79 research outputs found

    I-J loop involvement in the pharmacological profile of CLC-K channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes

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    CLC-K chloride channels and their subunit, barttin, are crucial for renal NaCl reabsorption and for inner ear endolymph production. Mutations in CLC-Kb and barttin cause Bartter syndrome. Here, we identified two adjacent residues, F256 and N257, that when mutated hugely alter in Xenopus oocytes CLC-Ka's biphasic response to niflumic acid, a drug belonging to the fenamate class, with F256A being potentiated 37-fold and N257A being potently blocked with a KD~1μM. These residues are localized in the same extracellular I-J loop which harbors a regulatory Ca(2+) binding site. This loop thus can represent an ideal and CLC-K specific target for extracellular ligands able to modulate channel activity. Furthermore, we demonstrated the involvement of the barttin subunit in the NFA potentiation. Indeed the F256A mutation confers onto CLC-K1 a transient potentiation induced by NFA which is found only when CLC-K1/F256A is co-expressed with barttin. Thus, in addition to the role of barttin in targeting and gating, the subunit participates in the pharmacological modulation of CLC-K channels and thus represents a further target for potential drugs

    H2S quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy sensor employing a liquid-nitrogen-cooled THz quantum cascade laser operating in pulsed mode

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    In this work, we report on a quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy (QEPAS) sensor for hydrogen sulfide (H2S) detection, exploiting a liquid-nitrogen-cooled THz quantum cascade laser (QCL) operating in pulsed mode. The spectrophone was designed to accommodate a THz QCL beam and consisted of a custom quartz tuning fork with a large prong spacing, coupled with acoustic resonator tubes. The targeted rotational transition falls at 2.87 THz (95.626 cm−1), with a line-strength of 5.53 ∙ 10-20 cm/mol. A THz QCL peak power of 150 mW was measured at a heat sink temperature of 81 K, pulse width of 1 μs and repetition rate of 15.8 kHz. A QEPAS record sensitivity for H2S detection in the THz range of 360 part-per-billion in volume was achieved at a gas pressure of 60 Torr and 10 s integration time

    Broadband detection of methane and nitrous oxide using a distributed-feedback quantum cascade laser array and quartz-enhanced photoacoustic sensing

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    Here we report on the broadband detection of nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) mixtures in dry nitrogen by using a quartz-enhanced photoacoustic (QEPAS) sensor exploiting an array of 32 distributed-feedback quantum cascade lasers, within a spectral emission range of 1190−1340 cm−1 as the excitation source. Methane detection down to a minimum detection limit of 200 ppb at 10 s lock-in integration time was achieved. The sensor demonstrated a linear response in the range of 200−1000 ppm. Three different mixtures of N2O and CH4 in nitrogen at atmospheric pressure have been analyzed. The capability of the developed QEPAS sensor to selectively determine the N2O and CH4 concentrations was demonstrated, in spite of significant overlap in their respective absorption spectra in the investigated spectral range

    Biallelic loss of LDB3 leads to a lethal pediatric dilated cardiomyopathy

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    Autosomal dominant variants in LDB3 (also known as ZASP), encoding the PDZ-LIM domain-binding factor, have been linked to a late onset phenotype of cardiomyopathy and myofibrillar myopathy in humans. However, despite knockout mice displaying a much more severe phenotype with premature death, bi-allelic variants in LDB3 have not yet been reported. Here we identify biallelic loss-of-function variants in five unrelated cardiomyopathy families by next-generation sequencing. In the first family, we identified compound heterozygous LOF variants in LDB3 in a fetus with bilateral talipes and mild left cardiac ventricular enlargement. Ultra-structural examination revealed highly irregular Z-disc formation, and RNA analysis demonstrated little/no expression of LDB3 protein with a functional C-terminal LIM domain in muscle tissue from the affected fetus. In a second family, a homozygous LDB3 nonsense variant was identified in a young girl with severe early-onset dilated cardiomyopathy with left ventricular non-compaction; the same homozygous nonsense variant was identified in a third unrelated female infant with dilated cardiomyopathy. We further identified homozygous LDB3 frameshift variants in two unrelated probands diagnosed with cardiomegaly and severely reduced left ventricular ejection fraction. Our findings demonstrate that recessive LDB3 variants can lead to an early-onset severe human phenotype of cardiomyopathy and myopathy, reminiscent of the knockout mouse phenotype, and supporting a loss of function mechanism

    Efficient generation of osteoclasts from human induced pluripotent stem cells and functional investigations of lethal CLCN7-related osteopetrosis

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    Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) hold great potential for modelling human diseases and the development of innovative therapeutic approaches. Here, we report on a novel, simplified differentiation method for forming functional osteoclasts from hiPSCs. The three-step protocol starts with embryoid body formation, followed by hematopoietic specification, and finally osteoclast differentiation. We observed continuous production of monocyte-like cells over a period of up to nine weeks, generating sufficient material for several osteoclast differentiations. The analysis of stage-specific gene and surface marker expression proved mesodermal priming, the presence of monocyte-like cells, and of terminally differentiated multinucleated osteoclasts, able to form resorption pits and trenches on bone and dentine in vitro. In comparison to peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC)-derived osteoclasts hiPSC-derived osteoclasts were larger and contained a higher number of nuclei. Detailed functional studies on the resorption behaviour of hiPSC-osteoclasts indicated a trend towards forming more trenches than pits and an increase in pseudo-resorption. We used hiPSCs from an ARO patient (BIHi002-A, ARO hiPSCs) with compound heterozygous missense mutations p.(G292E) and p.(R403Q) in CLCN7, coding for the Cl(-)/H(+) -exchanger ClC-7, for functional investigations. The patient's leading clinical feature was a brain malformation due to defective neuronal migration. Mutant ClC-7 displayed residual expression and retained lysosomal co-localization with OSTM1, but only ClC-7 harboring the mutation p.(R403Q) gave strongly reduced ion currents. An increased autophagic flux in spite of unchanged lysosomal pH was evident in undifferentiated ARO hiPSCs. ARO hiPSC-derived osteoclasts showed an increased size compared to hiPSCs of healthy donors. They were not able to resorb bone, indicating a loss-of-function effect of the mutations. In summary, we developed a highly reproducible, straightforward hiPSC-osteoclast differentiation protocol. We demonstrated that osteoclasts differentiated from ARO-hiPSCs can be used as a disease model for ARO and potentially also other osteoclast-related diseases

