618 research outputs found

    Messinian benthic foraminifera from the Mediterranean

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    Exploring the causes of adverse events in hospitals and potential prevention strategies

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    Objectives To examine the causes of adverse events (AEs) and potential prevention strategies to minimise the occurrence of AEs in hospitalised patients. Methods For the 744 AEs identified in the patient record review study in 21 Dutch hospitals, trained reviewers were asked to select all causal factors that contributed to the AE. The results were analysed together with data on preventability and consequences of AEs. In addition, the reviewers selected one or more prevention strategies for each preventable AE. The recommended prevention strategies were analysed together with four general causal categories: technical, human, organisational and patient-related factors. Results Human causes were predominantly involved in the causation of AEs (in 61% of the AEs), 61% of those being preventable and 13% leading to permanent disability. In 39% of the AEs, patient-related factors were involved, in 14% organisational factors and in 4% technical factors. Organisational causes contributed relatively often to preventable AEs (93%) and AEs resulting in permanent disability (20%). Recommended strategies to prevent AEs were quality assurance/peer review, evaluation of safety behaviour, training and procedures. For the AEs with human and patient-related causes, reviewers predominantly recommended quality assurance/peer review. AEs caused by organisational factors were considered preventable by improving procedures. Discussion Healthcare interventions directed at human causes are recommended because these play a large role in AE causation. In addition, it seems worthwhile to direct interventions on organisational causes because the AEs they cause are nearly always believed to be preventable. Organisational factors are thus relatively easy to tackle. Future research designs should allow researchers to interview healthcare providers that were involved in the event, as an additional source of information on contributing factors.

    Boomkwekerij in cijfers

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    Comparing Galaxies and Lyman Alpha Absorbers at Low Redshift

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    A scenario is explored in which Lyman alpha absorbers at low redshift arise from lines of sight through extended galaxy disks, including those of dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies. A population of galaxies is simulated based upon observed distributions of galaxy properties, and the gas disks are modeled using pressure and gravity confinement. Some parameter values are ruled out by comparing simulation results with the observed galaxy luminosity function, and constraints may be made on the absorbing cross sections of galaxies. Simulation results indicate that it is difficult to match absorbers with particular galaxies observationally since absorption typically occurs at high impact parameters (>200 kpc) from luminous galaxies. Low impact parameter absorption is dominated by low luminosity dwarfs. A large fraction of absorption lines is found to originate from low surface brightness galaxies, so that the absorbing galaxy is likely to be misidentified. Low redshift Lyman alpha absorber counts can easily be explained by moderately extended galaxy disks when low surface brightness galaxies are included, and it is easily possible to find a scenario which is consistent with observed the galaxy luminosity function, with low redshift Lyman limit absorber counts, and with standard nucleosynthesis predictions of the baryon density, Omega_Baryon.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, accepted to the Astrophysical Journa

    The Tully-Fisher relation for low surface brightness galaxies - implications for galaxy evolution

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    We present the B band Tully-Fisher relation for Low Surface Brightness (LSB) galaxies. These LSB galaxies follow the same Tully-Fisher relation as normal spiral galaxies. This implies that the mass-to-light ratio (M/L) of LSB galaxies is typically a factor of 2 larger than that of normal galaxies of the same total luminosity and morphological type. Since the dynamical mass of a galaxy is related to the rotation velocity and scale length via M \propto V^2 h, at fixed linewidth LSB galaxies must be twice as large as normal galaxies. This is confirmed by examining the relation between scale length and linewidth for LSB and normal galaxies. The universal nature of the Tully-Fisher relation can be understood if LSB galaxies are galaxies with low mass surface density, \sigma. The mass surface density apparently controls the luminosity evolution of a galaxy such as to keep the product \sigma M/L constant.Comment: 9 pages, PostScript. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Energy Investments under Climate Policy: A Comparison of Global Models

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    The levels of investment needed to mobilize an energy system transformation and mitigate climate change are not known with certainty. This paper aims to inform the ongoing dialogue and in so doing to guide public policy and strategic corporate decision making. Within the framework of the LIMITS integrated assessment model comparison exercise, we analyze a multi-IAM ensemble of long-term energy and greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. Our study provides insight into several critical but uncertain areas related to the future investment environment, for example in terms of where capital expenditures may need to flow regionally, into which sectors they might be concentrated, and what policies could be helpful in spurring these financial resources. We find that stringent climate policies consistent with a 2 degrees C climate change target would require a considerable upscaling of investments into low-carbon energy and energy efficiency, reaching approximately 45trillion(range:45 trillion (range: 30-75 trillion) cumulative between 2010 and 2050, or about 1.1trillionannually.Thisrepresentsanincreaseofsome1.1 trillion annually. This represents an increase of some 30 trillion (10−55trillion),or10-55 trillion), or 0.8 trillion per year, beyond what investments might otherwise be in a reference scenario that assumes the continuation of present and planned emissions-reducing policies throughout the world. In other words, a substantial "clean-energy investment gap" of some 800billion/yrexists−−notablyonthesameorderofmagnitudeaspresent−daysubsidiesforfossilenergyandelectricityworldwide(800 billion/yr exists -- notably on the same order of magnitude as present-day subsidies for fossil energy and electricity worldwide (523 billion). Unless the gap is filled rather quickly, the 2 degrees C target could potentially become out of reach

    Endogenous Technological Change in Climate Change Modeling

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    This article investigates the impact on optimal CO2 abatement and carbon tax levels of introducing endogenous technological change in a macroeconomic model of climate change. We analyze technological change as a function of cumulative capacity, as incorporated recently in energy-systems models. Our calculations confirm that including endogenous innovation implies earlier emission reduction to meet atmospheric carbon concentration constraints. However, the effect is stronger than suggested in the literature. Moreover, the development on non-fossil energy technologies constitutes the most important opportunity for emission reductions. Optimal carbon tax levels, reducing fossil energy use, are lower than usually advocated
