135 research outputs found

    Xenon Acquisition Strategies for High-Power Electric Propulsion NASA Missions

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    The benefits of high-power solar electric propulsion (SEP) for both NASA's human and science exploration missions combined with the technology investment from the Space Technology Mission Directorate have enabled the development of a 50kW-class SEP mission. NASA mission concepts developed, including the Asteroid Redirect Robotic Mission, and those proposed by contracted efforts for the 30kW-class demonstration have a range of xenon propellant loads from 100's of kg up to 10,000 kg. A xenon propellant load of 10 metric tons represents greater than 10% of the global annual production rate of xenon. A single procurement of this size with short-term delivery can disrupt the xenon market, driving up pricing, making the propellant costs for the mission prohibitive. This paper examines the status of the xenon industry worldwide, including historical xenon supply and pricing. The paper discusses approaches for acquiring on the order of 10 MT of xenon propellant considering realistic programmatic constraints to support potential near-term NASA missions. Finally, the paper will discuss acquisitions strategies for mission campaigns utilizing multiple high-power solar electric propulsion vehicles requiring 100's of metric tons of xenon over an extended period of time where a longer term acquisition approach could be implemented

    Análise AMMI da produtividade de grãos em linhagens de soja selecionadas para resistência à ferrugem asiática.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar os efeitos da interação genótipo x ambiente (GxE) sobre a produtividade de grãos em progênies de soja pré-selecionadas para resistência à ferrugem asiática (Phakopsora pachyrhizi). Doze ensaios de avaliação de progênies (linhagens F6 e F7) foram conduzidos em diferentes ambientes (combinação de locais, anos e tratamentos fungicidas para controle de doenças de final de ciclo, incluindo ou não a ferrugem). A análise ?additive main effects and multiplicative interaction? (AMMI) capturou, como padrão da interação GxE, 57% da variação associada aos resíduos de não aditividade, dos quais 44% foram retidos no primeiro componente principal de interação e o restante, no segundo. O primeiro componente associou-se a diferenças entre os anos de avaliação, o que denota imprevisibilidade na predição. O segundo componente, no entanto, associou-se ao manejo diferenciado do cultivo, no que se refere ao controle ou não das doenças. Entre os genótipos de ampla adaptabilidade produtiva, as linhagens USP 02‑16.045 e USP 10‑10 apresentaram desempenho destacado

    Xenon Acquisition Strategies for High-Power Electric Propulsion NASA Missions

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    Solar electric propulsion (SEP) has been used for station-keeping of geostationary communications satellites since the 1980s. Solar electric propulsion has also benefitted from success on NASA Science Missions such as Deep Space One and Dawn. The xenon propellant loads for these applications have been in the 100s of kilograms range. Recent studies performed for NASA's Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate (HEOMD) have demonstrated that SEP is critically enabling for both near-term and future exploration architectures. The high payoff for both human and science exploration missions and technology investment from NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) are providing the necessary convergence and impetus for a 30-kilowatt-class SEP mission. Multiple 30-50- kilowatt Solar Electric Propulsion Technology Demonstration Mission (SEP TDM) concepts have been developed based on the maturing electric propulsion and solar array technologies by STMD with recent efforts focusing on an Asteroid Redirect Robotic Mission (ARRM). Xenon is the optimal propellant for the existing state-of-the-art electric propulsion systems considering efficiency, storability, and contamination potential. NASA mission concepts developed and those proposed by contracted efforts for the 30-kilowatt-class demonstration have a range of xenon propellant loads from 100s of kilograms up to 10,000 kilograms. This paper examines the status of the xenon industry worldwide, including historical xenon supply and pricing. The paper will provide updated information on the xenon market relative to previous papers that discussed xenon production relative to NASA mission needs. The paper will discuss the various approaches for acquiring on the order of 10 metric tons of xenon propellant to support potential near-term NASA missions. Finally, the paper will discuss acquisitions strategies for larger NASA missions requiring 100s of metric tons of xenon will be discussed

