541 research outputs found

    Distal subgaleal-peritoneal shunt migration into the abdominal wall with subsequent formation of a pre-peritoneal pseudocyst: a rare complication.

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    Distal ventriculo-peritoneal shunt migration and extra-peritoneal CSF pseudocyst formation are unusual complications of shunt placement. We present a 65-year-old-female who received a subgaleal-peritoneal shunt to decompress a post-surgical subgaleal fluid collection. Eight weeks later, shunt series showed tight coiling of the distal catheter, and operative exploration found the distal shunt tip to have migrated superficial to the rectus sheath, where it had become encapsulated in a pre-peritoneal CSF pseudocyst. Migration of the distal catheter into the abdominal wall was likely due to local inflammation of the inner surface of the abdomen, with pressure from intestinal peristaltic movements and intra-abdominal pressure, and continued inflammation at the distal catheter tip may have caused formation of a pre-peritoneal CSF pseudocystic dilatation. To date, this is the first reported case of distal shunt migration into the abdominal wall with subsequent formation of an extra-peritoneal pseudocyst and represents a rare event in the surgical management of peritoneal shunts

    Postoperative Cholecystitis From Nathanson Liver Retractor During Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy

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    Proper visualization of the surgical field during any procedure is one of the most imperative elements of surgery. The tools used to obtain this goal come with their own set of risks. This report describes a patient who developed postoperative acalculous cholecystitis (PAC) after use of a Nathan liver retractor. PAC is a rare complication of urologic surgery and is often more severe than acalculous cholecystitis (AC), leading to significant morbidity

    Market Information System for Horticultural Crops:Web Application Development for Interactive Graphs

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    Marketing information service has been recognized as key for success in marketing of perishable commodities. Effort has been made to improve access to market information to all stakeholders involved in marketing of horticultural crops. Current study is an attempt in this direction to review various modes of such information support and also to highlight the effort made by premier institution like Indian Institute of Horticultural Research. Web application has been developed for Market information to display the data as Interactive graphs. Data for the study includes the month-wise arrival and price information of different horticultural commodities from different markets for a period of ten years. This is collected from primary sources such as District -wise, Marketwise and secondary sources such as NHB, NHRDF etc., the data were tabulated and uploaded to Microsoft SQL server database through customized CMS module. Further, the price arrival data has been translated to the Interactive Charts by programs developed using Microsoft Visual studio. NET technologies, which is a relatively new addition to IIHR website. Interactive Charts are used for drilling down for more information on price and arrivals. It consists of several interactive components like zoom, compare etc. Zoom component of the chart enables the user to zoom the graph to read the price trend prevailed in market in detail, which cannot be possible on Basic Chart. The Compare option allows user to compare price data with several other markets. The farmers and traders will get the advantage of taking precise decisions regarding choice of time and place for sale of their produce using this information system. Further, lean, peak stabilization periods prevailing in various markets enable farmers to schedule the cultivation plans

    Preparation of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Tips Using Pulsed Alternating Current Etching

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    An electrochemical method using pulsed alternating current etching (PACE) to produce atomically sharp scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) tips is presented. An Arduino Uno microcontroller was used to control the number and duration of the alternating current (AC) pulses, allowing for ready optimization of the procedures for both Pt:lr and W tips using a single apparatus. W tips prepared using constant and pulsed AC power were compared. Tips fashioned using PACE were sharper than those etched with continuous AC power alone. Pt:lr tips were prepared with an initial coarse etching stage using continuous AC power followed by fine etching using PACE. The number and potential of the finishing AC pulses was varied and scanning electron microscope imaging was used to compare the results. Finally, tip quality using the optimized procedures was verified by UHY-STM imaging. With PACE, at least 70% of the W tips and 80% of the Pt:lr tips were of sufficiently high quality to obtain atomically resolved images of HOPG or Ni(l 11 )

    AXL modulates extracellular matrix protein expression and is essential for invasion and metastasis in endometrial cancer

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    The receptor tyrosine kinase AXL promotes migration, invasion, and metastasis. Here, we evaluated the role of AXL in endometrial cancer. High immunohistochemical expression of AXL was found in 76% (63/83) of advanced-stage, and 77% (82/107) of high-grade specimens and correlated with worse survival in uterine serous cancer patients. In vitro, genetic silencing of AXL inhibited migration and invasion but had no effect on proliferation of ARK1 endometrial cancer cells. AXL-deficient cells showed significantly decreased expression of phospho-AKT as well as uPA, MMP-1, MMP-2, MMP-3, and MMP-9. In a xenograft model of human uterine serous carcinoma with AXL-deficient ARK1 cells, there was significantly less tumor burden than xenografts with control ARK1 cells. Together, these findings underscore the therapeutic potentials of AXL as a candidate target for treatment of metastatic endometrial cancer

    Reciprocal regulation of PKA and rac signaling

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    Activated G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and receptor tyrosine kinases relay extracellular signals through spatial and temporal controlled kinase and GTPase entities. These enzymes are coordinated by multifunctional scaffolding proteins for precise intracellular signal processing. The cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) is the prime example for compartmentalized signal transmission downstream of distinct GPCRs. A-kinase anchoring proteins tether PKA to specific intracellular sites to ensure precision and directionality of PKA phosphorylation events. Here, we show that the Rho-GTPase Rac contains A-kinase anchoring protein properties and forms a dynamic cellular protein complex with PKA. The formation of this transient core complex depends on binary interactions with PKA subunits, cAMP levels and cellular GTP-loading accounting for bidirectional consequences on PKA and Rac downstream signaling. We show that GTP-Rac stabilizes the inactive PKA holoenzyme. However, β-adrenergic receptor-mediated activation of GTP-Rac–bound PKA routes signals to the Raf-Mek-Erk cascade, which is critically implicated in cell proliferation. We describe a further mechanism of how cAMP enhances nuclear Erk1/2 signaling: It emanates from transphosphorylation of p21-activated kinases in their evolutionary conserved kinase-activation loop through GTP-Rac compartmentalized PKA activities. Sole transphosphorylation of p21-activated kinases is not sufficient to activate Erk1/2. It requires complex formation of both kinases with GTP-Rac1 to unleash cAMP-PKA–boosted activation of Raf-Mek-Erk. Consequently GTP-Rac functions as a dual kinase-tuning scaffold that favors the PKA holoenzyme and contributes to potentiate Erk1/2 signaling. Our findings offer additional mechanistic insights how β-adrenergic receptor-controlled PKA activities enhance GTP-Rac–mediated activation of nuclear Erk1/2 signaling
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