143 research outputs found


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    Depression is a mood disorder which can affect 1 in every 4 women at some point of life even during pregnancy. Depression is most often not properly diagnosed during pregnancy as it is assumed by people to be just another type of imbalance in hormones. But this assumption can be very dangerous to the mother and the fetus. The health care professionals are very cautious about the treatment for depression in pregnancy as both uses of antidepressant and untreated depression in pregnancy can lead to risks for the unborn baby. This review focuses on the complications associated with both treated and untreated depression during pregnancy. In addition, if the treatment is inevitable, then factors such as teratogenesis, withdrawal symptoms, neurobehavioral effects, risk of untreated and risk of discontinuing the medication need to be considered before selecting the suitable therapy.Keywords: Pregnancy, Depression, Drug-therapy, Fetal toxicit


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    Objective: To establish a validated liquid chromatographic method for the quantification of Tenfovir disoproxil fumarate (TENO), Lamivudine (LAM) and Nevirapine (NEV) in ternary combination and in its tablet dosage form.Methods: The three drugs were well resolved using ODS C18 column (250 x 4.6 mm, 5μm) with a mobile phase consisting of phosphate buffer, pH 3.0-acetonitrile (60:40, v/v) with a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min at UV detection wavelength 252 nm. The developed method was validated as per ICH guidelines.Results: The response was a linear function of analyte concentration over the concentration range of 45-105 µg/ml for tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, lamivudine and between 30-70 µg/ml for nevirapine with a correlation coefficient>0.9997. The % RSD values of precision and accuracy studies were found to be less than 2.Conclusion: The proposed method was validated as per standard guidelines. The results obtained from assay values were in good agreement with the labeled amount of the marketed tablet dosage form RICOVIR-LN. The method holds promise for routine quality control of this ternary combination in bulk and pharmaceutical formulations.Â

    Interaction of convective organisation with monsoon precipitation, atmosphere, surface and sea: the 2016 INCOMPASS field campaign in India

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    The INCOMPASS field campaign combines airborne and ground measurements of the 2016 Indian monsoon, towards the ultimate goal of better predicting monsoon rainfall. The monsoon supplies the majority of water in South Asia, but forecasting from days to the season ahead is limited by large, rapidly developing errors in model parametrizations. The lack of detailed observations prevents thorough understanding of the monsoon circulation and its interaction with the land surface: a process governed by boundary-layer and convective-cloud dynamics. INCOMPASS used the UK Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements (FAAM) BAe-146 aircraft for the first project of this scale in India, to accrue almost 100 hours of observations in June and July 2016. Flights from Lucknow in the northern plains sampled the dramatic contrast in surface and boundary layer structures between dry desert air in the west and the humid environment over the northern Bay of Bengal. These flights were repeated in pre-monsoon and monsoon conditions. Flights from a second base at Bengaluru in southern India measured atmospheric contrasts from the Arabian Sea, over the Western Ghats mountains, to the rain shadow of southeast India and the south Bay of Bengal. Flight planning was aided by forecasts from bespoke 4km convection-permitting limited-area models at the Met Office and India's NCMRWF. On the ground, INCOMPASS installed eddy-covariance flux towers on a range of surface types, to provide detailed measurements of surface fluxes and their modulation by diurnal and seasonal cycles. These data will be used to better quantify the impacts of the atmosphere on the land surface, and vice versa. INCOMPASS also installed ground instrumentation supersites at Kanpur and Bhubaneswar. Here we motivate and describe the INCOMPASS field campaign. We use examples from two flights to illustrate contrasts in atmospheric structure, in particular the retreating mid-level dry intrusion during the monsoon onset

    Qualitative analysis of varsha forecast using various inputs - A study at Flosolver

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    Varsha, a hydrostatic spectral general circulation model developed at Flosolver, NAL is used for forecasting the monsoon from the year 2005. Generally, significant variations are noted in NWP model forecasts, if the initial conditions are taken from different sources and also if the input parameters are slightly perturbed. The influence of perturbations in specific humidity and Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and the initial conditions from ECMWF, Reanalysis and Final Analysis data of NCEP on forecasts is studied using Varsha GCM. The results show that the initial conditions of specific humidity have a crucial role in rainfall forecasts. The persistent anomaly method applied for SST also provides a better rainfall forecast. It is also13; seen that the ECMWF data gives the better initial conditions to the model than other sources

    Effect of offshore troughs on the South India erratic summer monsoon rainfall in June 2017

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    The onset and advance of southwest monsoon are accompanied by the appearance of the offshore trough along the southwest coast of India. This offshore trough escorts a deluge of rainfall to the southwest coast, and sometimes rainfall band moves eastward further into south India. These broad observations were noticed during the summer monsoon of June 2017. Meteorological agencies and media had reported a huge amount of rainfall over the southwest coast of India during the month. But, in the far interior of south India, rainfall was less. Due to the less rainfall, water resources depleted, which affected local farmers and common man of south India. The confused views of the common man on southwest coast rainfall could be due to lack of understanding related to various factors affecting rainfall over the same region. This article is an endeavor to address the preliminary understanding of the southwest coast rainfall during June 2017, with more stress on offshore troughs. The study begins with area-averaged rainfall statistics over south, southwest, and southeast India by employing satellite and rain gauge merged rainfall datasets. Area averaged analysis revealed offshore trough contributed 80 % of rainfall over the South West India, 68 % over South East India, contributing to an overall 75 % over south India in 2017. To identify offshore trough position and strength in the reanalysis and model simulations, a new method called VSV (Vertical Shear of Vorticity) method was introduced. The computed offshore troughs were categorized into Active, Normal, and Feeble based on the strength of meridional gradient of mean sea level pressure and 850 hPa horizontal winds. The contribution due to each category of the offshore trough over different sub-regions was investigated to find out the effect of the offshore trough to total rainfall. Dynamic and thermodynamic features of these categories of the offshore trough were investigated by using proxies like equivalent potential temperature and moisture flux convergence. We found that during active offshore trough an eastward propagation of rain bands persists, which was explained by using moisture flux convergence and equivalent potential temperature at different levels of the atmosphere