    Nanotoksikologija za varno in trajnostno nanotehnologijo

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    Nanotechnology is the term given to those areas of science and engineering where the phenomena take place at nanoscale dimensions. Nanoparticles are particles with <100 nm in one dimension. They have different physical, chemical, electrical and optical properties than those that occur in bulk samples of the same material. Understanding these nanoscale properties and finding ways to engineer new nanomaterials will have a revolutionary impact, from more efficient energy generation and data storage to improved methods for diagnosing and treating diseases. Nanotechnology is poised to become a major factor in the world’s economy and part of our everyday lives in the near future. Hundreds of tonnes of nanoparticles already enter the environment annually, but still very little is known of their interactions with biological systems. Recent studies indicate that some nanoparticles are not completely benign to biological and environmental targets. The challenge for toxicologists is to identify key factors that can be used to predict toxicity, permit targeted screening, and allow material scientists to generate new, safer nanoparticles with this structure-toxicity information in mind. The aim of this paper is to summarize some known facts about nanomaterials and discuss future perspectives, regulatory issues and tasks of the emerging branch of toxicology, that is, nanotoxicology.Nanomateriali izboljćujejo kvaliteto naćega življenja, zato bo njihova uporaba na različnih področjih življenja dramatično narasla. Po nekaterih ocenah bo imela nanotehnologija večji vpliv na družbno kot ga je imela industrijska revolucija. Kot posledica razmaha nanotehnologije se bo povečala poklicna in javna izpostavljenost nanodelcem ter izpostavljenost okolja. Nanodelci, ki nas najbolj zanimajo, so strukture, ki imajo v eni dimenziji manj kot 100 nm, in jih je izdelal človek. Njihove lastnosti se zaradi njihove majhnosti bistveno razlikujejo od lastnosti, ki jih imajo večji delci enake kemijske sestave. Šele v zadnjem času so se začela pojavljati vpraćanja in vzpodbujati raziskave o potencialni nevarnosti nanodelcev. Trenutni rezultati toksikoloćkih ćtudij potrjujejo kvarne učinke nanodelcev in navajajo, da nanodelci najverjetneje delujejo na organizem preko oksidativnega stresa. Študije nakazujejo ćtevilne posebnosti nanodelcev pri interakcijah s celicami, tkivi in organizmi. Najverjetneje je ta trenutek pomembno pridobiti čim več ustreznega znanja za oblikovanje regulative na področju varne proizvodnje in uporabe nanodelcev. Namen prispevka je povzeti že znana dejstva o nanodelcih in predstaviti naloge nove smeri v toksikologiji, nanotoksikologije. V prispevku je povzeta najnovejća regulativa na področju ugotavljanja in zagotavljanja varnosti proizvodov nanotehnologij, navedene so nekatere koristne baze podatkov, razprave ter nacionalne in mednarodne smernice na področju nanotehnologije

    DNA copy number loss and allelic imbalance at 2p16 in lung cancer associated with asbestos exposure

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    Five to seven percent of lung tumours are estimated to occur because of occupational asbestos exposure. Using cDNA microarrays, we have earlier detected asbestos exposure-related genomic regions in lung cancer. The region at 2p was one of those that differed most between asbestos-exposed and non-exposed patients. Now, we evaluated genomic alterations at 2p22.1-p16.1 as a possible marker for asbestos exposure. Lung tumours from 205 patients with pulmonary asbestos fibre counts from 0 to 570 million fibres per gram of dry lung, were studied by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) for DNA copy number alterations (CNA). The prevalence of loss at 2p16, shown by three different FISH probes, was significantly increased in lung tumours of asbestos-exposed patients compared with non-exposed (P=0.05). In addition, a low copy number loss at 2p16 associated significantly with high-level asbestos exposure (P=0.02). Furthermore, 27 of the tumours were studied for allelic imbalances (AI) at 2p22.1–p16.1 using 14 microsatellite markers and also AI at 2p16 was related to asbestos exposure (P=0.003). Our results suggest that alterations at 2p16 combined with other markers could be useful in diagnosing asbestos-related lung cancer

    Toxicity and cellular uptake of gold nanoparticles: what we have learned so far?

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    Gold nanoparticles have attracted enormous scientific and technological interest due to their ease of synthesis, chemical stability, and unique optical properties. Proof-of-concept studies demonstrate their biomedical applications in chemical sensing, biological imaging, drug delivery, and cancer treatment. Knowledge about their potential toxicity and health impact is essential before these nanomaterials can be used in real clinical settings. Furthermore, the underlying interactions of these nanomaterials with physiological fluids is a key feature of understanding their biological impact, and these interactions can perhaps be exploited to mitigate unwanted toxic effects. In this Perspective we discuss recent results that address the toxicity of gold nanoparticles both in vitro and in vivo, and we provide some experimental recommendations for future research at the interface of nanotechnology and biological systems

    Role of Mutagenicity in Asbestos Fiber-Induced Carcinogenicity and Other Diseases

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    The cellular and molecular mechanisms of how asbestos fibers induce cancers and other diseases are not well understood. Both serpentine and amphibole asbestos fibers have been shown to induce oxidative stress, inflammatory responses, cellular toxicity and tissue injuries, genetic changes, and epigenetic alterations in target cells in vitro and tissues in vivo. Most of these mechanisms are believe to be shared by both fiber-induced cancers and noncancerous diseases. This article summarizes the findings from existing literature with a focus on genetic changes, specifically, mutagenicity of asbestos fibers. Thus far, experimental evidence suggesting the involvement of mutagenesis in asbestos carcinogenicity is more convincing than asbestos-induced fibrotic diseases. The potential contributions of mutagenicity to asbestos-induced diseases, with an emphasis on carcinogenicity, are reviewed from five aspects: (1) whether there is a mutagenic mode of action (MOA) in fiber-induced carcinogenesis; (2) mutagenicity/carcinogenicity at low dose; (3) biological activities that contribute to mutagenicity and impact of target tissue/cell type; (4) health endpoints with or without mutagenicity as a key event; and finally, (5) determinant factors of toxicity in mutagenicity. At the end of this review, a consensus statement of what is known, what is believed to be factual but requires confirmation, and existing data gaps, as well as future research needs and directions, is provided