845 research outputs found

    Analisis Efektivitas dan Kontribusi Penerimaan Pajak Sarang Burung Walet terhadap Penerimaan Pajak Daerah di Kabupaten Minahasa

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    Pajak daerah merupakan iuran wajib yang dilakukan oleh daerah kepada orang pribadi atau badan tanpa imbalan langsung yang seimbang, yang digunakan untuk membiayai penyelenggaran pemerintah daerah dan pembangunan. Pajak sarang burung walet adalah pajak atas kegiatan pengambilan dan atau pengusahaan sarang burung walet. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat efektivitas dan kontribusi pajak SBW terhadap penerimaan Pajak Daerah Kabupaten Minahasa. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif, yaitu menganalisis data target dan realisasi penerimaan pajak SBW tahun 2013 dan 2014 dengan menggunakan rasio efektivitas dan kontribusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tingkat efektivitas Pajak SBW tahun 2013 belum mencapai targetdan pada tahun 2014 sudah mencapai target yang termasuk dalam kriteria penilaian efektif. Dari hasil kontribusi pajak sarang burung walet menunjukan kriteria kontribusi yang cukup baik terhadap penerimaan Pajak Daerah tahun 2013 dan 2014. Tahun 2013 presentase kontribusinya sebesar enam belas persen dan tahun 2014 naik menjadi dua puluh persen.Pimpinan BPKBMD sebaiknya selalu berkomitmen pada target yang akan dicapai di setiap tahunnya, serta berupaya untuk meningkatkan kontribusi pajak Sarang Burung Walet bagi pendapatan daerah

    Exact Effective action for (1+1)-dimensional fermions in an Abelian background at finite temperature and chemical potential

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    In this paper we study the effects of a nonzero chemical potential in the effective action for massless fermions in (1+1) dimensions in an abelian gauge field background at finite temperature. We calculate the n-point function and show that the structure of the amplitudes corresponds to a generalization of the structure noted earlier in a calculation without a chemical potential (the associated integrals carry the dependence on the chemical potential). Our calculation shows that the chiral anomaly is unaffected by the presence of a chemical potential at finite temperature. However, unlike the earlier calculation (in the absence of a chemical potential) odd point functions do not vanish. We trace this to the fact that in the presence of a chemical potential the generalized charge conjugation symmetry of the theory allows for such amplitudes. In fact, we find that all the even point functions are even functions of the chemical potential while the odd point functions are odd functions of it which is consistent with this generalized charge conjugation symmetry. We show that the origin of the structure of the amplitudes is best seen from a formulation of the theory in terms of left and right handed spinors. The calculations are also much simpler in this formulation and it clarifies many other aspects of the theory

    Di antara mereka yang Menatap

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    ‘Takut' adalah salah satu bentuk emosi dasar yang dimiliki oleh setiap manusia. Ketika suatu ketakutan sudah melebihi batas normal maka bentuk ketakutan tersebut dapat dikatakan sebagai fobia. Fobia seseorang biasanya disebabkan oleh suatu kejadian di masa lalu yang berdampak besar pada hidupnya, sehingga menimbulkan sebuah trauma yang terus terbawa hingga dewasa. Salah satu fobia yang paling umum terjadi di masyarakat adalah Fobia Sosial, atau ‘Social Anxiety Disorder'. Pada karya tugas akhir ini, penulis menyampaikan perasaan mengenai pengalaman sebagai seseorang yang pernah mempunyai fobia sosial. Perasaan tersebut divisualisasikan dalam sebuah ruangan yang diisi dengan objek mata di sekeliling dindingnya. Ruangan yang dibuat gelap, mata yang dibuat dengan teknik cukil kayu yang bersifat keras dan di dominasi warna hitam dan merah juga mendukung munculnya suasana mencekam sehingga apresiator dapat merasakan ketakutan seperti yang penulis rasakan. Perasaan ini ingin penulis sampaikan dengan tujuan untuk berbagi kepada orang banyak, dan meningkatkan kesadaran orang lain akan adanya fobia ini. Karena penulis meyakini bahwa tidak hanya dirinya sendiri yang merasakan hal ini, tetapi banyak juga orang lain di luar sana yang merasakan hal yang sama

    Cell-to-Cell Adhesion and Neurogenesis in Human Cortical Development: A Study Comparing 2D Monolayers with 3D Organoid Cultures

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    SUMMARY Organoids (ORGs) are increasingly used as models of cerebral cortical development. Here, we compared transcriptome and cellular phenotypes between telencephalic ORGs and monolayers (MONs) generated in parallel from three biologically distinct induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines. Multiple readouts revealed increased proliferation in MONs, which was caused by increased integrin signaling. MONs also exhibited altered radial glia (RG) polarity and suppression of Notch signaling, as well as impaired generation of intermediate progenitors, outer RG, and cortical neurons, which were all partially reversed by reaggregation of dissociated cells. Network analyses revealed co-clustering of cell adhesion, Notch-related transcripts and their transcriptional regulators in a module strongly downregulated in MONs. The data suggest that ORGs, with respect to MONs, initiate more efficient Notch signaling in ventricular RG owing to preserved cell adhesion, resulting in subsequent generation of intermediate progenitors and outer RG, in a sequence that recapitulates the cortical ontogenetic process