    Lunapark deficiency leads to an autosomal recessive neurodevelopmental phenotype with a degenerative course, epilepsy and distinct brain anomalies

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    LNPK encodes a conserved membrane protein that stabilizes the junctions of the tubular endoplasmic reticulum network playing crucial roles in diverse biological functions. Recently, homozygous variants in LNPK were shown to cause a neurodevelopmental disorder (OMIM#618090) in four patients displaying developmental delay, epilepsy and nonspecific brain malformations including corpus callosum hypoplasia and variable impairment of cerebellum. We sought to delineate the molecular and phenotypic spectrum of LNPK-related disorder. Exome or genome sequencing was carried out in 11 families. Thorough clinical and neuroradiological evaluation was performed for all the affected individuals, including review of previously reported patients. We identified 12 distinct homozygous loss-of-function variants in 16 individuals presenting with moderate to profound developmental delay, cognitive impairment, regression, refractory epilepsy and a recognizable neuroimaging pattern consisting of corpus callosum hypoplasia and signal alterations of the forceps minor ('ear-of-the-lynx' sign), variably associated with substantia nigra signal alterations, mild brain atrophy, short midbrain and cerebellar hypoplasia/atrophy. In summary, we define the core phenotype of LNPK-related disorder and expand the list of neurological disorders presenting with the 'ear-of-the-lynx' sign suggesting a possible common underlying mechanism related to endoplasmic reticulum-phagy dysfunction

    Biallelic loss of LDB3 leads to a lethal pediatric dilated cardiomyopathy.

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    Autosomal dominant variants in LDB3 (also known as ZASP), encoding the PDZ-LIM domain-binding factor, have been linked to a late onset phenotype of cardiomyopathy and myofibrillar myopathy in humans. However, despite knockout mice displaying a much more severe phenotype with premature death, bi-allelic variants in LDB3 have not yet been reported. Here we identify biallelic loss-of-function variants in five unrelated cardiomyopathy families by next-generation sequencing. In the first family, we identified compound heterozygous LOF variants in LDB3 in a fetus with bilateral talipes and mild left cardiac ventricular enlargement. Ultra-structural examination revealed highly irregular Z-disc formation, and RNA analysis demonstrated little/no expression of LDB3 protein with a functional C-terminal LIM domain in muscle tissue from the affected fetus. In a second family, a homozygous LDB3 nonsense variant was identified in a young girl with severe early-onset dilated cardiomyopathy with left ventricular non-compaction; the same homozygous nonsense variant was identified in a third unrelated female infant with dilated cardiomyopathy. We further identified homozygous LDB3 frameshift variants in two unrelated probands diagnosed with cardiomegaly and severely reduced left ventricular ejection fraction. Our findings demonstrate that recessive LDB3 variants can lead to an early-onset severe human phenotype of cardiomyopathy and myopathy, reminiscent of the knockout mouse phenotype, and supporting a loss of function mechanism

    A Cytoplasmic Domain Mutation in ClC-Kb Affects Long-Distance Communication Across the Membrane

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    BACKGROUND: ClC-Kb and ClC-Ka are homologous chloride channels that facilitate chloride homeostasis in the kidney and inner ear. Disruption of ClC-Kb leads to Bartter's Syndrome, a kidney disease. A point mutation in ClC-Kb, R538P, linked to Bartter's Syndrome and located in the C-terminal cytoplasmic domain was hypothesized to alter electrophysiological properties due to its proximity to an important membrane-embedded helix. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Two-electrode voltage clamp experiments were used to examine the electrophysiological properties of the mutation R538P in both ClC-Kb and ClC-Ka. R538P selectively abolishes extracellular calcium activation of ClC-Kb but not ClC-Ka. In attempting to determine the reason for this specificity, we hypothesized that the ClC-Kb C-terminal domain had either a different oligomeric status or dimerization interface than that of ClC-Ka, for which a crystal structure has been published. We purified a recombinant protein corresponding to the ClC-Kb C-terminal domain and used multi-angle light scattering together with a cysteine-crosslinking approach to show that the dimerization interface is conserved between the ClC-Kb and ClC-Ka C-terminal domains, despite the fact that there are several differences in the amino acids that occur at this interface. CONCLUSIONS: The R538P mutation in ClC-Kb, which leads to Bartter's Syndrome, abolishes calcium activation of the channel. This suggests that a significant conformational change--ranging from the cytoplasmic side of the protein to the extracellular side of the protein--is involved in the Ca(2+)-activation process for ClC-Kb, and shows that the cytoplasmic domain is important for the channel's electrophysiological properties. In the highly similar ClC-Ka (90% identical), the R538P mutation does not affect activation by extracellular Ca(2+). This selective outcome indicates that ClC-Ka and ClC-Kb differ in how conformational changes are translated to the extracellular domain, despite the fact that the cytoplasmic domains share the same quaternary structure
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