310 research outputs found

    Locating current sheets in the solar corona

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    Current sheets are essential for energy dissipation in the solar corona, in particular by enabling magnetic reconnection. Unfortunately, sufficiently thin current sheets cannot be resolved observationally and the theory of their formation is an unresolved issue as well. We consider two predictors of coronal current concentrations, both based on geometrical or even topological properties of a force free coronal magnetic field. First, there are separatrices related to magnetic nulls. Through separatrices the magnetic connectivity changes discontinuously. Coronal magnetic nulls are, however, very rare. At second, inspired by the concept of generalized magnetic reconnection without nulls, quasi-separatrix layers (QSL) were suggested. Through QSL the magnetic connectivity changes continuously, though strongly. The strength of the connectivity change can be quantified by measuring the squashing of the flux tubes which connect the magnetically conjugated photospheres. We verify the QSL and separatrix concepts by comparing the sites of magnetic nulls and enhanced squashing with the location of current concentrations in the corona. Due to the known difficulties of their direct observation we simulated the coronal current sheets by numerically calculating the response of the corona to energy input from the photosphere heating a simultaneously observed EUV Bright Point. We did not find coronal current sheets not at the separatrices but at several QSL locations. The reason is that although the geometrical properties of force free extrapolated magnetic fields can indeed, hint at possible current concentrations, a necessary condition for current sheet formation is the local energy input into the corona

    Continental weathering and recovery from ocean nutrient stress during the Early Triassic Biotic Crisis

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    Following the latest Permian extinction ∼252 million years ago, normal marine and terrestrial ecosystems did not recover for another 5-9 million years. The driver(s) for the Early Triassic biotic crisis, marked by high atmospheric CO2 concentration, extreme ocean warming, and marine anoxia, remains unclear. Here we constrain the timing of authigenic K-bearing mineral formation extracted from supergene weathering profiles of NW-Pangea by Argon geochronology, to demonstrate that an accelerated hydrological cycle causing intense chemical alteration of the continents occurred between ∼254 and 248 Ma, and continued throughout the Triassic period. We show that enhanced ocean nutrient supply from this intense continental weathering did not trigger increased ocean productivity during the Early Triassic biotic crisis, due to strong thermal ocean stratification off NW Pangea. Nitrogen isotope constraints suggest, instead, that full recovery from ocean nutrient stress, despite some brief amelioration ∼1.5 million years after the latest Permian extinction, did not commence until climate cooling revitalized the global upwelling systems and ocean mixing ∼10 million years after the mass extinction

    Clay mineral dating of displacement on the Sronlairig Fault: implications for Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic evolution in northern Scotland

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    Temporary excavations during the construction of the Glendoe Hydro Scheme above Loch Ness in the Highlands of Scotland exposed a clay-rich fault gouge in Dalradian Supergroup psammite. The gouge coincides with the mapped trace of the subvertical Sronlairig Fault, a feature related in part to the Great Glen and Ericht–Laidon faults, which had been interpreted to result from brittle deformation during the Caledonian orogeny (c. 420–390 Ma). Exposure of this mica-rich gouge represented an exceptional opportunity to constrain the timing of the gouge-producing movement on the Sronlairig Fault using isotopic analysis to date the growth of authigenic (essentially synkinematic) clay mineralization. A series of fine-size separates was isolated prior to K–Ar analysis. Novel, capillary-encapsulated X-ray diffraction analysis was employed to ensure nearly perfect, random orientation and to facilitate the identification and quantification of mica polytypes. Coarser size fractions are composed of greater proportions of the 2M1 illite polytype. Finer size fractions show increasing proportions of the 1M illite polytype, with no evidence of 2M1 illite in the finest fractions. A series of Illite Age Analysis plots produced excellent R2 values with calculated mean ages of 296 ± 7 Ma (Late Carboniferous–Early Permian) for the oldest (2M1) illite and 145 ± 7 Ma (Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) for the youngest (1M) illite. The Late Carboniferous–Early Permian (Faulting event 1) age may represent resetting of earlier-formed micas or authigenesis during dextral displacement of the Great Glen Fault Zone (GGFZ). Contemporaneous WNW(NW)–ESE(SE) extension was important for basin development and hydrocarbon migration in the Pentland Firth and Moray Firth regions. The Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous (Faulting event 2) age corresponds with Moray Firth Basin development and indicates that the GGFZ and related structures may have acted to partition the active extension in the Moray Firth region from relative inactivity in the Pentland Firth area at this time. These new age dates demonstrate the long-lived geological activity on the GGFZ, particularly so in post-Caledonian times where other isotopic evidence for younger tectonic overprints is lacking

    Plasma equilibrium reconstruction of jet discharges using the imas modelling infrastructure