    South African Stress and Health (SASH) study : 12-month and lifetime prevalence of common mental disorders

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    The original publication is available at http://www.samj.org.zaBackground. The South African Stress and Health (SASH) study is the first large-scale population-based study of common mental disorders in the country. This paper provides data on the 12-month and lifetime prevalence of these conditions. Methods. Data from a nationally representative sample of 4 351 adults were analysed. Mental disorders were assessed with the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). An extensive survey questionnaire detailed contextual and socio-demographic factors, onset and course of mental disorders, and risk factors. Simple weighted cross-tabulation methods were used to estimate prevalence, and logistic regression analysis was used to study correlates of 12-month and lifetime prevalence. Results. The lifetime prevalence for any disorder was 30.3%, and the most prevalent 12-month and lifetime disorders were the anxiety disorders. The Western Cape had the highest 12-month and lifetime prevalence rates, and the lowest rates were in the Northern Cape. Conclusions. The SASH study shows relatively high 12-month and lifetime prevalence rates. These findings have significant implications for planning mental health services.Publishers' versio

    Life stress and mental disorders in the South African stress and health study

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    Background. Although stressful life events (SLEs) are associated with psychopathology, the contribution from distal and proximal events and the specificity of their association with common mental disorders require further exploration. We examined the association of recent life events and past adversities to mood, anxiety, substance use and impulse control disorders in South Africa. Methods. Data were analysed from the South African Stress and Health study, a population-based study of mental disorders in a nationally representative sample of 4 351 adults. Psychiatric disorders were assessed with the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). This included questions covering early and later SLEs (negative life events, relationship stress, partner violence, social strain and adverse events during childhood) and various sociodemographic variables. Logistic regression models were constructed for 3 957 respondents (2 371 female, 1 586 male) with no missing covariate data, to assess life stress and sociodemographic predictors of 12-month and lifetime disorder. Results. Recent negative life events and relationship problems were significant predictors of any 12-month disorder and any lifetime disorder. Physical partner violence predicted any lifetime disorder. There was evidence of specificity for the prediction of mood versus anxiety disorders, with childhood adversity specifically associated with mood disorders but not anxiety disorders. Single marital status was the strongest socio-demographic predictor of any 12-month and any lifetime disorder. Conclusions. Stressful life events, distal and proximal, contribute significantly and independently to the prediction of major psychiatric disorders among South Africans, underscoring the importance of screening adversities in adults with common mental disorders, and of providing appropriate adjunctive interventions

    Life stress and mental disorders in the South African stress and health study

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    Background. Although stressful life events (SLEs) are associated with psychopathology, the contribution from distal and proximal events and the specificity of their association with common mental disorders require further exploration. We examined the association of recent life events and past adversities to mood, anxiety, substance use and impulse control disorders in South Africa. Methods. Data were analysed from the South African Stress and Health study, a population-based study of mental disorders in a nationally representative sample of 4 351 adults. Psychiatric disorders were assessed with the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). This included questions covering early and later SLEs (negative life events, relationship stress, partner violence, social strain and adverse events during childhood) and various sociodemographic variables. Logistic regression models were constructed for 3 957 respondents (2 371 female, 1 586 male) with no missing covariate data, to assess life stress and sociodemographic predictors of 12-month and lifetime disorder. Results. Recent negative life events and relationship problems were significant predictors of any 12-month disorder and any lifetime disorder. Physical partner violence predicted any lifetime disorder. There was evidence of specificity for the prediction of mood versus anxiety disorders, with childhood adversity specifically associated with mood disorders but not anxiety disorders. Single marital status was the strongest socio-demographic predictor of any 12-month and any lifetime disorder. Conclusions. Stressful life events, distal and proximal, contribute significantly and independently to the prediction of major psychiatric disorders among South Africans, underscoring the importance of screening adversities in adults with common mental disorders, and of providing appropriate adjunctive interventions

    The South African Stress and Health (SASH) study: 12-month and lifetime prevalence of common mental disorders

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    Background. The South African Stress and Health (SASH) study is the first large-scale population-based study of common mental disorders in the country. This paper provides data on the 12-month and lifetime prevalence of these conditions. Methods. Data from a nationally representative sample of 4 351 adults were analysed. Mental disorders were assessed with the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). An extensive survey questionnaire detailed contextual and socio-demographic factors, onset and course of mental disorders, and risk factors. Simple weighted cross-tabulation methods were used to estimate prevalence, and logistic regression analysis was used to study correlates of 12-month and lifetime prevalence. Results. The lifetime prevalence for any disorder was 30.3%, and the most prevalent 12-month and lifetime disorders were the anxiety disorders. The Western Cape had the highest 12-month and lifetime prevalence rates, and the lowest rates were in the Northern Cape. Conclusions. The SASH study shows relatively high 12-month and lifetime prevalence rates. These findings have significant implications for planning mental health services