30,965 research outputs found

    Constant-temperature molecular-dynamics algorithms for mixed hard-core/continuous potentials

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    We present a set of second-order, time-reversible algorithms for the isothermal (NVT) molecular-dynamics (MD) simulation of systems with mixed hard-core/continuous potentials. The methods are generated by combining real-time Nose' thermostats with our previously developed Collision Verlet algorithm [Mol. Phys. 98, 309 (1999)] for constant energy MD simulation of such systems. In all we present 5 methods, one based on the Nose'-Hoover [Phys. Rev. A 31, 1695 (1985)] equations of motion and four based on the Nose'-Poincare' [J.Comp.Phys., 151 114 (1999)] real-time formulation of Nose' dynamics. The methods are tested using a system of hard spheres with attractive tails and all correctly reproduce a canonical distribution of instantaneous temperature. The Nose'-Hoover based method and two of the Nose'-Poincare' methods are shown to have good energy conservation in long simulations.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum Dot in Z-shaped Graphene Nanoribbon

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    Stimulated by recent advances in isolating graphene, we discovered that quantum dot can be trapped in Z-shaped graphene nanoribbon junciton. The topological structure of the junction can confine electronic states completely. By varying junction length, we can alter the spatial confinement and the number of discrete levels within the junction. In addition, quantum dot can be realized regardless of substrate induced static disorder or irregular edges of the junction. This device can be used to easily design quantum dot devices. This platform can also be used to design zero-dimensional functional nanoscale electronic devices using graphene ribbons.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    SPSA-Based Tracking Method for Single-Channel-Receiver Array

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    A novel tracking method in the phased antenna array with a single-channel receiver for the moving signal source is presented in this paper. And the problems of the direction-of-arrival track and beamforming in the array system are converted to the power maximization of received signal in the free-interference conditions, which is different from the existing algorithms that maximize the signal to interference and noise ratio. The proposed tracking method reaches the global optimum rather than local by injecting the extra noise terms into the gradient estimation. The antenna beam can be steered to coincide with the direction of the moving source fast and accurately by perturbing the output of the phase shifters during motion, due to the high efficiency and easy implementation of the proposed beamforming algorithm based on the simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA). Computer simulations verify that the proposed tracking scheme is robust and effective

    The effect of Mach number on unstable disturbances in shock/boundary-layer interactions

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    The effect of Mach number on the growth of unstable disturbances in a boundary layer undergoing a strong interaction with an impinging oblique shock wave is studied by direct numerical simulation and linear stability theory (LST). To reduce the number of independent parameters, test cases are arranged so that both the interaction location Reynolds number (based on the distance from the plate leading edge to the shock impingement location for a corresponding inviscid flow) and the separation bubble length Reynolds number are held fixed. Small-amplitude disturbances are introduced via both white-noise and harmonic forcing and, after verification that the disturbances are convective in nature, linear growth rates are extracted from the simulations for comparison with parallel flow LST and solutions of the parabolized stability equations (PSE). At Mach 2.0, the oblique modes are dominant and consistent results are obtained from simulation and theory. At Mach 4.5 and Mach 6.85, the linear Navier-Stokes results show large reductions in disturbance energy at the point where the shock impinges on the top of the separated shear layer. The most unstable second mode has only weak growth over the bubble region, which instead shows significant growth of streamwise structures. The two higher Mach number cases are not well predicted by parallel flow LST, which gives frequencies and spanwise wave numbers that are significantly different from the simulations. The PSE approach leads to good qualitative predictions of the dominant frequency and wavenumber at Mach 2.0 and 4.5, but suffers from reduced accuracy in the region immediately after the shock impingement. Three-dimensional Navier-Stokes simulations are used to demonstrate that at finite amplitudes the flow structures undergo a nonlinear breakdown to turbulence. This breakdown is enhanced when the oblique-mode disturbances are supplemented with unstable Mack modes

    Tree FCNC and non-unitarity of CKM matrix

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    We discuss possible signatures of the tree level FCNC, which results from the non-unitarity of CKM matrix. We first define the unitaity step-by-step, and possible test of the non-unitaity through the 4-value-KM parametrization. We, then, show how the phase angle of the unitary triangle would change in case of the vector-like down quark model. As another example of tree FCNC, we investigate the leptophobic ZZ' model and its application to the recent BsB_s mixing measurements.Comment: Talk given at Neutrino Masses and Mixings 2006 (NMM2006), Shizuoka, Japan (December 2006

