321 research outputs found

    A Study on Implicature in the Main Character's Utterance of Megamind Movie Using Relevance Theory

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    Keywords: Implicature, Relevance Theory, and MovieImplicature is what the addresser wants to convey without stating it explicitly. In this study, the writer intends to analyze an implicature in Megamind Movie using Relevance Theory. This study is conducted to find out (1) the explicature conveyed in the utterances of the main character in Megamind movie. (2) The implicated premises and implicated conclusion conveyed in the utterances of the main character in Megamind movie. The writer uses Sperber and Wilson's theory in analyzing the data.This study is qualitative study since the writer analyzed utterances taken from the dialogue of the main characters in Megamind Movie. Research design is document analysis. From the data obtained, the writer tried to find out the explicature, implicated premise, and implicated conclusion based on Relevance Theory proposed by Sperber and Wilson (1995).In this study the writer found 14 utterances that convey an implicature. To answer research problem the writer gave an example from the conversation that were taken from datum 2. The context of this conversation is when Megamind crashing Metroman's Memorial Day by kidnapping Roxanne Ritchi. Metroman is threatening Megamind to put him into jail by saying We all know how this ends, with you behind the bars. The word ‘we' refers to Metroman and all the citizen of Metro city, while ‘this' refers to the battle between Megamind and Metroman. The last, ‘you' refers to Megamind. Then, Megamind responses Metroman's threat by saying Oh, I am shaking in my custom baby seal-leather boot. The word ‘I' refers to Megamind. From the explicature, Megamind responds may irrelevant. But it conveys an implicature. There are many causes to make people shaking and that creates the implicated premises; Megamind is shaking because it is cold; Megamind is shaking because of terrifying; Megamind is shaking just because he wants to; Megamind is shaking just because he pretends to be. From the implicated premise. It may seem that Megamind terrifies being threatened by Metroman, but in reality Megamind does not fear at all. The intended meaning is he just pretending to be and mocking Metroman by showing his baby seal leather boot. Thus the implicated conclusion is Megamind does not fear of Metroman.The writer draws conclusion that Relevance Theory is concern with ostensive communication that is intentional communication through an addressee that can understand the speaker's thought. This study hopefully can provide appropriate references for further researcher to conduct the research in implicature. It is recommended for the next researchers to conduct similar studies to be analyzed using Relevance Theory with different object such as novel, magazine or even article

    Biological Seed Treatment for Controlling Anthracnose Disease of Hot Pepper

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    Three rhizobacteria (Bacillus polymixa BG25, Pseudomonas fluorescens PG01 and Serratia liquefaciens SG01) which inhibited the conidia germination of Colletotrichum capsici and produced the phytohormone indoleacetic acid (IAA) were selected and evaluated as biocontrol agents for controlling Colletotrichum capsici, the causal agent of hot pepper anthracnose and for improving the growth, yield and seed quality of hot pepper in glasshouse and field conditions. Two cultivars of hot pepper, cv. Lokal Brebes and cv. Tit Super were also used in this experiment. The result of the experiment showed that seed treatments with P. fluorescens PG01 either alone or in combination with B. polymixa BG25 increase yields and seed quality under glasshouse and field conditions. However, the most effective treatment was the combination of both agents. Moreover, biological seed treatment with P. fluorescens PG01 either alone or in combination with B. polymixa BG25 led to induction of resistance against C. capsici, as a result of increase in peroxidase activity and biosynthesis of phytoalexins that have been considered as resistance mechanisms against plant diseases

    Studi Penurunan Total Coliform Mata Air Menggunakan Clay Filter

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    Clean water has become an scarce resource. due to lack of water catchment areas, the loss of trees in the forest as a medium for absorbing water into the groundwater. According to Indonesia health profile in 2011 Central Java province have access to good water 74% and access to the bad water 26%. As an effort to use of water is accommodate the springs with small discharge (spring seepage) scattered along the mountainside but, during the water spring seepage flows occurs pollution by soil and rain one pollutant content is coliform bacteria. One treatment solution using clay filter, made from a mixture of clay and sawdust to create a filter that is able to kill 98% of contaminants. Sawdust are burned that creating small holes that filter out harmful organisms. In this study, clay filter is made of variation in the size of sawdust (50 mesh and 30 mesh), pressing the clay filter (with press and without press), and the process of burning clay filter (combustion furnace and open burning). The results show All clay filter efficiency of 100% after 6 hours of sampling. Clay filter with a material size of 50 mesh has an average discharge of 102.4 ml / h to 159,5ml / h while the clay filter with a material size of 30 mesh has an average discharge of 290ml / h to 527.6 ml / h. Optimum clay filter is a filter made of clay with a material size of 30 mesh, pressed mold and open burning. Results filtered on clay filter is 100% efficiency and discharge 291.1ml/

