1,068 research outputs found

    Terrain classification by cluster analisys

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    The digital terrain modelling can be obtained by different methods belonging to two principal categories: deterministic methods (e.g. polinomial and spline functions interpolation, Fourier spectra) and stochastic methods (e.g. least squares collocation and fractals, i.e. the concept of selfsimilarity in probability). To reach good resul ts, both the fi rst and the second methods need same initial suitable information which can be gained by a preprocessing of data named terrain classification. In fact, the deterministic methods require to know how is the roughness of the terrain, related to the density of the data (elevations, deformations, etc.) used for the i nterpo 1 at ion, and the stochast i c methods ask for the knowledge of the autocorrelation function of the data. Moreover, may be useful or very necessary to sp 1 it up the area under consideration in subareas homogeneous according to some parameters, because of different kinds of reasons (too much large initial set of data, so that they can't be processed togheter; very important discontinuities or singularities; etc.). Last but not least, may be remarkable to test the type of distribution (normal or non-normal) of the subsets obtained by the preceding selection, because the statistical properties of the normal distribution are very important (e.g., least squares linear estimations are the same of maximum likelihood and minimum variance ones)

    Uav block geometry design and camera calibration: A simulation study

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    Acknowledged guidelines and standards such as those formerly governing project planning in analogue aerial photogrammetry are still missing in UAV photogrammetry. The reasons are many, from a great variety of projects goals to the number of parameters involved: camera features, flight plan design, block control and georeferencing options, Structure from Motion settings, etc. Above all, perhaps, stands camera calibration with the alternative between pre-and on-the-job approaches. In this paper we present a Monte Carlo simulation study where the accuracy estimation of camera parameters and tie points’ ground coordinates is evaluated as a function of various project parameters. A set of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) synthetic photogrammetric blocks, built by varying terrain shape, surveyed area shape, block control (ground and aerial), strip type (longitudinal, cross and oblique), image observation and control data precision has been synthetically generated, overall considering 144 combinations in on-the-job self-calibration. Bias in ground coordinates (dome effect) due to inaccurate pre-calibration has also been investigated. Under the test scenario, the accuracy gap between different block configurations can be close to an order of magnitude. Oblique imaging is confirmed as key requisite in flat terrain, while ground control density is not. Aerial control by accurate camera station positions is overall more accurate and efficient than GCP in flat terrain

    Photogrammetric determination of discrepancies between actual and planned position of dental implants

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    The paper describes the design and testing of a photogrammetric measurement protocol set up to determine the discrepancies between the planned and actual position of computer-guided template-based dental implants. Two moulds with the implants positioned in pre- and post- intervention are produced and separately imaged with a highly redundant block of convergent images; the model with the implants is positioned on a steel frame with control points and with suitable targets attached. The theoretical accuracy of the system is better than 20 micrometers and 0.3–0.4° respectively for positions of implants and directions of implant axes. In order to compare positions and angles between the planned and actual position of an implant, coordinates and axes directions are brought to a common reference system with a Helmert transformation. A procedure for comparison of positions and directions to identify out-of-tolerance discrepancies is presented; a numerical simulation study shows the effectiveness of the procedure in identifying the implants with significant discrepancies between pre- and post- intervention

    Bisogna portare il pensiero della morte come i signori della epoca portavano il falcone sulla spalla.

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    Il titolo è tratto da un pensiero, forse un poco conturbante, ma certamente necessario, di Michel Eyquem de Montaigne e serve per fare un bilancio onesto. Infatti la scelta di essere agnostici qualifica coloro che scrivono come scettici e relativisti moderati, riducendo molti loro pensieri al solo strumentalismo operazionale, proposto da Percy Williams Bridgman. A riguardo, importante è la critica delle metodologie e procedure, comunemente impiegate, e come cautelarsi dagli errori grossolani, sempre possibili. Infatti una analisi approfondita della logica della ricerca scientifica, ma non solo, constata la mancanza di verità sicure ed assolute, ritrovando invece solo alcune certezze, spesso molto precarie e provvisorie. In questo contesto, la conoscenza scientifica si struttura costruendo una sua teoria, in accordo con il matematico e filosofo Federigo Enriques, e riconoscendo come la scienza dipenda dall’ambiente, secondo la lezione del matematico e fisico Erwin Schrödinger. Dopodiché ritornando al pensiero espresso dal titolo, in una postfazione a mo’ di commiato, le Tuscolane di Cicerone offrono l’occasione per una serena disamina dei limiti della esistenza umana

