84,320 research outputs found

    NLTE study of scandium in the Sun

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    We investigate the formation of neutral and singly ionized scandium lines in the solar photospheres. The research is aimed derive solar log⁥gfϔ⊙\log gf\epsilon_{\odot}(Sc) values for scandium lines, which will later be used in differential abundance analyses of metal-poor stars. Extensive statistical equilibrium calculations were carried out for a model atom, which comprises 92 terms for \ion{Sc}{i} and 79 for \ion{Sc}{ii}. Photoionization cross-sections are assumed to be hydrogenic. Synthetic line profiles calculated from the level populations according to the NLTE departure coefficients were compared with the observed solar spectral atlas. Hyperfine structure (HFS) broadening is taken into account. The statistical equilibrium of scandium is dominated by a strong underpopulation of \ion{Sc}{i} caused by missing strong lines. It is nearly unaffected by the variation in interaction parameters and only marginally sensitive to the choice of the solar atmospheric model. Abundance determinations using the ODF model lead to a solar Sc abundance of between logâĄÏ”âŠ™=3.07\log\epsilon_\odot = 3.07 and 3.13, depending on the choice of ff values. The long known difference between photospheric and meteoritic scandium abundances is confirmed for the experimental ff-values.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, A&A accepte

    Electrical transport in the ferromagnetic state of manganites: Small-polaron metallic conduction at low temperatures

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    We report measurements of the resistivity in the ferromagnetic state of epitaxial thin films of La_{1-x}Ca_{x}MnO_{3} and the low temperature specific heat of a polycrystalline La_{0.8}Ca_{0.2}MnO_{3}. The resistivity below 100 K can be well fitted by \rho - \rho_{o} = E \omega_{s}/sinh^{2}(\hbar \omega_{s}/2k_{B}T) with \hbar \omega_{s}/k_{B} \simeq 100 K and E being a constant. Such behavior is consistent with small-polaron coherent motion which involves a relaxation due to a soft optical phonon mode. The specific heat data also suggest the existence of such a phonon mode. The present results thus provide evidence for small-polaron metallic conduction in the ferromagnetic state of manganites.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    The wedding of modified dynamics and non-exotic dark matter in galaxy clusters

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    We summarize the status of Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) in galaxy clusters. The observed acceleration is typically larger than the acceleration threshold of MOND in the central regions, implying that some dark matter is necessary to explain the mass discrepancy there. A plausible resolution of this issue is that the unseen mass in MOND is in the form of ordinary neutrinos with masses just below the experimentally detectable limit. In particular, we show that the lensing mass reconstructions of the clusters 1E0657-56 (the bullet cluster) and Cl0024+17 (the ring) do not pose a new challenge to this scenario. However, the mass discrepancy for cool X-ray emitting groups, in which neutrinos cannot cluster, pose a more serious problem, meaning that dark baryons could present a more satisfactory solution to the problem of unseen mass in MOND clusters.Comment: to appear in World Scientific, proceedings of DARK 200

    A Model for Abundances in Metal-Poor Stars

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    It is argued that the abundances of r-process related elements in stars with -3<[Fe/H]<-1 can be explained by the contributions of three sources. The sources are: the first generations of very massive (>100 solar masses) stars that are formed from Big Bang debris and are distinct from SNII, and two types of SNII, the H and L events, which can occur only at [Fe/H]>-3. The H events are of high frequency and produce dominantly heavy (A>130) r-elements but no Fe (presumably leaving behind black holes). The L events are of low frequency and produce Fe and dominantly light (A<130) r-elements (essentially none above Ba). By using the observed abundances in two ultra-metal-poor stars and the solar r-abundances, the initial or prompt inventory of elements produced by the first generations of very massive stars and the yields of H and L events can be determined. The abundances of a large number of elements in a star can then be calculated from the model by using only the observed Eu and Fe abundances. To match the model results and the observational data for stars with -3<[Fe/H]<-1 requires that the solar r-abundances for Sr, Y, Zr, and Ba must be significantly increased from the standard values. Whether the solar r-components of these elements used here to obtain a fit to the stellar data can be reconciled with those obtained from solar abundances by subtracting the s-components calculated from models is not clear.Comment: 47 pages, 19 figures, to appear in Ap

    Can an observer really catch up with light

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    Given a null geodesic γ0(λ)\gamma_0(\lambda) with a point rr in (p,q)(p,q) conjugate to pp along γ0(λ)\gamma_0(\lambda), there will be a variation of γ0(λ)\gamma_0(\lambda) which will give a time-like curve from pp to qq. This is a well-known theory proved in the famous book\cite{2}. In the paper we prove that the time-like curves coming from the above-mentioned variation have a proper acceleration which approaches infinity as the time-like curve approaches the null geodesic. This means no observer can be infinitesimally near the light and begin at the same point with the light and finally catch the light. Only separated from the light path finitely, does the observer can begin at the same point with the light and finally catch the light.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, submited to Physical Review

    Radio Variability of Sagittarius A* - A 106 Day Cycle

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    We report the presence of a 106-day cycle in the radio variability of Sgr A* based on an analysis of data observed with the Very Large Array (VLA) over the past 20 years. The pulsed signal is most clearly seen at 1.3 cm with a ratio of cycle frequency to frequency width f/Delta_f= 2.2+/-0.3. The periodic signal is also clearly observed at 2 cm. At 3.6 cm the detection of a periodic signal is marginal. No significant periodicity is detected at both 6 and 20 cm. Since the sampling function is irregular we performed a number of tests to insure that the observed periodicity is not the result of noise. Similar results were found for a maximum entropy method and periodogram with CLEAN method. The probability of false detection for several different noise distributions is less than 5% based on Monte Carlo tests. The radio properties of the pulsed component at 1.3 cm are spectral index alpha ~ 1.0+/- 0.1 (for S nu^alpha), amplitude Delta S=0.42 +/- 0.04 Jy and characteristic time scale Delta t_FWHM ~ 25 +/- 5 days. The lack of VLBI detection of a secondary component suggests that the variability occurs within Sgr A* on a scale of ~5 AU, suggesting an instability of the accretion disk.Comment: 14 Pages, 3 figures. ApJ Lett 2000 accepte