    Bosonic Seesaw in the Unparticle Physics

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    Recently, conceptually new physics beyond the Standard Model has been proposed by Georgi, where a new physics sector becomes conformal and provides "unparticle" which couples to the Standard Model sector through higher dimensional operators in low energy effective theory. Among several possibilities, we focus on operators involving the (scalar) unparticle, Higgs and the gauge bosons. Once the Higgs develops the vacuum expectation value (VEV), the conformal symmetry is broken and as a result, the mixing between the unparticle and the Higgs boson emerges. In this paper, we consider a natural realization of bosonic seesaw in the context of unparticle physics. In this framework, the negative mass squared or the electroweak symmetry breaking vacuum is achieved as a result of mass matrix diagonalization. In the diagonalization process, it is important to have zero value in the (1,1)-element of the mass matrix. In fact, the conformal invariance in the hidden sector can actually assure the zero of that element. So, the bosonic seesaw mechanism for the electroweak symmetry breaking can naturally be understood in the framework of unparticle physics.Comment: 5 pages, no figure; added one more referenc

    Disks around massive young stellar objects: are they common?

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    We present K-band polarimetric images of several massive young stellar objects at resolutions \sim 0.1-0.5 arcsec. The polarization vectors around these sources are nearly centro-symmetric, indicating they are dominating the illumination of each field. Three out of the four sources show elongated low-polarization structures passing through the centers, suggesting the presence of polarization disks. These structures and their surrounding reflection nebulae make up bipolar outflow/disk systems, supporting the collapse/accretion scenario as their low-mass siblings. In particular, S140 IRS1 show well defined outflow cavity walls and a polarization disk which matches the direction of previously observed equatorial disk wind, thus confirming the polarization disk is actually the circumstellar disk. To date, a dozen massive protostellar objects show evidence for the existence of disks; our work add additional samples around MYSOs equivalent to early B-type stars.Comment: 9 pages, including 2 figures, 1 table, to appear on ApJ

    Evolution of conditionally-averaged second order structure functions in a transitional boundary layer

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    We consider the bypass transition in a flat plate boundary layer subject to free-stream turbulence and compute the evolution of the second-order structure function of the streamwise velocity, du2(,), from the laminar to the fully turbulent region using DNS. In order to separate the contributions from laminar and turbulent events at the two points used to define du(→x,→r), we apply conditional sampling based on the local instantaneous intermittency, τ (1 for turbulent and 0 for laminar events). Using τ(→x,t), we define two-point intermittencies, γ(TT), γ(LL) and γ(TL) which physically represent the probabilities that both points are in turbulent or laminar patches, or one in turbulent and the other in a laminar patch, respectively. Similarly, we also define the conditionally-averaged structure functions, ⟨du2⟩(TT), ⟨du2⟩(LL) and ⟨du2⟩(TL) and decompose ⟨du2⟩(→x,→r) in terms of these conditional averages. The derived expressions generalise existing decompositions of single-point statistics to two-point statistics. It is found that in the transition region, laminar streaky structures maintain their geometrical characteristics in the physical and scale space well inside the transition region, even after the initial break down to form turbulent spots. Analysis of the ⟨du2⟩(TT) fields reveal that the outer mode is the dominant secondary instability mechanism. Further analysis reveals how turbulence spots penetrate the boundary layer and approach the wall. The peaks of ⟨du2⟩(TT) in scale space appear in larger streamwise separations as transition progresses and this is explained by the strong growth of turbulent spots in this direction. On the other hand, the spanwise separation where the peak occurs remains relatively constant and is determined by the initial inception process. We also analyse the evolution of the two-point intermittency field, γ(TT), at different locations. In particular, we study the growth of the volume enclosed within an iso-surface of γ(TT) and notice that it increases in both directions, with the growth in the streamwise direction being especially large. The evolution of these conditional two-point statistics sheds light into the transition process from a different perspective and complements existing analyses using single-point statistics

    Study of isospin violating ϕ\phi excitation in e+eωπ0e^+e^- \to \omega\pi^0

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    We study the reaction e+eωπ0e^+ e^-\to \omega\pi^0 in the vicinity of ϕ\phi mass region. The isospin-violating ϕ\phi excitation is accounted for by two major mechanisms. One is electromagnetic (EM) transition and the other is strong isospin violations. For the latter, we consider contributions from the intermediate hadronic meson loops and ϕ\phi-ρ0\rho^0 mixing as the major mechanisms via the tt and s-channel transitions, respectively. By fitting the recent KLOE data, we succeed in constraining the model parameters and extracting the ϕωπ0\phi\to\omega\pi^0 branching ratio. It shows that the branching ratio is sensitive to the ϕ\phi excitation line shape and background contributions. Some crucial insights into the correlation between isospin violation and Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka (OZI) rule evading transitions are also learned.Comment: Revised version to appear in J. Phys.