    The Levels of DAHP Synthase, the First Enzyme of the Shikimate Pathway, Are Related to Free Aromatic Amino Acids and Glutamine Content in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Cell Cultures

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    Aromatic amino acid homeostasis was investigated in cell suspension cultures of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and was related to the activity of the first enzyme in aromatic biosynthesis, 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate (DAHP) synthase. An inverse relationship was found between the intracellular content of free phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan and enzyme specific activity levels, suggesting the occurrence of end-product control mechanisms. Two DAHP synthase isogenes are present in wild tobacco that showed a different expression pattern during the culture growth cycle. Intracellular levels of aromatic amino acids were increased or decreased by adding the culture medium with phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan, or with sublethal doses of the shikimate pathway inhibitor glyphosate, respectively. As a consequence, enzyme levels varied in the opposite direction. The concomitant exogenous supply of glutamine further reduced enzyme activity in mid-log cells, suggesting induction by both aromatic amino acid depletion and nitrogen starvation

    A monte carlo simulation study on the dome effect

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    A dome-shape deformation has been found to affect the photogrammetric surface reconstruction in several real and simulated experiments. Its origin has been recognised in inaccurate estimation of the camera parameters and many papers already concentrated on conditions to avoid its development, especially as far as block design is concerned. This paper presents a Monte Carlo simulation to investigate surface reconstruction elevation errors in UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) photogrammetric blocks. The simulation tests are designed to find out the effect of block shape, camera axis inclination, side-lap, cross strips addition and block control by GCP or GNSS-assisted on the extent of the deformations. The main findings are: i) that GNSS-assisted blocks are generally more robust compared to GCP-controlled ones; ii) that, in GNSS-assisted blocks, unless a mix of nadiral and inclined strips is present, at least one fixed GCP must be provided; iii) that cross strip can conveniently be slimmed to save flight time and processing time; iv) that the effectiveness of GNSS deteriorate as the block shape slims out


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    In mining operations the evaluation of the stability condition of the excavated front are critic to ensure a safe and correct planning of the subsequent activities. The procedure currently used to this aim has some shortcomings: safety for the geologist, completeness of data collection and objective documentation of the results. In the last decade it has been shown that the geostructural parameters necessary to the stability analysis can be derived from high resolution digital surface models (DSM) of rock faces. With the objective to overcome the limitation of the traditional survey and to minimize data capture times, so reducing delays on mining site operations, a photogrammetric system to generate high resolution DSM of tunnels has been realized. A fast, effective and complete data capture method has been developed and the orientation and restitution phases have been largely automated. The survey operations take no more than required to the traditional ones; no additional topographic measurements other than those available are required. To make the data processing fast and economic our Structure from Motion procedure has been slightly modified to adapt to the peculiar block geometry while, the DSM of the tunnel is created using automatic image correlation techniques. The geomechanical data are sampled on the DSM, by using the acquired images in a GUI and a segmentation procedure to select discontinuity planes. To allow an easier and faster identification of relevant features of the surface of the tunnel, using again an automatic procedure, an orthophoto of the tunnel is produced. A case study where a tunnel section of ca. 130 m has been surveyed is presented

    Multi-Temporal Image Co-Registration Of Uav Blocks: A Comparison Of Different Approaches

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    Traditionally, data co-registration of survey epochs in photogrammetry relied on Ground Control Points (GCP) to keep the reference system unchanged. In the last years, Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAV) are increasingly used in photogrammetric environmental monitoring. The diffusion of affordable UAV platforms equipped with GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) centimetre-grade receivers might reduce, but not eliminate, the need for GCP. Conversely, if GNSS-assisted orientation cannot be used or if additional ground control and reliability checks are required, alternatives to repeated GCP survey have been proposed, taking advantage of Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry. In particular, co-registering different epochs image blocks together, identifying corresponding features, has been demonstrated as a viable and efficient approach. In this paper four different strategies easily implementable in a generic commercial photogrammetric software are presented and compared considering three different test sites in Italy subject to different amounts of environmental changes. The influence of the amount and distribution of inter-epoch corresponding points on the accuracy of the reconstruction is investigated. The results show that some of the tested strategies obtains very good results and can be used (although not needed) also in RTK centimetre-grade UAV surveys, leveraging the additional information coming from previous epochs survey to actually increase the survey accuracy and reliability
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