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    International audienceThe reconstruction of Tokamak plasma equilibrium is a fundamental step in the understanding of fusion plasma physics since it sets the starting point for all subsequent plasma modelling applications and experimental data interpretation. The verification and validation of the numerical codes used to reconstruct plasma equilibrium, using as many available input experimental data e.g. magnetic field or flux measurements, density and temperature diagnostics and polarimetry diagnostics, is essential both for physics model interpretation and when qualifying and extrapolating for ITER. In the framework of the EUROfusion Work Package on Code Development for Integrated Modelling, a scientific Kepler workflow for the reconstruction of Tokamak plasma equilibrium was prototyped, using the ITER Integrated Modelling and Analysis Suite (IMAS). The workflow can seamlessly use any sort of data from Tokamak experiments and call equilibrium reconstruction codes such as EQUAL, EQUINOX, NICE, EFIT++ and SDSS, all using the same physics and engineering data ontology and methods for accessing the data. In the paper, plasma equilibrium reconstructions on dedicated JET plasma dischargesare shownusing at first magnetic data only and subsequently considering also other constrains suchas Motional Stark Effect(MSE). Results with magneticsonly give a good qualitative and quantitative agreement between the codes while including MSE, as anticipated, a substantial improvementofthe core plasma profilesis achieved

    The European Integrated Tokamak Modelling Effort:Achievements and First Physics Results

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    This article compares both new and commonly used boundary conditions for generating pressure-driven water flows through carbon nanotubes in molecular dynamics simulations. Three systems are considered: (1) a finite carbon nanotube membrane with streamwise periodicity and ‘gravity’-type Gaussian forcing, (2) a non-periodic finite carbon nanotube membrane with reservoir pressure control, and (3) an infinite carbon nanotube with periodicity and ‘gravity’-type uniform forcing. Comparison between these focuses on the flow behaviour, in particular the mass flow rate and pressure gradient along the carbon nanotube, as well as the radial distribution of water density inside the carbon nanotube. Similar flow behaviour is observed in both membrane systems, with the level of user input required for such simulations found to be largely dependent on the state controllers selected for use in the reservoirs. While System 1 is simple to implement in common molecular dynamics codes, System 2 is more complicated, and the selection of control parameters is less straightforward. A large pressure difference is required between the water reservoirs in these systems to compensate for large pressure losses sustained at the entrance and exit of the nanotube. Despite a simple set-up and a dramatic increase in computational efficiency, the infinite length carbon nanotube in System 3 does not account for these significant inlet and outlet effects, meaning that a much smaller pressure gradient is required to achieve a specified mass flow rate. The infinite tube set-up also restricts natural flow development along the carbon nanotube due to the explicit control of the fluid. Observation of radial density profiles suggests that this results in over-constraint of the water molecules in the tube

    Regression toward the mean – a detection method for unknown population mean based on Mee and Chua's algorithm

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Regression to the mean (RTM) occurs in situations of repeated measurements when extreme values are followed by measurements in the same subjects that are closer to the mean of the basic population. In uncontrolled studies such changes are likely to be interpreted as a real treatment effect.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Several statistical approaches have been developed to analyse such situations, including the algorithm of Mee and Chua which assumes a known population mean <it>μ</it>. We extend this approach to a situation where <it>μ </it>is unknown and suggest to vary it systematically over a range of reasonable values. Using differential calculus we provide formulas to estimate the range of <it>μ </it>where treatment effects are likely to occur when RTM is present.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We successfully applied our method to three real world examples denoting situations when (a) no treatment effect can be confirmed regardless which <it>μ </it>is true, (b) when a treatment effect must be assumed independent from the true <it>μ </it>and (c) in the appraisal of results of uncontrolled studies.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our method can be used to separate the wheat from the chaff in situations, when one has to interpret the results of uncontrolled studies. In meta-analysis, health-technology reports or systematic reviews this approach may be helpful to clarify the evidence given from uncontrolled observational studies.</p

    Association between expression of the Bone morphogenetic proteins 2 and 7 in the repair of circumscribed cartilage lesions with clinical outcome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although there is much known about the role of BMPs in cartilage metabolism reliable data about the <it>in vivo </it>regulation in natural and surgically induced cartilage repair are still missing.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Lavage fluids of knee joints of 47 patients were collected during surgical therapy. 5 patients had no cartilage lesion and served as a control group, the other 42 patients with circumscribed cartilage defects were treated by microfracturing (19) or by an Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (23). The concentrations of BMP-2 and BMP-7 were determined by ELISA. The clinical status was evaluated using the IKDC Score prior to and 1 year following the operation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>High level expression in the control group was found for BMP-2, concentrations of BMP-7 remained below detection levels. No statistical differences could be detected in concentrations of BMP-2 or BMP-7 in the lavage fluids of knees with cartilage lesions compared to the control group. Levels of BMP-7 did not change after surgical cartilage repair, whereas concentrations of BMP-2 statistically significant increased after the intervention (p < 0.001). The clinical outcome following cartilage regenerating surgery increased after 1 year by 29% (p < 0.001). The difference of the IKDC score after 1 year and prior to the operation was used to quantify the degree of improvement following surgery. This difference statistically significant correlated with initial BMP-2 (R = 0.554, p < 0.001) but not BMP-7 (R = 0.031, n.s.) levels in the knee joints.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>BMP-2 seems to play an important role in surgically induced cartilage repair; synovial expression correlates with the clinical outcome.</p