оперативного лечения уротелиального рака мочевого пузыря с инвазией в мочеточник, проведенного en-bloc тулиевым лазером. Пациентке en-bloc тулиевым лазером выполнена трансуретральная резекция уротелиальной опухоли мочевого пузыря с инвазией в мочеточник. Интраоперационно проведена уретеропиелоскопия, выявлено отсутствие распространения опухоли в верхние мочевыводящие пути за пределы интрамурального отдела мочеточника. благодаря прецизионности воздействия тулиевого лазера на ткань, не резекции, а, по сути, диссекции стенки мочевого пузыря получен макропрепарат высокого качества, позволивший установить окончательный диагноз. Гистологическое заключение: из мочевого пузыря — неинвазивный уротелиальный рак G2-3; из устья левого мочеточника — фрагменты фиброзной ткани, выстланные уротелием из атипии. Через 3 мес после вмешательства данных о наличии рецидива уротелиального рака не выявлено, что говорит о высоком качестве проведенной операции.приведенное клиническое наблюдение демонстрирует превосходство лазерной en-bloc диссекции по сравнению с трансуретральной резекцией опухолей мочевого пузыря. Получение макропрепарата уротелиального переходно-клеточный рака наивысшего качества позволяет избегать необоснованных радикальных нефроуретерэктомий и способствует проведению органосохраняющего лечения по абсолютным и элективным показаниям. Тулий-эрбиевый лазер с длиной волны излучения 1,94 мкм — эффективный инструмент для выполнения малоинвазивных трансуретральных вмешательств при неинвазивном раке мочевого пузыря

    The regulatory role of cystatin C in autophagy and neurodegeneration

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    Autophagy is a dynamic cellular process involved in the turnover of proteins, protein complexes, and organelles through lysosomal degradation. It is particularly important in neurons, which do not have a proliferative option for cellular repair. Autophagy has been shown to be suppressed in the striatum of a transgenic mouse model of Parkinson’s disease. Cystatin C is one of the potent regulators of autophagy. Changes in the expression and secretion of cystatin C in the brain have been shown in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, and in some animal models of neurodegeneration, thus proving a protective function of cystatin C. It has been suggested that cystatin C plays the primary role in amyloidogenesis and shows promise as a therapeutic agent for neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases). Cystatin C colocalizes with the amyloid β-protein in the brain during Alzheimer’s disease. Controlled expression of a cystatin C peptide has been proposed as a new approach to therapy for Alzheimer’s disease. In Parkinson’s disease, serum cystatin C levels can predict disease severity and cognitive dysfunction, although the exact involvement of cystatin C remains unclear. The aim: to study the role of cystatin C in neurodegeneration and evaluate the results in relation to the mechanism of autophagy. In our study on humans, a higher concentration of cystatin C was noted in cerebrospinal fluid than in serum; much lower concentrations were observed in other biological fluids (intraocular fluid, bile, and sweat). In elderly persons (61–80 years old compared to practically healthy people at 40–60 years of age), we revealed increased cystatin C levels both in serum and intraocular fluid. In an experiment on C57Bl/6J mice, cystatin C concentration was significantly higher in brain tissue than in the liver and spleen: an indication of an important function of this cysteine protease inhibitor in the brain. Using a transgenic mouse model of Parkinson’s disease (5 months old), we demonstrated a significant increase in osmotic susceptibility of brain lysosomes, depending on autophagy, while in a murine model of Alzheimer’s disease, this parameter did not differ from that in the appropriate control