7,745 research outputs found

    Value certainty and choice confidence are multidimensional constructs that guide decision-making

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    The degree of certainty that decision-makers have about their evaluations of available choice alternatives and their confidence about selecting the subjectively best alternative are important factors that affect current and future value-based choices. Assessments of the alternatives in a given choice set are rarely unidimensional; their values are usually derived from a combination of multiple distinct attributes. For example, the taste, texture, quantity, and nutritional content of a snack food may all be considered when determining whether to consume it. We examined how certainty about the levels of individual attributes of an option relates to certainty about the overall value of that option as a whole and/or to confidence in having chosen the subjectively best available option. We found that certainty and confidence are derived from unequally weighted combinations of attribute certainties rather than simple, equal combinations of all sources of uncertainty. Attributes that matter more in determining choice outcomes also are weighted more in metacognitive evaluations of certainty or confidence. Moreover, we found that the process of deciding between two alternatives leads to refinements in both attribute estimations and the degree of certainty in those estimates. Attributes that are more important in determining choice outcomes are refined more during the decision process in terms of both estimates and certainty. Although certainty and confidence are typically treated as unidimensional, our results indicate that they, like value estimates, are subjective, multidimensional constructs

    Plane-Symmetric Inhomogeneous Bulk Viscous Cosmological Models with Variable Λ\Lambda

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    A plane-symmetric non-static cosmological model representing a bulk viscous fluid distribution has been obtained which is inhomogeneous and anisotropic and a particular case of which is gravitationally radiative. Without assuming any {\it adhoc} law, we obtain a cosmological constant as a decreasing function of time. The physical and geometric features of the models are also discussed.Comment: 11 page

    Charge injection instability in perfect insulators

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    We show that in a macroscopic perfect insulator, charge injection at a field-enhancing defect is associated with an instability of the insulating state or with bistability of the insulating and the charged state. The effect of a nonlinear carrier mobility is emphasized. The formation of the charged state is governed by two different processes with clearly separated time scales. First, due to a fast growth of a charge-injection mode, a localized charge cloud forms near the injecting defect (or contact). Charge injection stops when the field enhancement is screened below criticality. Secondly, the charge slowly redistributes in the bulk. The linear instability mechanism and the final charged steady state are discussed for a simple model and for cylindrical and spherical geometries. The theory explains an experimentally observed increase of the critical electric field with decreasing size of the injecting contact. Numerical results are presented for dc and ac biased insulators.Comment: Revtex, 7pages, 4 ps figure

    COVID-19: looking beyond the peak. Challenges and tips for radiologists in follow-up of a novel patient cohort

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    As the coronavirus pandemic evolves, the focus of radiology departments has begun to change. The acute phase of imaging a new disease entity whilst rationalising radiology services in the face of lockdown has passed. Radiologists are now becoming familiar with the complications of COVID-19, particularly the lung parenchymal and pulmonary vascular sequelae and are considering the impact follow-up imaging may have on departments already struggling with a backlog of suspended imaging in the face of reduced capacity. This review from the British Society of Thoracic Imaging explores both the thoracic and extra-thoracic complications of COVID-19, recognising the importance of a holistic approach to patient follow-up. The British Thoracic Society guidelines for respiratory follow-up of COVID-19 will be discussed, together with newly developed reporting templates, which aim to provide consistency for clinicians as well as an opportunity for longer-term data collection

    Simulations of axionlike particles in the postinflationary scenario

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    Axions and axionlike particles (ALPs) are some of the most popular candidates for dark matter, with several viable production scenarios that make different predictions. In the scenario in which the axion is born after inflation, its field develops significant inhomogeneity and evolves in a highly nonlinear fashion. Understanding the eventual abundance and distribution of axionic dark matter in this scenario therefore requires dedicated numerical simulations. So far the community has focused its efforts on simulations of the QCD axion, a model that predicts a specific temperature dependence for the axion mass. Here, we go beyond the QCD axion, and perform a suite of simulations on lattice sizes of 30723, over a range of possible temperature dependencies labeled by a power-law index n0, 6]. We study the complex dynamics of the axion field, including the scaling of cosmic strings and domain walls, the spectrum of nonrelativistic axions, the lifetime and internal structure of axitons, and the seeds of miniclusters. In particular, we quantify how much the string-wall network contributes to the dark matter abundance as a function of how quickly the axion mass grows. We find that a temperature-independent model produces 25% more dark matter than the standard misalignment calculation. In contrast to this generic ALP, QCD axion models are almost six times less efficient at producing dark matter. Given the flourishing experimental campaign to search for ALPs, these results have potentially wide implications for direct and indirect searches. © 2022 authors. Published by the American Physical Society

    Cosmic Ray Physics with the LOFAR Radio Telescope

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    The LOFAR radio telescope is able to measure the radio emission from cosmic ray induced air showers with hundreds of individual antennas. This allows for precision testing of the emission mechanisms for the radio signal as well as determination of the depth of shower maximum Xmax⁥X_{\max}, the shower observable most sensitive to the mass of the primary cosmic ray, to better than 20 g/cm2^2. With a densely instrumented circular area of roughly 320 m2^2, LOFAR is targeting for cosmic ray astrophysics in the energy range 101610^{16} - 101810^{18} eV. In this contribution we give an overview of the status, recent results, and future plans of cosmic ray detection with the LOFAR radio telescope.Comment: Proceedings of the 26th Extended European Cosmic Ray Symposium (ECRS), Barnaul/Belokurikha, 201

    Bounding the graviton mass with binary pulsar observations

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    By comparing the observed orbital decay of the binary pulsars PSRB1913+16 and PSRB1534+12 to that predicted by general relativity due to gravitational-wave emission, we are able to bound the mass of the graviton to be less than 7.6×10−20eV/c27.6\times10^{-20} \text{eV}/c^2 at 90% confidence. This is the first such bound to be derived from dynamic gravitational fields. It is approximately two orders of magnitude weaker than the static-field bound from solar system observations, and will improve with further observations.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. Presented at Fourth Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves, Perth, 200

    Interacting mindreaders

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    Could interacting mindreaders be in a position to know things which they would be unable to know if they were manifestly passive observers? This paper argues that they could. Mindreading is sometimes reciprocal: the mindreader's target reciprocates by taking the mindreader as a target for mindreading. The paper explains how such reciprocity can significantly narrow the range of possible interpretations of behaviour where mindreaders are, or appear to be, in a position to interact. A consequence is that revisions and extensions are needed to standard theories of the evidential basis of mindreading. The view also has consequences for understanding how abilities to interact combined with comparatively simple forms of mindreading may explain the emergence, in evolution or development, of sophisticated forms of social cognition
