212 research outputs found


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    In order to suppres the multi-path interference (MPI) in the DS CDMA system, a new RAKE receiver based on parallel interference elimination is first proposed in this paper data symbol tentative decision is obtained by linear decision; the multi-path interference are evaluated by tentative decision and known user information. Then the performance over Rayleigh fading channel are analyzed and compared to conventional parallel interference cancellation (PIC) and RAKE receiver. It is shown that RAKE receiver performance can be improved greatly by using this method with simple structure and easy implementation

    A Thorough Insight to Techniques for Performance Evaluation in Biological Sensors

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    The biological sensor has played a significant and contributory role in the area of medical science and healthcare industry. Owing to critical healthcare usage, it is essential that such type of sensors should be highly robust, sustainable under the adverse condition and highly fault tolerant against any forms of possible system failure in future. A massive amount of research work has been done in the area of the sensor network. However, works done in biological sensors are quite less in number. Hence, this manuscript highlights all the significant research work towards the line of discussion for evaluating the effective in the techniques for performance evaluation of biological sensor. The study finally explores the problems and discusses it under research gap. Finally, the manuscript gives highlights of the future direction of the work to solve the research gap explored from the proposed review of the existing system

    Numerical Solution of the Momentum and Heat Transfer Equations for a Hydromagnetic Flow Due to a Stretching Sheet of a non-uniform Property Micropolar Liquid

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    A study of the hydromagnetic flow due to a stretching sheet and heat transfer in an incompressible micropolar liquid is made. Temperature-dependent thermal conductivity and a non-uniform heat source/sink render the problem analytically intractable and hence a numerical study is made using the shooting method based on Runge-Kutta and Newton-Raphson methods. The two problems of horizontal and vertical stretching are considered to implement the numerical method. The former problem involves one-way coupling between linear momentum and heat transport equations and the latter involves two-way coupling. Further, both the problems involve two-way coupling between the non-linear equations of conservation of linear and angular momentums. A similarity transformation arrived at for the problem using the Lie group method facilitates the reduction of coupled, non-linear partial differential equations into coupled, non-linear ordinary differential equations. The algorithm for solving the resulting coupled, two-point, non-linear boundary value problem is presented in great detail in the paper. Extensive computation on velocity and temperature profiles is presented for a wide range of values of the parameters, for prescribed surface temperature (PST) and prescribed heat flux (PHF) boundary conditions

    Multiple myeloma with primary manifestation in the mandible: a case report

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    Plasma cell neoplasms (multiple myeloma, solitary plasmocytoma of bone and extra medullar plasmocytoma) are characterized by a monoclonal neoplastic proliferation of plasma cells. Multiple myeloma is a monoclonal malignant proliferation of plasma cells that causes osteolytic lesions in the vertebrae, ribs, pelvic bone, skull and jaw. We report a case of a 69-year-old male patient who presented with a tumefaction in the body of mandible, which had evolved over the previous two months. In the radiographic examination, an extensive osteolytic lesion was observed in the body of mandible. An incisional biopsy was performed and histopathological study revealed a malignant hematopoietic neoplasm formed by plasmacytoid cells. Knowledge about the maxillofacial manifestations of multiple myeloma is important for the early diagnosis of the disease, since its primary form can manifest itself in the jaw

    Deriving a Provisional Tolerable Intake for Intravenous Exposure to Silver Nanoparticles Released from Medical Devices

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    Silver nanoparticles (AgNP) are incorporated into medical devices for their anti-microbial characteristics. The potential exposure and toxicity of AgNPs is unknown due to varying physicochemical particle properties and lack of toxicological data. The aim of this safety assessment is to derive a provisional tolerable intake (pTI) value for AgNPs released from blood-contacting medical devices. A literature review of in vivo studies investigating critical health effects induced from intravenous (i. v.) exposure to AgNPs was evaluated by the Annapolis Accords principles and Toxicological Data Reliability Assessment Tool (ToxRTool). The point of departure (POD) was based on an i. v. 28-day repeated AgNP (20 nm) dose toxicity study reporting an increase in relative spleen weight in rats with a 5% lower confidence bound of the benchmark dose (BMDL05) of 0.14 mg/kg bw/day. The POD was extrapolated to humans by a modifying factor of 1,000 to account for intraspecies variability, interspecies differences and lack of long-term toxicity data. The pTI for long-term i. v. exposure to 20 nm AgNPs released from blood-contacting medical devices was 0.14 μg/kg bw/day. This pTI may not be appropriate for nanoparticles of other physicochemical properties or routes of administration. The methodology is appropriate for deriving pTIs for nanoparticles in general