    Pengembangan Dan Implementasi Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan:(1) kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran dengan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek sesuai kurikulum 2013, berorientasi Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia dan Standar Industri Bidang Perbaikan Motor Listrik; dan (2) mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan perbedaan rata-rata hasil belajar PML yang dibelaj arkan dengan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek dan Model Pembelajaran Langsung. Metode penelitian Riset and Development (R&D). Penelitian diawali penyempurnaan perangkat pembelajaran hasil peneliti tahun 2013, dilanjutkan validasi ahli dan uji coba luas. Populasi dan sampel siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri dan Swasta di Jawa Timur.Kelas eksperimendibelajarkan dengan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek dan kelas kontrol dibelajarkan dengan Model Pembelajaran Langsung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan validasi perangkat pembelajaran pada kategori sangat valid dan valid. Rata-rata hasil belajar ranah kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor siswa kelas eksperimen berbeda signifikan dengan hasil belajar siswa kelas kontrol

    Design and Development of Co Gas Sensor Device From Indium Tin Oxide-based with Thin Coating Technology

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    In this paper it will be described the design and manufacturing of microdevice to be used as platform for Carbon monoxide (CO) gas sensor based on indium tin oxide (ITO). The device has been designed on silicon substrate with an active area of 3x3 mm2 , and consisted of bonding pad, heater, electrode, and temperature sensor components. The minimum feature size used is 50 microns, as allowed by the capability of photolithographic process. The formation of microdevice structure has been done mainly using lift-off technique on platinum (Pt) layer, which was deposited by DC sputtering with aluminium (Al) as sacrificial layer. The overall chip dimension is not more than 5x5 mm2. The measurement conducted to study the resistance versus temperature characteristics has shown that the heater and temperature sensor elements have functioned as expected, in which their resistances change linearly with an increase in substrate temperature between 20 – 200 oC. The range of increase in resistance values for the heater is 500 – 1000 ohm, whereas for the temperature sensor is 100 – 300 ohm

    Pengaruh Perlakuan Rizo-bakteri Pemacu Pertumbuhan Tanaman terhadap Viabilitas Benih Serta Pertumbuhan Bibit Tanaman Cabai

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    The objectives of this experiment were to evaluate effects of seed treatment using local isolates of rhizobacteria on seed germination and seedling growth of hot pepper. Hot pepper seeds were treated with rhizobacterium isolates of Bacillus sp., Pseudomonas sp., or Serratia sp. and germinated using standard germination procedures. Subsequently, seedlings were transplanted into plastic pots containing a mixture of potting media. Germination was recorded at 7 and 14 days while seedling growth were recorded at 6 and 8 weeks after transplanting. Results of the experiments showed seed treatments using rhizobacteria significantly increased viability of the treated hot pepper seeds (percentage of increases as compared to untreated seeds in seed germination - up to 27%, PTM 11%, vigor index 31%, SPT 29%, KCT 29%, and reduction of T50 by 0.75 days). Some of the treatments also promoted growth of hot pepper seedlings. Although all of the rhizobacteria synthesized IAA, growth promoting effects of the rhizobacteria may not only be due to the synthesized growth regulator. Other factors may have involved in the possitive effects of the rhizobacteria on hot pepper seed germination and seedling growth

    Pengembangan Buku Ajar Profesi Keguruan Berbasis Isu-Isu Pendidikan Terkini

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    The development of Teacher Professional Policies that are constantly changing, of course, prospective teachers must get the latest scientific knowledge. This study aims at making a product of textbook of Teaching Profession Based Current Educational Issues . The researcher used the development research steps adapted from the ADDIE model (Analysis-Design-Develop-Implement-Evaluate). The results of this study are 80.31% of students stating that the product is very useful, understandable, and easy to use

    Prototype Sistem Pakar untuk Mendeteksi Tingkat Resiko Penyakit Jantung Koroner dengan Metode Dempster-Shafer (Studi Kasus: RS. PKU Muhammadiyah YOGYAKARTA)

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    The expert systems can serve as a consultant that gives advice to the users and at once as an assistant to the experts. One way to cope and help detect the risk level of one's coronary heart disease, is to create the expert system as media of consulting and monitoring a person so that can minimize the occurrence of heart attacks resulting in death. The Dempster-Shafer method is non monotonis reasoning method is used to look for inconsistencies due to addition or reduction of new facts that will change the existing rules, so that the Dempster-Shafer method enables one safe in doing the expert work. This research aims to apply the Dempster-Shafer uncertainty methods in expert system to diagnose the risk level of one's coronary heart disease based on factors and symptom of coronary heart disease The benefits of this research was to know the accuracy of Dempster-Shafer inference engine.The diagnosis results of coronary heart disease is generated by an expert system similarly with manually calculating result using the theory of Dempster-Shafer inference engine. Therefore we can conclude that the expert system that has been built can be used to diagnose Coronary Heart diagnosis
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