2,248 research outputs found

    Rereading Harry Braverman's Labor and Monopoly Capital After Twenty years

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    Technology, Control, and the Social Organization of Work at a British Hardware Firm, 1791-1891

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    This is the published version. Copyright 1987 University of Chicago Press.This paper examines the social relations of production at a British metal-trades firm throughout the 19th century. The case study reveals the existence of two distinct political apparatuses, or regimes, identified in provious literature, that govern production relations. The first regime, between 1791 and 1867, is described as patriarchal because production is organized around adult, male, internal subcontactors and their families. In the second period, roughly 1868-91, the regime is characterized as paternalistic since it attempts to align the interests of capital and worker through family, work, and community life. The analysis uncovers social and economic forces that undermined the system of internal subcontracting and patriarchy and fostered paternalism. Emerging paternalism shaped the struggles over the introduction of new technologies that formed the basis for the real subordination of labor to capital

    In the Interest of the State: Production Politics in the Nineteenth Century Prison

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    This is the published version. Copyright 1990 University of California Press.During the nineteenth century, the jails, penitentiaries, and reformatories of America were "industrialized" under both public and private production regimes. Society-centered revisionist writing in both sociology and history has failed to explain adequately the appearance, consequence, and ultimate dismantling of these regimes. In this paper I offer an alternative, state-centered analysis which locates the political state within its interdependent relationship with the economic and normative spheres of society. My view underscores the role of state managers and agents as historical subjects whose actions have consequences for the structuring of the state apparatus

    Maine as a Winter Resort

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    Closing paragraph: Our sun is as bright as theirs; our skies as blue, our snow as clean and pure, our hills as steep, our air as rich in ozone and in life. Yes, our winter in Maine is as wondrous in beauty as that of the Alps or of Norway. We have the winter; we have always had it; we always will have it. The day will never come to Maine when, from Christmas almost to Easter, there will not be the crisp frosty dawns, so familiar to all of us, when the sled runners cry aloud as they pass down the road. There is nothing else in all the world so beautiful as a mid-winter day in Maine, with its dawn full of protest, its noon blazing in the sunlight, its sunset golden on the gleaming western hills, and its nights, with the snows glistening to the moon, and the pathway of the old country road stretching from your feet away into glory. This is the land of all the best of the white gods of winter. It is for us to appreciate it; to foster it; to spread about the truth concerning its health-giving properties; to convert its ancient liability and loss not only into a present asset but an increasing gain; to help it build up and invigorate new races of men and women, who shall stir and energize mankind. We must learn to love winter, talk of its beauties when we are at home or abroad, to describe truthfully its poetry and its loveliness. Then, with big and beautiful hotels, with civic sports and other increasing devotion to outdoor life, we shall see winter do its proper share towards enriching us commercially, as well as physically and spiritually .https://digicom.bpl.lib.me.us/books_pubs/1102/thumbnail.jp

    The Culture of Surveillance Revisited: Total Information Awareness and the New Privacy Landscape

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    Three things: 1) I expect, as we have already seen in fact, a shift in the scope and quality of social monitoring we can likely expect in the post 9/11 period. I would suggest that the attacks of September 11 have provided an extraordinary opportunity for the state to extend its "governability (Foucault 1991) of the popula tion through a new set of surveillance and control mechanisms; 2) I would argue that the only way that the state is going to implement this kind of large scale, integrated, digitized system of surveillance of the populace is through the cooperation of both corporate capital and, by extension, the populace itself; and 3) I would like to call attention to how a new digital surveillance system will work to constitute our virtual identities as both consumers and citizens

    Toward a Structural Perspective on Gender Bias in the Juvenile Court

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    This is the published version. Copyright 1984 University of California Press.A number of hypotheses about the effect of gender on the likelihood of incarceration in the juvenile court are tested. A purposive sample of 3911 delinquent (nonstatus) offending youths from 19 juristictions throughout the United States is analyzed employing the log-linear technique to control for the legal variables of severity of offense and prior record. The results indicate that females were less likely to be incarcerated than were males throughout the jurisdictions sampled. These and other findings lend support for a structural theory of gender bias in the juvenile court

    Kravchuk Polynomials and Induced/Reduced Operators on Clifford Algebras

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    Kravchuk polynomials arise as orthogonal polynomials with respect to the binomial distribution and have numerous applications in harmonic analysis, statistics, coding theory, and quantum probability. The relationship between Kravchuk polynomials and Clifford algebras is multifaceted. In this paper, Kravchuk polynomials are discovered as traces of conjugation operators in Clifford algebras, and appear in Clifford Berezin integrals of Clifford polynomials. Regarding Kravchuk matrices as linear operators on a vector space V, the action induced on the Clifford algebra over V is equivalent to blade conjugation, i.e., reflections across sets of orthogonal hyperplanes. Such operators also have a natural interpretation in terms of raising and lowering operators on the algebra. On the other hand, beginning with particular linear operators on the Clifford algebra ClQ(V), one obtains Kravchuk matrices as operators on the paravector space V* through a process of operator grade-reduction. Symmetric Kravchuk matrices are recovered as representations of grade-reductions of maps induced by negative-definite quadratic forms on V

    On Representations of Semigroups Having Hypercube-like Cayley Graphs

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    The $n-dimensional hypercube, or n-cube, is the Cayley graph of the Abelian group Z2n. A number of combinatorially-interesting groups and semigroups arise from modified hypercubes. The inherent combinatorial properties of these groups and semigroups make them useful in a number of contexts, including coding theory, graph theory, stochastic processes, and even quantum mechanics. In this paper, particular groups and semigroups whose Cayley graphs are generalizations of hypercubes are described, and their irreducible representations are characterized. Constructions of faithful representations are also presented for each semigroup. The associated semigroup algebras are realized within the context of Clifford algebras

    Clifford Algebra Decompositions of Conformal Orthogonal Group Elements

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    Beginning with a finite-dimensional vector space V equipped with a nondegenerate quadratic form Q, we consider the decompositions of elements of the conformal orthogonal group COQ(V), defined as the direct product of the orthogonal group OQ(V) with dilations. Utilizing the correspondence between conformal orthogonal group elements and ``decomposable\u27\u27 elements of the associated Clifford algebra, ClQ(V), a decomposition algorithm is developed. Preliminary results on complexity reductions that can be realized passing from additive to multiplicative representations of invertible elements are also presented with examples. The approach here is based on group actions in the conformal orthogonal group. Algorithms are implemented in Mathematica using the CliffMath package
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