    Estimation of salivary cortisol level in post-menopausal women with psychosomatic disorders

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    Background: Stress is an undesirable or health threatening response of the body, which is brought on by deleterious external influences (stressors). Objective measurement of psychosocial stress helps in assessment of pivotal role of stress in precipitation of multitude of health problems and a solution to the same. Salivary biomarkers are suggested to provide a reliable and non-invasive method for the estimation of these general health problems. Salivary cortisol is such biomarker used as tool in the examination of human physiological stress response. Post-menopausal women show an increase in stress levels and hence suffer with multiple health related problems. Hence the present study aimed to estimate salivary cortisol levels in post-menopausal women with clinically diagnosed psychosomatic disorder/disorders of the head and neck region, so as to establish salivary cortisol as a biochemical indicator of stress.Methods: Thorough intra-oral and extra-oral examination was performed to check for the presence of psychosomatic disorder of head and neck. Unstimulated saliva was collected from 100 post-menopausal women with and 100 without clinically diagnosed psychosomatic disorder/disorders through ‘Spit Technique’. Salivary cortisol was estimated using ELISA method.Results: The results were statistically significant as they showed that the salivary cortisol was in higher levels in post- menopausal women with clinically diagnosed psychosomatic disorder/disorders.Conclusion: The geriatric patients feel that they have very little skills or resources to deal with the high levels of stress that they are experiencing and hence suffer from lack of self-worth. The results of this study recommend that stress evaluation should be done on a regular basis for all post- menopausal women. For individuals who do not reveal their psychological distress, salivary analysis of cortisol may be used as an aid to diagnose their situation in conjunction with clinical diagnosis.Keywords: Post-menopausal women, psychosomatic disorder, head and neck, salivary cortisol, biomarker

    Robust Visible Light Photoswitching with Ortho-Thiol Substituted Azobenzenes

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    Introduction of S-ethyl groups in all four ortho positions of azobenzene prevents reduction of the azo group by intracellular glutathione, while enhancing the absorptivity to ∼10000 M−1 cm−1 in the blue and green regions of the visible spectrum. cis-to-trans isomerization occurs thermally on the minutes timescale. Further, this substitution pattern permits switching with red light, a color that is more penetrating through biological tissues than other parts of the visible spectrum

    Membrane-Based Sorbent for Heavy Metal Sequestration

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    A process is provided for making membrane-based sorbents with enhanced binding activity that are particularly useful for heavy metal sequestration. The process includes the step of selectively hydrolyzing a polyacetylated membrane in order to deacetylate a surface layer of said membrane and expose free hydroxyl groups. This is followed by the oxidizing of the hydroxyl groups to aldehyde groups. This is then followed by the attaching of a polycarboxylic acid such as a polyamino acid, polyalkenoic acid or polypeptide to the membrane through the aldehyde groups. Preferably, the hydrolyzing step is completed under alkaline conditions and the oxidizing step is completed using an aqueous solution of sodium periodate

    Preparing and Regenerating a Composite Polymer and Silica-Based Membrane

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    A method for preparing and regenerating a chemically activated or polyamino acid functionalized membrane includes the steps of permeating the silica-based membrane with a solution of silane and a solvent so as to react methoxy groups of the silane with silanol groups of the membrane to incorporate epoxide groups and attaching a polyamino acid to the membrane by reacting a terminal amine group of the polyamino acid with one of the epoxide groups on the membrane. The membrane is regenerated after metal entrapment by utilizing helix-coil properties of polyamino acids

    Silica-Based Membrane Sorbent for Heavy Metal Sequestration

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    An apparatus providing for metal ion/nitrate entrapment comprises a chemically activated, microfiltration, composite polymer and silica-based membrane including a polyamino acid attached thereto through reaction of a terminal amine group of the polyamino acid with the membrane. A method for preparing such a chemically activated or polyamino acid functionalized membrane includes the steps of permeating the silica-based membrane with a solution of silane and a solvent so as to react methoxy groups of the silane with silanol groups of the membrane to incorporate epoxide groups and attaching a polyamino acid to the membrane by reacting a terminal amine group of the polyamino acid with one of the epoxide groups on the membrane
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